





the right word(s) for each blank.(12 points)

Oral proficiency, deductively, inductively, imperative drills, listening

activity, writing activity, active, direct, passive, indirect, listener, negotiator

The principal characteristics of Total Physical Response are the

following :

*The general objectives of Total Physical Response are to teach

_____1_____at a beginning level.

*Grammar is taught_________2_________.

*_______3_______are(is) the major classroom activity.

*The teacher plays a(an)_______4________and________5________role.

*Learners have the primary roles of _________6_________and performer.

in the blanks.(18 points)

Richards used his own framework to pare particular methods and

approaches in language includes three are



are at least three theoretical views of language and the nature

of language first is __________4__________,the second is


the third is ____________6___________.

Grant suggests four alternatives when the teacher decides the

textbook is not are:_______7________,replace the

textbook with one of the teacher’s


whether each of the following statements is true or

a T for true or F for false.(10 points)

theory of learning underlying Audiolingualism is behaviorism.

g and listening are the major focus of Grammar-Translation



oom instruction was conducted exclusively in the target language

when using Direct Method.

Language Learning has no syllabus and operates out of what

learners feel they need to know.

Reform Movement was against the Grammar-Translation Method.

erence from the students’ own language is the only reason for

making mistakes.

are mainly four reading skills students need to


Reading for pleasure and reading for detailed prehension.

general principle of watching and listening so that teachers can

give feedback later concerning students’ mistakes is usually much more

appropriate than interrupting them from time to time.

Physical Response was devised by Georgi Lozanov.

stands for Preparation,Presentation,and Practice.

n the following terms.(20 points)



Natural Approach

the following first five questions are based on

the book “How to Teach English”.The last two questions are based on

the book “Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching”. (90 points)

ing to Gardner and Lambert,there are two kinds of

are they?Please important is the students’

motivation in language learning?

(10 points)

You should answer this question based on your own understanding and the

ideas in the book.

questions do we need to ask for each activity we intend to do is

the lesson?

(10 points)

You should answer this question based on the aspects mentioned in the book.


you list some speaking activities mentioned in the book?

Please give a brief introduction of each. (10 points)

types of teaching sequence are mentioned in the book based on the three

elements of “ESA”(Engage,Study and Activate).They are Straight Arrows

sequence,Boomerang sequence and Patchwork to show each of them. (4


Use the

Patchwork sequence to design a reading class based on the following reading

material. (16 points)

Polly Griffiths Goes Down to the Sea for Advice on How to Look Good and

Stay Safe

So you think you’re too pale and want to get a good suntan this summer? Why not?

Except that unless you’re careful the sun can make your skin old and leathery and can even

give you skin cancer.

If you must sunbathe(and let’s face it, lots of us think it’s a good idea ), then have a look

at these gorgeous guys and babes I found on the beach and see which of them is like you.

Roger :I’m the type who always burns. It’s because I’m fair-skinned, and I’ve got red

hair and freckles. That’s why I’m so good-looking! But I still burn unless I use a really high

SPF(sun-protection factor) about 20 in the strong sun.

Jean : Yeah I tan easily. People like me who are dark-skinned (with dark hair and brown

eyed) are not really cool but we go even browner in the sun. I still use a sunscreen though,

something light with an SPF of about 6…

Melinda : I have to be careful ‘cause I’m the type who burns easily. But I do tan in the

end. If you’ve got fair hair and blue eyes like me you’d better use quite a strong

sunscreen(an SPF of 15 to start with)…

Alice : Me,I’ve got built-in protection! I don’t burn, but I don’t sunbathe anyway. I mean

what for? I like messing around the beach,though..


5. What are the principles behind the teaching of listening? (10 points)

issues are teacher roles related to? (10 points)

the framework to analyze the Audiolingual Method. (20 points)



Design Procedure