
















Global News Around the World





Raising money for Ukraine

A group of 17 children teamed up to swim the width of the English Channel in less than an hour, and

have collected more than £3,300 for people suffering from(遭受)the war in Ukraine. The children,

aged between 6 and 15 years old, swam together at their local pool in Derbyshire, England, and completed

a distance of 21 miles among them.


Yellowstone National Park in the US is marking its 150th anniversary(周年纪念日), and it has

started a new program called the Inheritance Pass. It is accepting $1,500 donations in exchange for an

annual entry pass which is also good for the donor’s children and grandchildren in 150 years. And the money raised through the sale of “Inheritance Passes” will be used to preserve(维护)the park for the

next 150 years.

Max’s second Big Camp-Out

Max Woosey, 12, has spent more than 670 nights camping outside for charity. Through the challenge,

he has braved howling winds and rain to raise £700,000 for a hospice(收容所)near his home in Devon,

UK. Max is marking his second anniversary with a Big Camp-out, inviting young people to join in from

their garden or to put up a tent in their living room to raise money for any charity they choose.

1.All the news above has something to do with __________.

A.travel B.fundraising C.nature D.sports

2.Why did the children complete a 21-mile swim?

A.To find out the width of the English Channel.

B.To escape from Ukraine for a better living.

C.To raise money for those who are suffering from the war.

D.To develop their team spirit.

3.What would be a good heading for the second piece of news?

A.An annual $1,500 donation.

B.150 years of Yellowstone National Park.

C.How and when to get “Inheritance Passes”.

D.Yellowstone offers a special entry pass good for year 2172.

4.The idea behind “Inheritance Passes” is to __________.

A.help safeguard the park for the future

B.leave the donor something as a memorial

C.raise money for children in 150 years

D.draw more people to pay a visit to the park

5.What can we learn about Max Woosey? A.Many young people are joining him for an outing.

B.He often camps in a garden in bad weather.

C.He hopes more people can show love and care to those in need.

D.He started the challenge more than two years ago.




Resting her phone on a stand and making the light more suitable, 49-year-old Lyu

Min started her livestreaming session—her daily job during the COVID-19 outbreak. Dressed in a qipao,

a traditional Chinese dress, Lyu started the livestreaming session from her workshop at 10 in the morning,

sharing the art of making Chinese knots with many handicraft (手工艺) lovers. She is using a length of

colored string and determination to keep this traditional art of Chinese knots alive and help more people

understand the culture.

Online traditional Yue opera show

Recently, Chen Yu, an actress of Yue Opera in Ningbo, Zhejiang province has caught people’s

attention through livestreaming. She wears costumes and sings beautiful songs from Yue Opera. Apart

from singing, Chen also introduces knowledge about Yue Opera when interaction (互动) with her fans.

“A number of people at home and abroad visit me online, so as an actress, it’s necessary for me to tell

newcomers about this traditional culture.”

National parks with Yangtze River Culture China plans to construct national parks with Yangtze River culture as their theme, as part of efforts

to protect the waterway’s cultural heritage. According to a circular (通告) on the parks’ construction (建造) said by the central leading group on developing national culture parks, the parks will be located in the

13 provincial-level areas in the Yangtze River basin.

6.In which section of the newspaper can we read the news?


7.The best heading for the first news would be __________.

A.Having Chinese knots classes online during the outbreak

B.Introducing an intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产)

C.Livestreaming the art of making Chinese knots

D.Attracting more handicraft lovers to make Chinese knots

8.The underlined word “livestreaming” in the first news is close to __________.

A.equipment (设备) for recording videos

C.equipment for making handicrafts

9.It’s clear that Chen Yu __________.

A.wants to enjoy herself by wearing costumes and singing Yue Opera

B.wants to attract more people’s attention through livestreaming

C.is aimed at spreading the culture of Yue Opera

D.is the best actress who sings Yue Opera in Ningbo, Zhejiang province

10.The third news wants to tell the readers __________.

A.there are 13 provinces in the Yangtze River basin

B.the sights along the Yangtze River basin are very beautiful

C.there are 13 national culture parks in the Yangtze River basin

D.China plans to build national parks to protect the waterway’s cultural heritage.



