

文/张子帆In the past ten years, Zhejiang-produced animation fi lms have become increasingly popular with their excellent performance.


这里曾走出许多著名的电影艺术家,在中国电影史上留下浙江,历史悠久,人文荟萃,与中国电影有着不解之缘。中国电影大省和强省。了众多彪炳史册的作品。浙江自身的电影制作产业诞生于筚路蓝缕、艰苦玉成,为中国当代电影史留下不少可圈可20世纪50年代,勃兴于20世纪80年代,浙江的电影人“三箭齐发” 走向世界点的作品。主创新”三箭齐发,开始了新一轮的发展历程,逐步成为近十年来,浙江电影业 “筑巢引凤”“借船出海”“自是浙江电影新一轮发展的驱动引擎。“筑巢引凤”“借船出海”“自主创新”三箭齐发,筑巢引凤,是指浙江电影管理部门制定和实施一系列Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.



促进电影生产制作的优惠政策,为企业、为电影人提供优质的服务,营造良好宽松的艺术生产环境,吸引各地的影江影视产业发展的美好前景。视公司入驻浙江,并让入驻浙江的影视公司充分感受到浙进行影视作品拍摄制作的公司日益增多。从2012年开始,正逐步扩大规模,力争打造一流影视基地。2020年,象山浙江影视基地的繁荣,从一个侧面反映出扎根于浙江集团、东海电影集团等国内著名影视机构在此落户。风光秀丽的西溪湿地成了名副其实的藏龙卧虎之地。影呈现出前所未有的繁荣态势。的生产和发展营造了极为良好的生态环境,从而使浙江电经验。浙江的影视制作公司瞄准优质电影项目参与投资,种好梧桐树,引来金凤凰。这一系列举措为浙江电影借船出海,这是浙江电影生产繁荣发展的又一条成功作为浙江电影的“关键词”之一,以横店影视基地、象山影视城为代表的影视基地的产业集聚发展格局基本形成,影视城搭建了国内首个LED摄影棚,主要为视效要求较高的科幻电影服务,它所呈现的虚拟场景将从一定程度上取代绿幕的运用。这也反映出浙江在影视拍摄基地建设方面实力不俗。块“风水宝地”,建立西溪创意产业园,诸多著名影视剧几乎在同时,浙江有关部门还在杭州西溪湿地辟出一从《集结号》到《私人订制》(2013)、《大闹天宫》(2014)……浙江电影伴随中国电影的大片时代发展脉络,借鉴、吸收、经验,使浙江电影逐渐成为中国电影的一个强大力量。既大舞台。消化、创造。在这过程中,浙江也在研究全球电影的成功付出了艰辛,也取得了真“经”。另外,《第101次求婚》(2012)等合拍片的出现,也标志着浙江电影向海扬帆,驶向国际自主创新,是浙江电影产业自身发展的最终目标。浙作家在这里建立工作室,华策影视、长城影视、浙江影视江电影人在探索、实践的历程中,逐步学会自己走路。浙江启动文化精品扶持工程,出资扶持影视重点项目;设立浙江电影“凤凰奖”,奖励浙江本土电影;通过一系列措江电影梦工场”之称的东海电影集团有限公司挂牌成立,施和途径,培养造就浙江影视领军队伍。2013年,有“浙标志着浙江形成了电影制作、发行、放映和影视新业态全中心和影视行业领军者。同时,大力组织举办各类电影文电影、走近电影、创作电影”。产业链全面发展的新格局,助推浙江成为中国影视产业副化活动,为浙江电影发展营造浓厚的氛围,让大众“关注渐入佳境 风生水起的概念:“浙产电影”,用来囊括浙江所参与制作出品的来的产业红利。当各地电影资源不断涌入浙江的同时,产生了一个新电影。这一概念主要是从电影产业所在和属地管理角度来界定的,体现的是前文提及的浙江电影生产环境优渥所带一系列优质电影产品,叫好叫座,引人注目。据不完全统计主要有: 2013年:《私人订制》;2014年:《智取威虎山》; 2015年:《捉妖记》《老炮儿》; 2016年:《湄公河行动》《盗墓笔记》; 2017年:《羞羞的铁拳》《芳纪录片《我在故宫修文物》记录故宫书画、青铜器、宫廷钟表、木器、陶瓷、漆器、百宝镶嵌、宫廷织绣等领域稀世珍奇文物的修复过程和修复者的生活故事。The documentary

