
Position Paper

Delegates: Ge Sihan Li Zhengfei

Country: People's Republic of Bangladesh

Committee: The Economic and Social Council

Topic:G20’s assistance to developing countries

Bangladesh is one of the least developed and poorest countries with weak economic

foundation, and its national economy depends mainly on agriculture. Bangladesh ranked 138

among 177 countries all around the world in the 2004 United Nations Human Development

Report. In 2008, affected by the international financial crisis, not only did its exports decrease

seriously, but the growth rate of GDP remained only 6.21%, which was the lowest level in the past

five years. In our country, there are still 49.8% of the populations living below the poverty line,

including 33.4% extremely poor people. Most poor people are seriously limited on income

resources because of lack of technology and property and not getting credit from financial system.

Our health, nutrition and education level are very low, especially women and children. In health

care, our average per 4109 people has a hospital bed, and one doctor per 3,866 people, with a

serious shortage of medical resources. Meanwhile, China has a serious natural disaster, and

China's desire to reduce poverty are facing enormous challenges due to limited natural resources,

high population density and frequent natural disasters.

At present, energy crisis has appeared in Bangladesh, if not be controlled and mitigated, it will

have not only a very negative impact on the recent economic development of Bangladesh but also

long-term socio-economic development.

Global warming has had a tremendous impact all around the world. On a global scale, the

majority of developing countries encountered unprecedented challenges on climate issues. Every

country of the world should assume the obligation to respond to climate change. Developed

countries should be responsible for their historical emissions and current high per capita emissions.

In recent years, the Chinese government has been actively pursuing the privatization policy to

improve the investment environment, attract foreign investment and create export processing

zones. Here, the Chinese government appealed to the international community:

 Our country encourages foreign investors to invest by the BOT to construct thermal power

plants, and they will be given priority in policies.

 Put forward the constructive suggestions

 The developed countries of G20 group should take the lead and exemplary role on a global

scale, and developed countries should take the lead in reducing emissions, effectively assume the

obligation to respond to climate change, respect "common but differentiated responsibilities" the

principle of many developing countries in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate

Change, including Bangladesh, to provide financial and technical support to more effectively take

measures to mitigate or adapt climate change.

 The international community should steer globalized balanced development to strengthen the


equal right to participation and decision-making of developing countries in international economic


 My Government thinks that international development assistance should take full account of

the national conditions of developing countries, increasing recipient countries' autonomy and the

right to participate in order to improve aid effectiveness.

 The international community should establish a fair multilateral trade mechanism, and fully

consider the interests of developing members and new members.

 Our government hopes that the related developed countries can be appropriate to remove the

debt of our country so that more liquidity can be used for our country's development.

All in all, we look forward to, under the support and promotion of the relevant agencies of

the United Nations, Governments, the World Bank, World Trade Organization as well as around

the world NGO organizations, further improving the domestic environment in order to ensure a

more stable our society and the improvement of people's living standards. Our government is

willing to, together with all responsible, cooperative, and developing countries, make unremitting

efforts and due contributions to deal with global warming, solve many development issues in

developing countries, to minimize the negative impact of the financial crisis on the world

economy and to achieve the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.