B.sending out while happening

D.sending out after recording Learning how to save lives with CPR

If you see someone collapse (失去意识), perhaps as a result of a

heart attack, what can you do while you wait for an ambulance (救护车)? Chen Wenqiaochu set a good

example when he was 14. He performed CPR on a cleaner at his school, saving the man’s life. On Aug

24, a joint guideline (联合通知) was issued by the Ministry of Education and Red Cross Society of

China(红十字会). It asks all public schools nationwide to provide first-aid courses, including CPR

training, as a part of health education.


The Ministry of Education has banned convenience stores (便利店) in all kindergartens, primary,

middle and high schools across the country. The regulation (规章制度) has taken effect since April 1.

Many students were sad about the ban. However, many parents expressed support for the regulation. The

Beijing News reported. The regulation also requires schools to monitor students who may be overweight,

and intervene (干预) to make sure they follow a healthy diet.

No mobile phones in campus

In a notice published by the Ministry of Education on Monday, primary and secondary school

students are asked not to bring their cell phones onto the campus, except when it is approved by their

parents along with a written application form. Another major point is that teachers are not allowed to assign homework on mobile phones or ask students to complete homework on mobile phones.

11.All the news above has something to do with ________.

A.food B.schools C.first aid D.phones

12.What would be a good heading for the second news?

A.Follow a healthy diet.

B.Snack stores are bad for students.

C.Snack stores close in view of health.

D.Health regulation has taken effect.

13.From the news above, we can know that ________.

A.Nobody can bring the mobile phone onto the campus

B.The regulation about snack stores were carried out to ensure students’ health

C.All public schools have already provided first-aid courses

D.Chen Wengiaochu and the cleaner saved a man’s life by performing CPR

14.If you want to bring a cell phone to school, you need to ________.

A.ask the teacher for permission

B.refuse to follow the rules about mobile phones

C.hand in an application form approved by your parents

D.fight against the regulation

15.What’s the purpose of the Ministry of Education according to the news above?

A.To improve students’ learning ability.

B.To help students develop good learning habits.

C.To make sure students have a healthy learning environment.

D.To prevent students from using electronic products.



More Heavy Load China’s Long March 8 launched (发射) 22 satellites (卫星) into orbit (轨道). It set a record for the most satellites ever launched by a Chinese rocket. Before it, the Chinese record

for the most satellites launched by one rocket was the first flight of the Long March 6. The world record

is held by SpaceX’s Falcon 9, which carried 143 satellites.

The Second Space Class

Astronauts in the China Space Station (CSS) hosted their second space class for youngsters on Earth.

The educational class is a part of China’s effort to take full advantage of the CSS with an aim to encourage

young minds to study science. This is the third such event the country has hosted from space and the

second one from the CSS.


On April 9, the International Space Station (ISS) welcomed its first all-private team of astronauts.

The four space travelers are on a 10-day trip to the station. Each of the passenger paid $55 million for the

rocket ride, and they did hundreds of hours of training. On the trip, the team plans to carry out 25

experiments in science, education and human health.

16.All the news above has something to do with ________.

A.space B.rocket C.astronaut D.flight

17.What can we know about Long March 8?

A.A new world record was set.

B.143 satellites was launched by one rocket.

C.It launched more satellites than Long March 6. D.SpaceX’s Falcon 9 carried the most satellites in the world.

18.Why did CSS hold the space class?

A.To put Chinese space station into good use.

B.To develop teenagers’ interest in science.

C.To show their effort for Chinese education.

D.To enrich youngsters’ life on Earth.

19.The best heading for the third news would be ________.

A.Private Team of Astronauts

C.Buying Tickets to Space

20.It’s clear that the four travelers ________.

A.will stay in space for 10 days

B.belong to the International Space Station

C.only spent a large amount of money for the trip

D.are ready to perform different experiments during the trip


On December 3rd, 2021, the China—Laos Railway, started

(2022·黑龙江佳木斯·三模)(中老铁路)running. The railway runs 1, 035 km long, including 422 km in Laos. It connects the city of Kunming with

Vientiane(万象) , largest city and capital of Laos.

The China—Laos Railway is another example of the friendly cooperation(合作)between China and

other countries under the Belt and Road Initiative(一带一路). Without doubt, this road will be a golden

line which has great influence on the people of both contries.