I Repair Cultural Relics in the Forbidden City

records the

repairing process of such rare cultural relics as painting and calligraphy, bronze

ware, palace clocks, wood ware, ceramics, lacquer ware, among others, as well as

the stories of their repairers.在“浙产电影”这一品牌效应下,浙江十年来拥有了《春江水暖》; 2020年:《八佰》; 2021年:《红船》《你好,李焕英》《柳浪闻莺》; 2022年:《李茂扮太子》《这个杀手不太冷静》《独行月球》《妈妈!》……可以看出,十年来,“浙产电影”题材丰富多样,风华》《悟空传》; 2018年:《天渠》; 2019年:《老师好》24Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.


产电影”在电影金鸡奖、百花奖、华表奖、全国“五个一可谓成果丰硕,成绩斐然。越来越多的“浙工程奖”以及诸多国际电影节中屡获大奖,佳讯频传。长足亮眼的发展。这一波的发展来自浙江有关部门的重视十年来,除了故事片风生水起,浙江的纪录电影也有和助推。2015主体的培育、播映平台的建设、人才保障、资金扶持等方年年初,浙江从发展规划、发展方向、创作协会成立,即着手筹划举办“西湖国际纪录片节”。浙江面多管齐下,助推浙产纪录片发展。同年,浙江省纪录片业准则,为新一轮浙江纪录片发展推波助澜。2017省率先从省级层面上主动为纪录片行业搭建平台,建立行届“西湖国际纪录片节”在中国美术学院盛大启幕。此后年,首每年一届,至今已办五届。从《喜马拉雅天梯》(2016)、《罗长姐》(2017)、(2015)、年很久吗》(2018)、《无臂七子》(2019)到《武汉日夜》《一百(2020),浙产纪录电影日渐受人瞩目。Audiences are seen at a movie theater in Zhejiang. Photo by Dong Xuming.浙江电影院观影现场。董旭明/摄源丰沃,戏剧种类丰富,名家名作迭出,传播基础深厚,十年来,浙江的戏曲电影也在稳健发展。浙江戏剧资标志着电影产业发展进入了正确的市场路径和轨道;电影积淀了一大批脍炙人口、广为传播的经典戏曲电影,如《梁类型更为丰富,为电影工业题材类型以及电影审美注入创山伯与祝英台》(1954)、《十五贯》(1956)、《孙悟海内外各类电影节上频频获奖,新的动力。近年来,浙江文艺电影已经奋起直追,不但在空三打白骨精》(1960)、《五女拜寿》( 1984)等,为具有“浙派风格”的影像特征呼之欲出,而且走上了海外拓展之路。从《春江水暖》到对戏曲电影有着深厚情感的浙江电影工作者坚持不懈地深浙江成为戏曲电影大省奠定了坚实的基础。近年来,一直霄之上》和《柳浪闻莺》,体现出对于江南地域风情的展《云耕于这块沃土,(2019)、编写和拍摄了层面呼应了当下“中国电影学派”的崛起与发展。十年来,现以及对于“诗性电影”传统的传承。浙江电影人在实践《李慧娘》(2020)、《孙悟空大战红孩儿》(2021)等《典妻》(2019)、《情探》《唐琬与陆游》(2017)、(2019)、《何文秀》浙江电影产业勇立潮头,优秀的戏曲电影,如幽兰新葩散发着迷人的馨香。电影创作生产的繁荣大大促进了电影市场的繁荣。截业绩辉煌,处于中国电影的前沿。的动画电影曾被评论为“达到世界第一流水平,在艺术风十年来,浙江的动漫电影更是异军突起。之前,中国至等影视基地从业人员数量节节上升,如横店演员公会注册2021年,浙江有注册影视公司近4000家,横店、象山格上形成了独树一帜的中国学派”,并开始向世界展示自影院登记的“横漂”目前达到9.48万人。2021年,浙江新增己的实力。比如《昆塔·盒子总动员》(2013)、《大圣归银幕总数达到58家,新增银幕360块,浙江影院总数达到820(2021)等佳作相继问世,努力打造具有国际影响力的中来》(2015)、《大世界》(2017)、《济公之降龙降世》的成绩单。浙江是一块电影产业创作和消费的厚土、沃土5716块,票房35.74亿元,交出了一张漂亮家,国动画形象,在中国动漫界大有领军之势。和热土。浙江大学、中国美术学院、浙江传媒学院等各大院校里,浙江电影创作生产的繁荣大大促进了电影教育的繁荣。勇立潮头 薪火相传关于影视创作生产制作全产业链各环节的专业(包括史论研究、创作评论)基本齐全,一代电影新人在成长,他们这既是浙江的特色,也是浙江的优势:一批更具包含度和十年来,浙江电影创作逐渐形成了自己的格局和风格,代又一代浙江人手中薪火相传。是浙江电影可持续发展的未来力量。浙江电影事业将在一意义上主旋律电影、工业化属性的“新主流电影”引领创作潮流,打破了传统浙江电影产业的勃勃生机,看到了浙江电影的美好未来。十年来,我们看到了浙江电影人的万丈豪情,看到了体现了浙江电影坚守导向、立足人民的创作立场,同时也商业电影和艺术电影三足鼎立的局面,作出新的更大贡献!未来的浙江电影将奋力推动高质量发展,为电影强国建设Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.



