



How to Use Social Media to Boost Your Career

If you're not using social media to boost your career, you're missing out on a

powerful tool. Fifty-seven percent of companies now have a professional presence

on social media, and more than 90 percent of recruiters use social media to find and

evaluate talent, according to Jobvite's 2015 Recruiter Nation Report. Here's how you

can use these sites to your advantage:

1. Curate a professional online presence. Your online reputation is crucial, so make

sure your social profiles are up-to-date and professional. Use your full name, real

photo, and consistent messaging across all platforms.

2. Build a network. Join LinkedIn groups relevant to your industry and connect with

people you meet at industry events. Don't forget to follow companies and leaders in

your field and engage with their content.

3. Share your expertise. Write blog posts or create videos that showcase your

knowledge and experience. Share other industry news and insights that your

network will find valuable.

4. Investigate opportunities. Social media can give you a competitive edge when job

hunting. Follow companies you're interested in and look for relevant openings.

Research potential employers to learn about their culture and priorities.

5. Stay engaged. Once you've established your online presence, don't let it stagnate.

Regularly post updates and comments, and respond to messages and comments

from others.

By using social media effectively, you can make yourself more visible to recruiters and

employers, connect with people in your industry, and stay current on trends and

opportunities. Just be sure to keep your profiles up-to-date, professional, and

focused on your goals.

1. What is the significance of social media to career development?

A. It is a powerful tool for expanding business networks.

B. It is essential for building an online reputation.

C. It is responsible for connecting job seekers with recruiters.

D. It is a game-changing tool for marketing professionals.

2. According to the Jobvite's 2015 Recruiter Nation Report, what percentage of

companies have a professional presence on social media?

A. 57%.

B. 90%.

C. 100%.

D. The report doesn't provide this information.

3. What should be the standard for online profile building?

A. A full and detailed home page.

B. Authentic identity, real photo and a consistent message.

C. Professional aesthetic and impeccable grammar.

D. An impressive and eye-catching portfolio.

4. Which of the following lists activities that help to build a network?

A. Following companies and participating in industry events.

B. Posting videos that showcase your experience.

C. Writing blog posts that share your company insight.

D. Keeping social profiles up-to-date, professional and focused.

5. Which of the following is the best way to showcase your professional knowledge

and experience according to the text?

A. Post random thoughts about professional issues.

B. Share other people's ideas and insights.

C. Write blog posts or create videos.

D. Participate in LinkedIn group discussions.


1、答案:B,解析:文章段落中第一句话就回答了这个问题,“If you're not using social

media to boost your career, you're missing out on a powerful tool.” 使用社交媒体来提升职业发展是非常重要的,这也体现了社交媒体在个人职业发展中扮演的重要角色。

2、答案:A,解析:根据题目中提到的信息,Jobvite的《2015 Recruiter Nation Report》指出57%以上的公司在社交媒体上拥有专业的存在。

3、答案:B,解析:在第一条建议中,文章提到有关在线个人资料构建的标准,“Your online reputation is crucial, so make sure your social profiles are up-to-date

and professional. Use your full name, real photo, and consistent messaging across all

platforms,” 其中文字明确提出了关键的标准:真实身份,真实照片和统一一致的信息。

4、答案:A,解析:文章的第二个建议“Build a network”,进一步说明建立联系的重要性,而定义了几个与此相关的活动,“Join LinkedIn groups relevant to your

industry and connect with people you meet at industry events. Don't forget to follow

companies and leaders in your field and engage with their content”。

5、答案:C,解析:根据第三个建议,“Share your expertise”,文章建议读者以写博客或制作视频的方式展示自己的专业知识和经验。虽然D选项LinkedIn小组讨论也可以增加可见度和影响力,但该选项不是文章所提到的最佳方法。


Using Technology to Improve Sleep

We all know that we need to get enough sleep to stay healthy and feel rested, but

many of us struggle to get the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep a night. Luckily,

technology can help us improve our sleep quality and quantity.

One of the simplest ways technology can help us sleep better is by tracking our sleep.

Many fitness trackers, smartwatches, and even smartphone apps offer sleep tracking

features. By wearing your tracker or keeping your phone close by while you sleep,

you can gather data on your sleep patterns, such as how long it takes you to fall

asleep, how many times you wake up during the night, and how long you spend in

each stage of sleep. Armed with this information, you can make changes to your

sleep environment or habits to improve your sleep quality.

Another way technology can help us sleep better is by creating a relaxing sleep

environment. For example, many smart home devices allow you to control the

lighting and temperature of your bedroom with your voice or smartphone. You can

also use ambient sound apps to play soothing sounds like white noise or rainfall to

help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

Finally, technology can also help you wake up more peacefully in the morning.

Instead of jarring alarm clocks, many smartwatches and apps offer wake-up features

that gradually increase light and sound to simulate a natural sunrise, making it easier

for you to wake up feeling energized and refreshed.

