
高三英语教案 Unit 8 Learning a

foreign language (学生练习版)

Unit8 learning a foreign language (Students’



1.单词:ase develop relate attitude blame


2.短语:take part in / too much /an / ma/words

/ as well as / instead句型:be to 句式 / The

more…… /部分否定语法:虚拟语气新课标理念:It is

vant to learn English. It is a bridge when we

communicate wgners. We should learn English hard.

Period 1 New words and exTeaching aims and


(1) To leawords and ex(2) To use the words and

exlve n.(CN) 动机 目的vate vt. 作为┉的动机;激发va(UN) 动机;积极性

I’m suffering from a lack of ________________.

My new job is really boring.


 He was ___________ by love, and

expected nothing in retuA. driven B. motivatedd D.

compelled (强迫)

2( vt ) 记住,背熟 _____________ _______

_________背熟一首诗dictation ( n )1). 口述;听写

[U] The pupils wrote aacher’s_____________.学生按照老师的口述写下来。

2). 命令[U] She was tired of her________

___________.她对丈夫的发号施令感到厌烦。( n.)1).

订正,修改;校正[U][C] Look carefully at the

_____________which I have wur essay. 请仔细看一下我对你文章修改过的地方。

2).惩治,惩罚[U];教养[PL]Twaa labour camp

for_________________.囚犯被送往劳工营改过自新。(n). 1.) 枝条;柴枝[C] 2.) 棍,棒,杖;手杖[C]

Grandpa still walks ________ ________


vt. 1.) 刺;戮;刺死 _________a pig 宰猪 2.) 钉住;插牢 ____________ a butterfly钉制蝴蝶标本) 粘贴;张贴 They ______ _______ ____________on the wall.

他们把通知贴在墙上。) 伸,伸出 Don't _________

__________ ___________ouain window. 不要把头伸出火车窗外面。) 使停止;阻塞 be stuck in 陷入

Tas been __________a week by bad weather. 由于


 Mike had the back wheelbus _________w.

ABg D stuvi. 1.) 粘住;钉住 This stamp

won't____________ 这张邮票贴不上。

2.) 陷住;梗塞;被困住 A fish-bone stuat. 他喉咙里卡了一根鱼刺。

______ _____伸出、突出 / ______ ______坚持(立场、观点、岗位、诺言)/_______ _______ _____ 陷入

No matter what you say, I shall __________A carry

out B keep uDvacquire vt. 学到(知识等);获得

acqu( CN) 获得或购得之物;(UN)获得

①She___________ an American accent while

living in New她住在纽约时学会了一口美国音。

②He_______ ____________ a good command/

knowledgFrench languag他的法语学得很好。

 Iugh learning thadividual ___________

many habitual waacting to situaA. retains B. gains

C. achieves D. acqu正是通过学习,个体才得以获得应付各种情况的惯常做法。awful

He died a (an) ___________ deaA aural B average

C awful D fearful

9. instruv) 指示,命令,吩咐=ordHe __________

_________ _______deliva cu他吩咐我把东西送去给顾客。

The judge instructed the wat he _________

_________ the whole truth.法官命令见证人讲实话。

2.) 教授;训练;指导[(+in)] =teab is_____

_______________ ________ _____ _________ 我的工作是教她英语。) 通知,告知agent has instructed me

that you still owe me $150. 我的代理人告诉我你还欠我一百五十美元。

Instruct sb ________sth 教导某人某事

________ _______ ______ ________sth 命令某人干某事

Follow/receive the______________ 遵从指示/接受指导

give sb _______________ to do命令/吩咐某人做…ldren must ___________ road safety bare allowed

to ride a bad.

A instruct in B instruct C be instructed in D be

instructed ;u教授;命令;用法说明,操作指南

Make sure you read the________________ bu tugine.打开机器之前一定要看用法说明。

10. anxious ad) 焦虑的,挂念的[(+about/at/for)]

_______________________________. 我对她的安全担心。

He ____________ ______________aamily. 他担心家人的安全。

2.) 令人焦虑的

The wlood was ______ ___________ ___________for

all of us. 闹水灾的那一星期是使我们大家都焦虑不安的日子。) 渴望的 [(+for)][+to-v][+that]

We're __________ ________ your safe return. 我们盼望你平安归来。

We ___________anxious thabunderstanding. 我们极愿没有误解。

I could see that she was anxious for Laura_______

____________. 我看得出她巴望劳拉去。

I'm really ___________ _______ _______ him. 我急于见他。ure ad) 安全的,无危险的[(+from/against)]

Now my house _______ ____________

______________burglary. 现在我的房子无被盗窃之危险。

2.) 安心的,无忧虑的u have made me___________

_____________你使我觉得放心。) 有把握的,确定无疑的

Our success______ _______________. 我们的成功是有把握的。

12. adopt ( vt. ) Adopted (adj ) adoption (n.))