Zhejiang’s Films: A Decade of Success witha Brilliant Future

By Zhang ZifanZhejiang, with a long history and rich cultural heritage, has

an indissoluble bond with China’s fi lms. Many famous fi lm artists

have emerged from Zhejiang, leaving many works that have been

shining in the annals of Chinese film history. Zhejiang’s film

production industry originated in the 1950s and fl ourished in the


“Building a nest to attract a phoenix”, “borrowing a boat to

go to sea” and “independent innovation” are the three drivers that

power the new round of development of Zhejiang fi lm industry.

“Building a nest” refers to the formulation and implementation of

a series of preferential policies by the Zhejiang fi lm administrators

to promote fi lm production, create a good and relaxed production

environment, and attract film and television companies from

all over China to settle in the province, and allow them to fully

embrace the bright prospects in 2012, the industrial agglomeration development

pattern of film and television bases has taken shape and is

gradually expanding, represented by Hengdian World Studios and

Xiangshan Global Studios. In 2020, Xiangshan Global Studios

built the fi rst LED studio in China, mainly serving sci-fi movies

with high visual eff ect requirements. Th e virtual scenes it presents

will replace the use of green screens to a certain extent. Meanwhile,

Zhejiang established the Xixi Cultural and Creative Industrial Park

to host famous fi lm and television playwrights. Huace Film and

Television, Great Wall Film and Television, Zhejiang Film and

Television Group and Donghai Film Group have settled here.

“Borrowing a boat to go to sea” is another successful

experience in the development of fi lm production. Zhejiang fi lm

and television production companies are investing in high-quality

fi lm projects, from Assembly to Personal Tailor (2013) and


production films such as

The 101st Marriage Proposal (2012)

marked a new stage of Zhejiang fi ndent innovation is the ultimate goal of Zhejiang

fi lmmakers, who gradually learn in their exploration and practice.

Th e Zhejiang government has launched a cultural project to fund

and support key film and television projects, set up the Zhejiang

Film Phoenix Award for local fi lms in Zhejiang to cultivate leading

film and television teams. In 2013, Donghai Film Group Co.,

Ltd., known as the “Zhejiang Film DreamWorks”, was established,

marking the formation of a new pattern of film production,

distribution, projection and the full development of the whole

industry chain of new fi lm and television formats in Zhejiang as a

sub-center of China’s fi lm and television industry. At the same time,

various film cultural activities were organized to create a strong

atmosphere, so that the public can have access to fi lm film resources continue to pour into Zhejiang from

all over China, a new concept has emerged: “Zhejiang-produced

films” as the industrial dividend brought by the favorable film

production environment. Zhejiang has produced a series of high-quality film products, which are very popular and profitable:

Personal Tailor


The Taking of Tiger Mountain


Monster Hunt, Mr. Six (2015), Operation Mekong,

The Lost



Never Say Die,


Wukong (2017),

Sky Stream


Hello Teacher, Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains


The Eight Hundred (2020),

The Red Boat, Hi Mom, Hearing

the Orioles among the Willow Waves (2021),

Li Mao Playing as


Too Cool to Kill,

Moon Man,

Mom! (2022) …In the past decade, “Zhejiang-produced films” have been

rich in themes and style. Th eir output and quality improved, and

more and more fi lms entered the top ten of the annual box offi ce,

won awards in the Golden Rooster Award, Hundred Flowers

Award, Huabiao Award, the National “Five Ones” Project Award,

and awards at many international film festivals. In addition to

in Heaven

(2014). During this process, Zhejiang is studying

the successful films all over the world, learning and absorbing

advanced skills. In addition, the emergence of international co-26Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.