There’s no doubt that technology has had a huge impact on how we sleep, for better

or for worse. By using technology wisely, however, we can make sure we’re getting

the best possible sleep to improve our overall health and well-being.

1. Why do many people not get enough sleep?

A. They don’t think sleep is important.

B. They have too many things to do.

C. They have trouble sleeping.

D. They enjoy staying up late.

2. What can sleep tracking features on technology do?

A. Offer tips for falling asleep.

B. Improve your sleep habits with data.

C. Provide soothing sounds.

D. Control your bedroom’s lighting.

3. How can ambient sound apps help you sleep?

A. By analyzing your sleep patterns.

B. By gradually increasing light and sound.

C. By creating a relaxing environment.

D. By offering tips for waking up.

4. What do smartwatches and apps do instead of using jarring alarm clocks?

A. Offer tips for falling asleep.

B. Control your bedroom’s lighting.

C. Play soothing sounds.

D. Gradually increase light and sound.

5. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. The importance of getting enough sleep.

B. How technology is harmful to sleep.

C. How technology can help improve sleep.

D. How to create a relaxing sleep environment.









How to Avoid Overpacking for Your Next Trip

Packing for a trip can be exciting, but it can also be stressful. It can be tempting to

bring everything you think you might need, but overpacking can be a burden on your


1. Plan ahead. Before you start packing, make a list of everything you need to bring.

Write down essentials first, such as toiletries and medication. Then, list clothing

items based on the length and purpose of your trip. Remember to consider the

climate and activities you’ll be participating in.

2. Choose versatile items. Select clothing that can be worn in multiple outfits and for

different occasions. Avoid packing items that can only be worn once. For example, a

dress that can only be worn to a fancy dinner takes up unnecessary space.

3. Pack efficiently. Use packing cubes, compression bags, or just roll your clothing to

save space. Make use of every inch of your luggage and avoid empty spaces.

4. Limit your shoes. Shoes can take up a lot of space, so limit yourself to a few pairs

that can be worn with multiple outfits. The shoes you wear on the plane can also

free up some space and weight.

5. Leave the “what ifs” at home. Resist the urge to pack items you might need in a

worst-case scenario. Instead, focus on what you will definitely need during your trip.

6. Consider doing laundry. If you’re traveling for a longer period of time, consider

doing laundry instead of packing a new outfit for each day. This can save space and


7. Ask yourself, “Will I really use this?” As you’re packing, question the usefulness of

each item. If you haven’t worn something in the past year, chances are you won’t

wear it on your trip.

By following these tips, you can avoid overpacking and have a more enjoyable trip.

1. What is the main purpose of this article?

A. To describe the stress of packing for a trip.

B. To offer advice on how to avoid overpacking for a trip.

C. To criticize people who overpack for trips.

D. To discuss the importance of packing efficiently for a trip.

2. What should you do before you start packing?

A. Make a list of everything you can’t leave at home.

B. Pack everything that comes to mind.

C. Buy new clothes for your trip.

D. Make a list of essential items and clothing based on the length and purpose of the


3. Which of the following is NOT recommended for packing clothing?

A. Packing clothing that can be used in multiple outfits and for different occasions.

B. Packing clothing that can only be worn once.

C. Rolling clothing to avoid wasting space.

D. Using packing cubes, compression bags, or other ways to save space.

4. What should travelers question about each item they pack?

A. Whether it was purchased recently.

B. Whether it looks stylish.

C. Whether it is useful during the trip.

D. Whether it is heavy or light.

5. According to the article, why should travelers avoid overpacking?

A. It can make the trip more enjoyable.

B. It can create more space in the luggage.

C. It can make the trip lighter.

D. It can reduce the weight of the luggage.






5、答案:A,解析:第3段提到可以使用packing cubes、compression bags或者卷起衣服来节省空间,这个部分解释了“compression bags”的含义。


Down's Syndrome (or Trisomy 21) is a genetic condition that results in the presence

of an extra 21st chromosome. It is named after the doctor who first identified it, John

Langdon Down. The condition gives rise to a combination of physical and intellectual

features, the most widely recognized of which is varying degrees of intellectual

disability. There is no cure, and treatment is aimed at improving the individual's

quality of life.

Individuals with Down's Syndrome have certain physical characteristics that make

their condition instantly recognizable. They tend to have a small head, with a

flattened facial profile and upward slanting eyes. They may also have a short neck, a

small, flattened nose, and ears that are set low and may be shaped differently from

normal. The fingers and toes may be short and stubby, and the individual may have a

wide gap between the first and second toes.