采取;采纳;吸收 adopt a new technique/ method/idea


After much deliberadent decided ____________

___________ ________________.

总经理再三考虑之后,决定采纳她的建议。umstances will force us finally to __________this


2.) 过继,收养[(+as)]___________an_______

______ ___________ _______.


 Aaven’t a childwn,they are going to

___________ a little girl.

A. adapt B. adopt C. accept D. receiv) 正式通过,接受

The agenda__________ _____________ adiscussion.

经过讨论,议事日程获得通过。level) 水平线;水平面[C]

The village is 1,000___________ ________

__________. 这村子海拔一千米。

2.) 高,高度[C][U]

The flooda________ of 50 feet. 洪水涨到五十英尺高。) (文化等的)水平,程度,标准[C][U]

These students havached_________ _____________

__________ yet.这些学生尚未达到高级班的程度。) 级别;地位[C]

They are holding aaal level. 他们正在举行部长级会议。associa) 协会,公会,社团[C]

Have you joined________ _____________

_____________? 你加入教师协会了吗?

2.) 联合,结合;交往[U][(+with)]

I benefited much from________ _____________

___________ ________. 我跟他的交往中获益匪浅。)


What ____________do you have wlor green? 绿色会使你产生什么联想?.Broaden vi 变宽,变阔;扩大

One’s views broaden at college. 一个人的见解在大学时代变得开阔起来。

Vt 使宽,使阔;使扩大 This narrow

highway___________ _______ _________. 这条狭窄的公路应该加宽。

Period 2 Warming up

Teaching aims and demands:

(1)To improv’speaking and listening skills

Teaching procedures:DisscuB p64 Ldisscuss the

quxanswers w2 Listening

Lape andxagaking

Dividveral groups to discuss and ldealaPeriod 3


Teaching aims and demands:

(1)To get general ideaassage

(2)To improv’ reading skill

(3)To leawledge about learning a foreign


Teaching proceduPre-readingWhat adifficulties

we must face when wlearn a foreign language ?


2. How do we learn ougue ?

___________________________________________How is

learning a foreign language dlearning ougue ?


hat aarauccessful language learners ?

_______________________________________________How daraand skills help us learn ?


can we develop our confidence ?

_________________________________________________________________What can we do to learn better and

faster ?

____________________________________________________2 Fast readingWhauzzling qulearning ougue?


2 If we develop our study skills and way of

learning, is learning foreign language twice as hard

or as easy?


______________________areful readingTellue or fal( )

1 Although experts don’t agree eaall share a:Life

is a very successful language school.

( ) 2 We study ougue all day long for about 5 years

before we maBut we only spend a few hours a week and

in a few years’ time we can speak a foreign

languag( )sful language learners usually

step awaacademic challeng( )4The less anxious

andlaxed the leawlanguage acquReading:best

answldren have the age of five

the age of eigbare five

Dwere five

2.T“Life is a very successful language school”

are equipped with a special ability to learn


Blearn the language wellunicate wle around

uarents can give children language can

learn the language blvuccessful language learners do

shallowing abilwords

standingwgwillingake abil主旨大意题What’s the puwriting this article?

ng a foreign language is twice as hard

as learning ng a foreign languagant than

learning ouguLearning a foreign language is twice as

easy if we develop our study faumble

learning a foreign language has increased with

yeaRead the text quickly andget general idea of each

paragraain idea of each paragragh

Para.1. The enval falearning___________


Para.2. D______________of language exPara.3.

The ____________ between learningand learning a

foreign languagPara.4. The

chara___________language ing

___________of successful language leaPara.6.

The_____________ulearningara.7 The puwriting the

passage to tell us that learning a foreign language

dave to be twice as __________as learning ougue.

