

Dubai World in line for $9.5bn injection

Dubai unveiled a long awaited

debt-restructuring plan yesterday,

pledging to inject $9.5bn into the

迪拜昨日公布了一项外界期待已久的债务重组计划,承诺将向陷入困境的企业集团迪拜世界(Dubai World)注资95亿美troubled conglomerate Dubai World, most

of which will go to its developer Nakheel

and spur [spə:]( n.刺激(物),激励 vt.激励,鞭策,促进) the emirate's economy.

The state support includes $3.8bn

from the Dubai government over the next

three years and the remaining $5.7bn

from a $10bn loan granted by

neighbouring Abu Dhabi.



backward. Dubai World's problems have

caused some paralysis [pəˈrælisis]( n.瘫痪,中风), and once it's behind us we will

see a pick-up(好转).”

The proposals would extend


maturities [məˈtjuəriti]( n. 成熟,(支票等的)到期) on bank loans and inject cash

into the businesses, in the hope that(怀着 ... 希望,希望能) the holding company

could be transformed into a

cash-generating enterprise within five

to eight years. Nakheel's 2010 and 2011

bonds[bɔnd]( n.联系;粘合剂;债券;合同

v.(使)粘合) will be paid in full, as long

as the proposals are adopted by a

majority of the stakeholders.

Aidan Birkett, Dubai World's chief

restructuring officer, hopes to

finalise the plan within a few months.


迪拜世界重组负责人艾丹•伯基特(Aidan Birkett)希望能在几个月内敲定重组计划。

Asian manufacturing gathers pace

Asia's manufacturing activity

continued to build up(vt. 建立,逐步增长,增进,加强,积累) steam in April in

another sign that the region is leading

the global recovery.

The region's industrial production has

been growing strongly as companies

rebuild inventories [ˈinvəntəri]( n.详细目录,存货清单) to satisfy rebounding



consumer demand. The increase in demand

is fuelling exports, the engine of

growth for many of the region's


Monday brought a flurry ['flʌri]( n. 一阵疾风,阵雪,狂喜,忙乱) of purchasing

managers' indices ['indisi:z]( n. 目录(指数,符号,指示器,参见号), index的复数。)

underlining(vt.在…下面划线;强调,使突出) the robustness of manufacturing. The

Australian Industry Group-PwC

performance of manufacturing index rose

sharply to 59.8 from 50.5 in March. The

April result was the highest achieved

since May 2002 and significantly(adv.

较大地(重要地)) above the 50 point level

which separates expansion from


The HSBC/Markit Economics PMI for

South Korea rose 1.5 points to 57.1.

China's official PMI, released on

Saturday, edged(v.侧着移动,徐徐移动) up

to 55.7, although the HSBC/Markit

Economics index fell to a six-month low

of 55.4.

周一公布的一系列采购经理人指数,突显出制造业的充沛活力。4月份,澳洲工业集团—普华永道(The Australian

Industry Group-PwC)制造业指数从3月份的50.5大幅上升至59.8。这是2002年5月以来的最高水平,大大高于50点的收缩与扩张分水岭。

汇丰/ Markit Economics韩国采购经理指数上升1.5点,至57.1。上周六公布的中国官方采购经理人指数微升至55.7,尽管汇丰/Markit Economics中国指数降至55.4的6个月低点。


The strong expansion in

manufacturing activity is raising

inflation concerns, with some

economists calling for tighter monetary






China's central bank said on 2 May

that it will raise the amount banks must

中国央行5月2日宣布上调银行存款准备金率,这是中国央行今年第三次出台PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 Ì

hold in reserve for the third time this

year, in the latest move by Beijing to

cool its booming economy.

The increase comes after regulators

ordered China's largest banks to

re-examine their loan books and provide

estimates [ˈestimət, ˈestimeit]( n.估计,估量;评价,看法 vt.估计,估量) of their

exposure [ikˈspəuʒə]( n.暴露,显露;揭发,揭露;曝光) to uncollateralised(无担保)

loans, especially to provincial [prəˈvinʃəl]( adj. 省的,地方的,偏狭的)

governments, according to Chinese

bankers and analysts. If banks are

unable to find assets to

collateralis(z)e [kə'lætərəlaiz]( vt.

(以 ... )作抵押,(以担保物)保证) these

loans within the next few months they may

be required to downgrade(vt.使降低,使降级) the loans, potentially leading to

a spike [spaik]( n.长钉,大钉) in

non-performing assets on their books,

analysts said.

After reporting record profits in

the first quarter, Chinese banks are

under pressure to rein in lending and

restrict loans to certain sectors and

industries as Beijing attempts to calm

the economy without causing growth to





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(物);增刊,副刊 vt.增补) their fiscal [ˈfiskəl]( adj. 财政的,国库的) income, as

well as loans to real estate(房地产)

developers and speculators [ˈspekjuleitə](n.思索者;投机者(商)) that have


helped to inflate a bubble in the

property market.

The central government has ordered banks

to curb [kə:b](vt.控制,约束 n.控制,约束;路缘) lending in recent months,

especially to these sectors, following

an unprecedented [ʌnˈpresidentid]( a.空前的) expansion in credit last year that

saw new loans nearly double from 2008

levels to Rmb9,600bn ($1,406bn).

As part of its efforts to reduce lending,

the People's Bank of China will raise the

reserve requirement ratio ([经] 规定储备比率,规定准备比率)[ˈreiʃiəu]( n.比,比率)

for deposit-taking financial

institutions by 0.5 percentage points,

effective on May 10, bringing the rate

to 17 per cent for large Chinese banks

and 15 per cent for smaller lenders.

The ratio for rural credit

co-operatives and village banks will not

be raised.


作为减少放贷举措的一部分,中国人民银行(PBoC) 将从5月10日起,将存款类金融机构人民币存款准备金率上调0.5个百分点,这意味着中国各大银行的存款准备金率将达到17%,而较小银行的存款准备金率将为15%。


按季度,一季一次 n.季刊) profits. But

analysts expect the profit growth to

slow this year as Beijing introduces

more measures to cool an economy that

grew 11.9 per cent in the first quarter.

Consumer price inflation hit 2.4 per

cent in March, down slightly from

February's 2.7 per cent but still high

enough to push real interest rates for



Chinese savers into negative(adj. 否定的,负的,消极的) territory [ˈteritəri] (n.领土,版图;领域,范围)thanks to low

deposit rates.