Souphanh Keomixay, a former government leader in Laos, said the China—Laos Railway could give

new chances for Laos. The World Bank reported in 2020 that a total of 3.7 million tons of goods

(货物)could be transported(运输) on trains by 2030. But in the past, fewer goods were transported.

The railway brings great development for Laos, too. When the railway comes into full service, it will

greatly cut the cost of transportation in the country and there will be more visitors, too. And the price of goods

which comes abroad can be lower.

For 22-year-old Sida, a Lao staff member, said, “The railway has given me a good job. Now I can

support my family. At the same time, it will help Laos develop more quickly.”

B.Most Expensive Travel

D.Training for Rocket Ride Choose the best choice according to what you read.

21.The China—Laos Railway connects the city of ________.

A.Vientiane with Laos B.China with Vientiane C.Kunming with Vientiane

22.What did Souphanh Keomixay say about the China—Laos Railway? ________

A.It made Lao people upset.

B.It wasn’t helpful at all.

C.It could give new chances for Laos.

23.When the railway comes into full service, there will be more ________ in Laos.

A.doctors B.competitors C.visitors

24.According to the last paragraph, Sida felt ________about the China—Laos Railway.

A.thankful B.awful C.careful

25.Where can we find the passage? ________

A.In a novel. B.In a newspaper.


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.C


1.推理判断题。根据“Raising money for Ukraine”,“And the money raised through the sale”及“raise£700,000 for a hospice”,可知所有的新闻都和筹款有关系。故选B。

2.推理判断题。根据“A group of 17 children teamed up to swim the width of the English Channel in less

than an hour, and have collected more than

£3,300 for people suffering from the war in

Ukraine…completed a distance of 21 miles among them”可知,孩子完成21英里远的游泳是为了筹款帮助那些在乌克兰战争饱受摧残的人。故选C。

3.标题概括题。根据“Yellowstone National Park in the US is marking its 150th anniversary, and it has

started a new program called the Inheritance Pass. It is accepting $1,500 donations in exchange for an annual

entry pass which is also good for the donor’s children and grandchildren in 150 years”可知,新闻讲述黄石国家公园为了150年周年庆,开始了一个新的项目,为了交换一个年度出入许可证它接受一千五百美元的捐款,D选项“黄石国家公园为2172年提供了一个特殊的出入许可”符合。故选D。

C.In a film magazine. 4.推理判断题。根据“the money raised through the sale of ‘Inheritance Passes’ will be used to preserve the

park for the next 150 years”可知“Inheritance Passes”售卖筹款的钱背后的想法是为了使用这笔钱在未来150年里来维护公园。故选A。

5.推理判断题。根据“Max is marking his second anniversary with a Big Camp-out, inviting young people

to join in from their garden or to put up a tent in their living room to raise money for any charity they choose”,马克斯邀请年轻人加入这个活动来筹款给他们选择的慈善事业。可知,他希望越来越多的人可以为那些需要帮助的人显示自己的爱和关心。故选C。

6.A 7.C 8.B 9.C 10.D



7.主旨大意题。根据“Dressed in a qipao, a traditional Chinese dress, Lyu started the livestreaming session

from her workshop at 10 in the morning, sharing the art of making Chinese knots with many handicraft”以及本段内容可知,本段主要介绍了吕敏直播制作中国结。故选C。

8.词义猜测题。根据“Resting her phone on a stand and making the light more suitable, 49-year-old Lyu

Min started her livestreaming session”可知她将手机放在支架上,让光线更合适,开始了她的直播,故此处划线部分意为“直播”,和选项B意义相近。故选B。

9.细节理解题。根据“Chen also introduces knowledge about Yue Opera when interaction (互动) with her

fans”以及“it’s necessary for me to tell newcomers about this traditional culture”可知她在和粉丝互动时,会介绍越剧的知识,传播越剧文化。故选C。

10.细节理解题。根据“China plans to construct national parks with Yangtze River culture as their theme,

as part of efforts to protect the waterway’s cultural heritage”可知中国计划建设以长江文化为主题的国家公园,作为保护长江文化遗产的努力的一部分。故选D。