The degree of intellectual disability varies from person to person, but there are

certain commonalities. Most individuals with Down's Syndrome have some degree of

learning difficulty, and many are slower to develop speech and language skills than

their peers. They may also have delayed motor development, including the ability to

sit up, crawl, and walk. However, with appropriate support and education, individuals

with Down's Syndrome are able to lead fulfilling lives and make significant

contributions to their communities.

Research into the condition has advanced significantly in recent years, and there are

now more opportunities than ever for individuals with Down's Syndrome to achieve

their potential. For example, many people with the condition are able to attend

mainstream schools, and there are specialist support services available to help with

speech and language development, as well as physical therapies to aid mobility.

There are also many support networks and advocacy groups that provide information

and guidance to individuals with Down's Syndrome and their families.

1. Down's Syndrome is a result of ________.

A. an extra chromosome

B. a missing chromosome

C. a damaged chromosome

D. a combined chromosome

2. What's the most recognizable physical feature of people with Down's Syndrome?

A. They have a large head.

B. They have a pointy nose.

C. Their eyes slant upwards.

D. Their ears stick out.

3. Individuals with Down's Syndrome may have a short neck and stubby fingers

because ________.

A. they lack the necessary genes for growth

B. their bones are structurally different

C. they do not eat properly

D. their muscles do not develop properly

4. The degree of intellectual disability in individuals with Down's Syndrome is


A. the same for everyone

B. less severe than in other genetic disorders

C. constantly improving

D. unique to each individual

5. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a common developmental delay in

individuals with Down's Syndrome?

A. Delayed speech and language skills.

B. Delayed motor development.

C. Delayed social development.

D. Delayed intellectual development.


1、答案:A,解析:根据第一段第一句话“Down's Syndrome (or Trisomy 21) is a

genetic condition that results in the presence of an extra 21st chromosome”,可知唐氏综合症是由于多出来的21号染色体所导致的。

2、答案:C,解析:根据第二段第二句话“ They tend to have a small head, with a

flattened facial profile and upward slanting eyes.”可知,下颌较短、面部平坦、眼睛上翘是唐氏综合症患者最为显著的特点。

3、答案:B,解析:根据第二段第三句话“ They may also have a short neck, a small,

flattened nose, and ears that are set low and may be shaped differently from normal.

The fingers and toes may be short and stubby, …”可知,唐氏综合征患者的颈短和手指短而粗是由于各种结构发生变化而导致的。

4、答案:D,解析:根据第三段第一句话“The degree of intellectual disability varies

from person to person”,可知唐氏综合症患者的智力残疾程度因人而异。



Climate change is a global issue that affects every continent and country. It is caused

by human activity, with the majority of scientists agreeing that it is a result of the

burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas, and is exacerbated by deforestation

and industrial agriculture. The consequences of climate change are already being felt

around the world, from melting glaciers and rising sea levels to more frequent

heatwaves and extreme weather events. These effects will only become more severe

without immediate action to reduce carbon emissions and transition to a more

sustainable, low-carbon economy.

One key sector that must be addressed is the energy industry, responsible for the

lion's share of carbon emissions. Governments and businesses need to accelerate the

adoption of renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, and hydro power, while

phasing out the use of fossil fuels. The transportation sector also needs to be

transformed with greater use of electric vehicles and public transport.

Changing consumer behavior is also essential. Reducing meat consumption and

choosing plant-based diets can significantly reduce carbon emissions associated with

industrial agriculture. Cutting back on single-use plastics and other waste can also

make a difference.

Climate change is not just an environmental issue, but also a social and economic

one. The poorest and most vulnerable members of society are disproportionately

affected by global warming, from crop failures and food shortages to increased

disease and water scarcity. Action on climate change must therefore prioritize social

justice and support for those most affected by the transition to a low-carbon


In summary, climate change is a complex and urgent issue that requires immediate

action from individuals, businesses, and governments around the world. By

transitioning to a more sustainable, equitable, and low-carbon economy, we can

protect our planet and create a better future for all.

1. What do the majority of scientists think of the cause of climate change?

A. It is the result of human activity.

B. It is a natural occurrence.

C. It is impossible to determine its cause.

D. It is caused by volcanic activity.

2. What would happen without immediate action to reduce carbon emissions?

A. The consequences of climate change will become more severe.

B. The use of fossil fuels will be phased out.

C. Renewable energy sources will be widely adopted.

D. The transportation sector will be transformed.

3. What is responsible for the lion's share of carbon emissions?

A. The energy industry.

B. The transportation sector.

C. Industrial agriculture.

D. Single-use plastics.

4. What is needed to reduce carbon emissions?

A. Accelerating the adoption of renewable energy sources.

B. Phasing out the use of single-use plastics.

C. Cutting back on meat consumption.

D. Both A and C.

5. What can individuals do to tackle climate change?

A. Reduce meat consumption and choose plant-based diets.

B. Cut back on single-use plastics and other waste.

C. Use public transport.

D. All of the above.






