



阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项。

On August 27, Jpnathan Ceplecha was on a hill in the woods behind his house in Redwood Falls, when

a tree that he was cutting fell on him. In a second, both of his legs were suddenly 38 _ under an

immovable log (原木).His legs were 39 instantly and he was in enormous pain but, with no 40 on

him and because he lives alone, nobody knew what was happening to him.

Throughout his isolation, Ceplecha ate plants and insects within his 41 . drank sweat and rainwater that

he collected in his 42 , and covered his head in his shirt during the nights to 43 _ the insects as he


He kept his sanity (头脑清醒)by breaking down every day into hours, and each hour into minutes. He

tried to distract himself from 44 by meditating (冥想)and inventing rhythms to 45 from dawn to dusk.

Family members had become 46 when Ceplecha wasn't answering their phone calls and didn't 47_for

work. Ceplecha's father found him on his property and 48 the Redwood County Sheriff’s Office. It took

nearly two hours for the 49 to rescue Ceplecha from underneath the tree. He's now recovering in a


Ceplecha's famiiy said that his legs would be likely to be 50 after undergoing surgery, though “he

laces a long road to full physical 51 and his feet are still in bad condition.”

“He had the 52 to live,” an official of the Redwood County Sheriff's Office said,

“I don't know of

many people who could have survived such an unpleasant experience."

38. A. pinned

39. A. twisted

40. A. burden

41. A. vision

42. A. tunnels

43. A. arrange for

44. A. panic

45. A. explain

46. A. silent

47. A. stand out

B. wrapped

B. frozen

B. pressure

B. reach

B. rooms

B, collect

B. hesitation

B. follow

B. concerned

B. look out

C. hidden

C. broken

C. money

C. measure

C. clothes

C. protect

C. interest

C. share

C. guilty

C. clean up

D. seized

D. gone

D. phone

D. Knowledge

D. pipes

D. keep off

D. embarrassment

D. imagine

D. tired

D. show up

48. A. surveyed

49. A. helicopters

50.A. saved

51. A. assistance

52. A. promise

B. accused

B. authorities

B. found

B. recovery

B. space

C. contacted

C. colleagues

C. replaced

C. examination

C. equipment

D. joined

D. survivors

D. identified

D. education

D. will

38-42ACDBC 43-47DABBD 48-52 CBABD



阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

“Please don't wake up,” I plead silently to my 10-month-old son as I log into another Zoom meeting

from my tiny New York City apartment. I use a virtual 41 —a picture of my university office—to

42 the fact that I'm in my kitchen, where it's easier to avoid the loud calls for “Mama!” from my

3-year-old daughter and the hunger 43 of my infant son. Such meetings—a byproduct of the

COVID-19 pandemic— 44 the stress I feel as a working mom, trying to hide the messy reality of

my life as a parent. It has led to a unique type of Zoom burnout, one I fear is 45 to working mothers.

I've always tried to hide my motherhood 46 from plain view. I don't have photos of my

children on display in my university office, 47 some of my male colleagues clearly feel comfortable

doing so. I haven't wanted my colleagues to 48 me as less committed to my work because I have

children. 49 now, working from home, I feel unable to control whether my children are 50 .

My workdays are 51 with meetings to discuss research projects. When the pandemic started and

the meetings 52 to Zoom, I felt an unspoken 53 to turn my camera on. Almost everyone else

had their camera on, and I feared that if I kept mine off, I wouldn't be viewed as “present.” The 54 I

experience during Zoom meetings compounds other stressors in my life. However, reduced anxiety and a

chance to take care of household duties while still contributing to the meeting—is 55 it to me.

41. B. background ent ence

42.A. prove B. display C. clarify

ations stances

off B. try out C. add to up

t B. specific ial al

s sses D. strengths

though that C. so long as D. even though

B. appoint ice

ate B. aggressive C. sceptical e

ied red

ed ed C. braked d

t re C. withdrawal

n ence tion y

le nt

41--45 BDACB 46--50 ADCBD




Allen was sleepy at home one evening last July when he was shocked awake by a TV news item.

There had been a 41 among a group of children in the slum (贫民区) of New Orleans.

42 from the city’s slum, Allen is one of the most celebrated jazz trumpeters (小号手) in the city.

After seeing the 43 news that morning, it didn’t take long for Allen to 44 a possible approach.

He had a few spare 45 lying around. Maybe he could offer them to kids in exchange for their guns.

Allen named the 46 My Trumpet Is My Weapon — after all, it was something of a 47 to

release personal emotions. “What 48 me and redirected my path was a trumpet and the music,” Allen

says. He met with the New Orleans mayor to figure out how to make children feel 49 handing over

their guns to the police.

Allen has collected seven guns so far, a small but symbolically important 50 . But he doesn’t stop

with the 51 of gun for instrument. After the exchanges, Allen connects the children with local 52

who give them free virtual trumpet lessons.

More importantly, he has brought hope for his city and young people 53 a better life. “I just say,

‘Look, I come from where you come from, and I can show you the 54 that got me out,’” says Allen.

“And 55 may not be the way for you, but it will at least open your mind to see what’s out there.”