11.B 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.C


11.细节理解题。根据“It asks all public schools nationwide to provide first-aid courses, including CPR training, as a part of health education.”、“The Ministry of Education has banned convenience stores (便利店) in all kindergartens, primary, middle and high schools across the country. ”以及“No mobile phones in


12.推理判断题。根据“The Ministry of Education has banned convenience stores (便利店) in all

kindergartens, primary, middle and high schools across The regulation also requires schools to

monitor students who may be overweight, and intervene (干预) to make sure they follow a healthy diet.”可知教育部禁止在幼儿园、中小学里开设小吃店,还要求学校监控可能超重的学生,并进行干预,以确保他们遵循健康饮食。所以C选项“考虑到健康,小吃店关闭。”符合,故选C。

13.细节理解题。根据“The regulation also requires schools to monitor students who may be overweight,

and intervene (干预) to make sure they follow a healthy diet.”可知关于小吃店的规定的实施是为了确保学生的健康,故选B。

14.细节理解题。根据“In a notice published by the Ministry of Education on Monday, primary and

secondary school students are asked not to bring their cell phones onto the campus, except when it is approved

by their parents along with a written application form.”可知如果你想带手机进校,需要交一份父母批准的申请表,故选C。


16.A 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.D


16.推理判断题。根据“China’s Long March 8 launched 22 satellites into orbit.”可知,第一则新闻介绍了中国“长征8号”火箭发射了22个卫星,创下了中国火箭发射卫星最多数;根据“Astronauts in the

China Space Station (CSS) hosted their second space class for youngsters on Earth.”可知,第二则新闻介绍宇航员为年轻人准备了第二堂太空课程;根据“On April 9, the International Space Station (ISS)

welcomed its first all-private team of astronauts.”可知,第三则新闻是关于国际空间站迎来了第一个全私人宇航员团队。综上可知,三则新闻都是与太空领域相关。故选A。

17.细节理解题。根据“China’s Long March 8 ... It set a record for the most satellites ever launched by a

Chinese rocket. Before it, the Chinese record for the most satellites ... the Long March 6.”可知,“长征8号”火箭发射的卫星要多于“长征6号”。故选C。 18.细节理解题。根据“The educational class is a part of China’s effort to take full advantage of the CSS

with an aim to encourage young minds to study science.”可知,开设太空课程是为了培养青少年对科学的兴趣。故选B。

19.最佳标题题。根据“On April 9, the International Space Station (ISS) welcomed its first all-private team

of astronauts.”可知,第三则新闻是关于国际空间站迎来了第一个全私人宇航员团队,他们每个人为这次旅行花了5500万美元,并进行了数百小时的训练。因此,第三则新闻的标题应为“宇航员私人团队”。故选A。

20.推理判断题。根据“they did hundreds of hours of training”可知,私人宇航员团队去太空前经过了大量的训练;再“On the trip, the team plans to carry out 25 experiments in science, education and human


21.C 22.C 23.C 24.A 25.B


21.细节理解题。根据“It connects the city of Kunming with Vientiane(万象) , largest city and capital

of Laos.”可知,它连接昆明市和老挝最大的城市和首都万象。故选C。

22.细节理解题。根据“Souphanh Keomixay, a former government leader in Laos, said the China—Laos

Railway could give new chances for Laos”可知,老挝前政府领导人Souphanh Keomixay表示,中老铁路可能会给老挝带来新的机会。故选C。

23.细节理解题。根据“When the railway comes into full service, it will greatly cut the cost of transportation

in the country and there will be more visitors, too. And the price of goods which comes abroad can be lower.”可知,当铁路全面投入使用时,将大大降低国内的运输成本,也会有更多的游客。出口到国外的商品价格可能更低。故选C。

24.推理判断题。根据 “The railway has given me a good job. Now I can support my family. At the same

time, it will help Laos develop more quickly.”(铁路部门给了我一份好工作。现在我可以养家了。同时,也将帮助老挝更快发展)可知,Sida对“中老铁路”是非常感恩的。故选A。

25.推理判断题。通读全文“On December 3rd, 2021, the China—Laos Railway(中老铁路), started

running. The railway runs 1,035 km long, including 422 km in Laos.”及全文可知,本文主要介绍了中老铁路正式通车的新闻以及它给老挝带来的发展,所以我们可以在报纸上看到这篇文章。故选B。