Period 4 Languagading

Teaching aims and demands:

(1) To learn and graant phraxt

(2) To leaant languagⅡLearing the

following. If you wd as many hours studying English,

you would make great prog如果你将花费尽可能多的时


Be to + 动词原形

① 表示安排或计划中即将发生的动作。



② 表示禁止、命令等。u _________ _________

_________ __________xamina考试中不许作弊。

③ 表示注定要发生什么事。

His acting style _________ __________ _______

___________ all over the world.


④ 表示假设。ain skills must be

learned__________ __________ _________


will do 表示单纯的将来,无意识的即时性行动。

be going to do “打算、计划、准备、即将”做某事

be to do 见上面

be about to do 眼看着就要发生某事,常与when连用。

1.— The telging.

__ I ____________ answA will B am going to C am

to D am abou2 __ Tom, did ussion?

__ No, he _______________, but he happened to

have fallen ill.

A would like to B was to have C will D was goingIn

such dry wealowers will have to be


A have survived B are to survive C would survive

D will survivIf you ______________ my advice, you

wouldn’t have been ill now.

A took B were going to take C would D wave taken

2 _______________换句话说

_______________总而言之;总共=in all/in

totalword and in deed在言语上和行动上

word for word 逐字地

have _____ ____________with sb.与…说句话

have words with sb.______________________xw进行试验/实验/upon sb/animals

They exd with new teaching methods __________the


IIIuctuvI take part in a group discuak EnglI find

it difficult to exlf.(P66)

ev/ea(the)la(the) nexute等名词短语用作连词,引导时间状语从句

①_______ ___________ _______ __________, my

parents will dragal(.每次我生病)

②_________ ______________he sawure, he was

attracted by its beauty.(一…就)

considuation fuu will realize thadeed the


This is (not) the caIf that is______

____________, you will have to work much hardThe less

anxious andlaxed the leablanguage acqu(p67)

The + adj./adv.比较级, The + adj./adv.比较级.

__________ ___________expensivl is, ____bv直击考点:

Iars travel companies have succeeded in selling

us the idea that the further we go , ________________.

holiday will be better holiday will

be the bbetter our holiday will be better will

our holiday be takes palearn a languagPeriod 5

Word study and Grammar

Teaching aims and demands

(1) Consolidate the words that has been learned

(2) Rerview grammar:Review the Subjunctive Mood


(1)若表示与,则条件从句中用过去式,主句中用过去将来式(would,should,could,might + 动词原形);

(2)若表示某事将来实现的可能性不大,则条件从句中用should + 动词原形也可用“were to+动词原形”或用过去式动词。如:

 I would certainly go if I


 Iuld rain,we wouldn't go out.(将来)

(3)若表示与过去事实相反的假设,从句中用过去完成式,主句中用过去将来完成式(should,would,could,might + have + 过去分词)。如:

 If I hada little earlier, I __________


 She would / might hav__________ been so


 If I hadn't ___________(take)your

advice,I would have made a bad mistake.

(4)含有虚拟语气的条件状语从句中,如有had,should,were 这三个词的话,在正式或书面语言中可将


___________(=Iad time),they would certainly

come and help us.

____________it be fine(=Iuld be fine),we would

go for an outing.

___________I you(=If I were you), I would go.


If it __________rained last night(过去),It

would be very cold today(现在).

If I _____taken your advice(过去),I should

havuble wwork now(现在).


在动词suggest,order,demand,propose,request,command,insist等后的宾语从句中,用虚拟语气(即Should+动词原形或只用动词原形)来表示愿望、建议、命令、请求等。在动词wish /would rather后的宾语从句中,用过去式表示与现在事实不符,用过去完成式表示与过去事实不符。如:

 I suggest that we(should)at once.

The dd that the patient (should)be


I wish I ____________as strong as you.

 I would rather that you ____________

told him.(没有告诉他)


在Iary/important/strange/natural;It is

requested/suggested/desired/proposed;it is a pity等结构后的主语从句中要用虚拟语气,即Should+动词原形或只用动词原形。如:

 Iary that he(should)bat once.

It is requested that PLi(___________)give us a speech.

It is desired that we(should)get

everything ready by tonight.


在 suggestion, proposal,idea,plan,order,advice等名词后的表语从句、同位语从句中要用虚拟语气,即should+动词原形或只用动词原形。如:

 Our suggat you( should)bgo.

 My advat we(____________)send for

Doctor Li.

 Do you know the order that you(should)keep watch?


在as if引导的状语从句中,用过去式表示与现在事实不符,用过去完成式表示与过去事实不符;

在so that,in order that引导的状语从句中,常用should/would/could/might+动词原形来表示虚拟语气。如:

They talked a________ __________


 She stayed aa few daauld take ca.

 He took a taxaauldain.



 It’s time I was going.