41.A. cheering

42.A. Surprisingly

43.A. humorous

44.A. hit on

45.A. coins

46.A. experience

47.A. dream

48. A. shamed

49.A. safe

50.A. start

51.A. sales

52.A. composers

53.A. scared of

54.A. way

55.A. knowledge

B. gathering

B. Originally

B. imaginary

B. insist on

B. carpets

B. program

B. stage

B. praised

B. excited

B. conclusion

B. repairs

B. musicians

B. confused about

B. advice

B. music

C. shooting

C. Accidentally

C. comic

C. count on

C. toys

C. news

C. channel

C. saved

C. awkward

C. ceremony

C. destructions

C. officials

C. looking for

C. warning

C. wisdom

D. hunting

D. Unfortunately

D. sad

D. focus on

D. trumpets

D. gun

D. framework

D. ruined

D. depressed

D. memorial

D. exchanges

D. instructors

D. bringing out

D. commitment

D. hope


41-45 CBDAD 46-50 BCCAA 51-55 DBCAB


In Boston, robots have displaced 41 and are creating complex bowls of food for

customers. In Prague, machines are 42 waiters and servers using an app. In Denver, they’re taking

orders. Robots are even making the perfect loaf of bread these days, taking charge of a(n)

43 that has remained in human hands for thousands of years.

Now comes Briggo, a company that has created a fully 44 , robotic coffee machine that can

push out 100 cups of coffee in a single hour -- equaling the 45 of three to four baristas

(咖啡师), according to the company.

Using a mix of Latin American beans, the machine creates 46 cups of coffee that can be

ordered via an app, giving customers control over ingredients, flavorings and temperature without any

human interaction. The company says no other business in the world has applied as much 47 to

“specialty coffee.”

Removing the 48 element from ordering a cup of coffee is one of the company’s primary

selling points. “No more lines, no more counter confusion, no more misspelled names,” Briggo’s

website says.

Kevin Nater, Briggo’s president and chief executive, said the machine would best fit locations in

which 49 is highly valued, like airports and office buildings, where several of the machines

currently operate.

“Imagine you’re coming into the security line at the airport, your flight is coming up, and you

know that if you want a coffee you’re going to stand in a long line,” said Nater. “From the security line,

you can simply order your cup of coffee and pick it up at the coffee haus and make it to your flight

50 .”

“I’ve never found anyone who wants to stand in line a long time,” he added. “We’ve just changed

the 51 .”

But Olive Geib, a 24-year-old barista in Annapolis, Md., remained 52 . As coffee is being made

by a barista, he said, subtly(细微地)adjusting the ratio of water to coffee bean as flavor develops

through refined taste tests, is a crucial part of the process. “All the numbers and data in the world can’t

actually tell you how the coffee 53 ,” Geib said.

Asked whether he was worried about losing his job to a robot, Gerb said, “absolutely not.” He said

there’s a 54 group of people who will always seek out the slower, interactive experiences at coffee


“A lot of customers really appreciate watching a barista carefully pouring water or steaming the

milk,” he added. “This 55 aspect, the atmosphere and the interaction with the barista, is a

big part of the experience of drinking coffee.”

41. A. waitresses B. baristas C. cooks D. machines

42. A. replacing B. recruiting C. restoring D. resisting

43. A. room B. art C. school D. oven

44. A. typical B. inaccessible C. challenging D. automatic

45. A. quality B. output C. time D. cost

46. A. sugar-free B. fruit-flavored C. customized D. professional

47. A. inspiration B. technology C. correction D. strictness

48. A. safety B. stress C. human D. design

49. A. service B. preparation C. reliability D. convenience

50. A. on time B. for real C. in advance D. without notice

51. A. game B. price C. fact D. myth

52. A. nervous B. sad C. annoyed D. doubtful

53. A. looks B. changes C. sells D. tastes

54. A. distinguished B. difficult C. loyal D. laze

55. A. cultural B. social C. skillful D. mindful





Jan Tchamani, an English teacher in Birmingham, UK, suddenly developed a serious illness and had to

quit her job. At age 50, she found herself 41 at home with only her computer to keep her company.

After a while, she discovered that surfing the Internet could help her feel less 42 . She could listen to

music, watch films and 43 the world. She also joined an online group where she could talk about her

problems and get 44 and advice from others. She realized that one of the greatest benefits of the

Internet was its ability to remove the 45 that exists between people.

She was so 46 by the people she met online that she decided to start an IT club to teach 47

people how to use computers and the Internet. Many people have been 48 by the club. A 59-year-old

man learned how to 49 work online and found a great job. A 61-year-old woman living alone has

started a small online company which has become quite 50 .

Jan has started taking online classes to learn more about using the Internet to make society 51 .

She believes that it’s important to 52 the digital divide and make sure that everyone has 53 to

the Internet and knows how to use new 54 . Her next goal is to start a charity 55 to raise money

for children in poor countries.

41.A. happy

42.A. lonely

43.A. change

44.A. money

B. stuck

B. special

B. forget

B. support

B. power

B. forced

B. disabled

C. free D. working

D. useful

D. explore

D. honor

D. friendship

D. attracted

D. warm-hearted

D. organized

D. engage in

C. healthy

C. visit

C. trust

45.A. relationship

46.A. surprised

47.A. older

C. distance

C. inspired

C. smart

48.A. touched

49.A. pay for

50.A. successful

51.A. serious

52.A. find

B. helped

C. praised

C. apply for B. struggle with

B. complicated

B. better

B. improve

B. target

C. challenging D. ordinary

C. peaceful

C. break

D. easier

D. bridge

D. access

D. entrance

D. hospital

53.A. appeal C. strategy

C. regulation

C. party

54.A. technology

55.A. website

B. computer

B. school

41-45 BADBC 46-50 CABCA 51-55 BDDAA