feature fi lms, documentary fi

lms have also developed by leaps and

bounds. At the beginning of 2015, Zhejiang took a multi-pronged

approach in terms of planning, orientation, cultivation of creative

subjects, construction of broadcasting platforms, talent guarantee

and fi nancial support to boost Zhejiang-produced documentaries.

Establishing Zhejiang Documentary Association, Zhejiang took

the lead in building a platform for the documentary industry at

the provincial level, establishing industry standards. In 2017, the

fi rst “West Lake International Documentary Festival” was opened

at China Academy of Art. Held annually since then, this festival

has prospered, and many documentaries have attracted movie-goers, such as Ladder to Paradise (2015),

I Repair Cultural Relics

in the Forbidden City (2016),

Mama (2017),



Hundred Years

Long (2018),

The Arms of Seven Men (2019), and

Days and

Nights in Wuhan (2020).Opera films in Zhejiang have also developed steadily.

Zhejiang’s drama resources are plentiful, with famous masterpieces

coming out one after another, and there is a solid foundation for

their dissemination. Over the years, a large number of well-known

and widely disseminated classic drama fi lms have appeared, such as

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai


Fifteen Strings of Copper

Coins (1956),

Monkey King Beats the White Bone Spirit Th ree

Times (1960),

Five Women’s Birthday Celebration

(1984), among

《我是路人甲》是尔冬升执导,由一群非科班群众演员主演的电影。该片讲others. In recent years, those working in the Zhejiang opera fi lm

I Am Somebody述的是奋斗在横店追寻影视梦的“横漂”一族的故事。dy, written and directed by Yee Tung-sing, tells the stories of

industry have been quietly cultivating this fertile soil, writing and

rdworking extras at the Hengdian World Studios pursuing their fi lmmaking popular fi lms such as Love Detective (2017),

He Wenxiu

industry. In recent years, the province’s art and literary fi lms have


Leased Wife


Tang Wan and Lu You (2019), Li

been catching up, not only winning awards at various fi lm festivals,

Huiniang (2020), and

Monkey King vs. Red Boy

(2021).but also embarking on the road of overseas expansion. Films of

Chinese animation fi lms have been regarded as “the world’s

“Zhejiang style” are ready to emerge.

Dwelling in the Fuchun

first-class level, forming a unique Chinese artistic style”, and


Beyond the Skies and Hearing the Orioles among the

they began to show their strength to the world. For example,

Willow Waves display the regional customs of the

Jiangnan (south

masterpieces such as Kunta (2013),

Monkey King:

Hero Is Back

of the Yangtze River) area and inherit the “poetic fi lm” tradition.


Have a Nice Day (2017),

Master Ji Gong the Dragon

As of 2021, there were nearly 4,000 registered film and

Conqueror (2021) and others have been produced in Zhejiang, to

television companies in Zhejiang, and the number of employees

international acclaim. Th us Zhejiang enjoys a leading position in

in film and television bases such as Hengdian and Xiangshan is

the Chinese animation sing. Th e total number of theaters in Zhejiang has reached

Zhejiang’s film creation has gradually formed its unique

820, with a total of 5,716 screens, and a box office of 3.574

pattern and style, which is the advantage of Zhejiang. A batch of

billion yuan ($509.23 million). The prosperity of film creation

“new mainstream films” with more inclusive and industrialized

and production in Zhejiang has greatly promoted the prosperity

attributes are leading the creative trend, breaking the traditional

of fi lm education. In Zhejiang University, China Academy of Art,

three-pronged situation of the main theme fi lms, commercial fi lms

Communication University of Zhejiang, the majors in all aspects

and art fi lms. It shows that the development of our fi lm industry

of the fi lm and television creation and production industry chain

has entered the correct market path, with more abundant types

(including art historical research, fi lm criticism) are complete, and

injecting innovative power into the genre and aesthetics of the fi lm

a new generation of fi lmmakers are growing.

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