 It’body ___________(teach)you to

behave yoursel由wish引起的表示愿望的虚拟语气


B.用wish表示对将来的愿望时,它所引起的宾语从句中谓语动词形式为:would, could, might+ 动词原


C.wish用于对过去的事实表示一种不可能实现的愿望时,宾语从句中的谓语动词形式为:had+动词过去分词或could, would + have +动词过去分词。

I wish that he__________ so laI wish

I____________ wasted so muI wwould changdad hoped/

planned/ thought/ wanted/ intended表示一种过去未实现的愿望或令人失望的事。

I had thought he had been dead for at least 20

yeaI had hoped that she would gU.S. and studbut she

saidliked to staawould rawould (had) rather, would

awould sooner和would prefer所引起的从句中要求用过去式表示当时或将来的情况,用过去完成时表示过去的情况,表示希望或婉转的责备。例如:

I’d rather you __________the lght away. 我倒希望你把这封信立刻寄出去。

I woulddidn’t stalong.我倒希望他不要在那儿呆得太久。

I would just au had returned the bday.我真希望你昨天把这本书还了。

’s (high, about)at 句型中that从句中要求用虚拟语气形式,即动词要用过去式。

It’ag ________ ____________(do)abouablem

downtowIt is higat we put an enddiscussion.现在是我们该结束讲座的时候了 虚拟语气在由某些连词或个词引出的表示条件、目的的状语从句中的使用。常见的这些连词和介词有:

1) unless (除非),provided(倘若),supposing(假若),providing(倘若)dat(如果),由这些词、词组引出的从句,动词多用过去时。

 除非你命令他做,要不他是不会做的。

 He wouldn't do it unless you


 Providing you hadugo abroad, where

would you go?

12. so that (以便 ),for fear that(以免, 唯恐),in order that (以便),whether(不管),lest(以免),in case (假使),从句中加情态动词,有时should可省略。


He hid it l(should)我得准备点啤酒,说不定约翰会来。

I'll gbauld他轻轻地进屋,以免吵醒他的同房。

Hdquietly in order thauld not waate.ly



如果表示对过去的愿望,句中的谓语动词常用had+过去分词。ly I ______ you!

If only you _________day!

If only Linda could go with uw!

If only I had said more about it!ly if表示"只有";if only则表示"如果……就好了"。If only也可用于陈述语气。

I wake up onlalarm clock rings. 只有闹钟响了,我才会醒。

If only the alarm clock had rung. 当时闹钟响了,就好了。

If onlarly. 但愿他早点回来。

虚拟语气精练60题The boy acted ____ he had never

lived in Canada bA. as though B. evas D2. If you were

old enough, I ____ you to gdaA. will allow B. should

allow C. would have allowed D. had allowedTary

suggested that they ____aA. had brought B. should

have brought C. brought D. bringIf we arrivedutes

earlier, we ___ the buA should have catch B. would

have caught C. had caught D. would caDon't touleeping

tiger. If he woke up, he _____ you.

A. would attack B. should attack C. would have

attacked D. will attaWithout eluman life _____ quite

ddaA. is B. will be C. would have been D. would bHow

I wish I ____ to reapair the watch! I only made it

wA. had tried B. hadn't tried C. have tried D. didn'He

demanded that the labora___ immediately axwas dA.

was written B. be wust be written D. would be wIf only

I _____ howate an eluter as you dA. had known B. would

know C. should know D. knew

10. If he ___acher attentively, he ___ the

answblem now.

listened, would have known B. listened,

would knowlistened, would have known D. had listened,

would knowI would havarlier, but I ___ that you were

waitingA. didn’t know B. hadn’t know C. would have

known D. haven’t know2. It is really strange that

Marry, wll a college studnet , ___ so earlA. has been

married B. has married C. be married D. would maThe

teacher agreeduggaudents ___ two waxaA. give B.

should give C. be given D. would be givI was budawise

I ___ your birthday paA. attended B. had attended C.

would attend D. would have attendedThe two strangers

talked a___ friendaA. were B. would be C. have been

D. had bIant that you ___ a communication wWillians

immediatelA. have B. had C. will have D. would havIt

is high time we ___ up our resulA. sum B. summed C.

will sum D. would suIf the doctor had been availablld


A. would not die B. would not have died C. could

not die D. could not have diedI can’t stand him. He

always talks as though he _______ everything.

A. knew B. knows C. has known D. had known

20. If you had told me in advance, I ___ him at

the aA. would meet B. would hadwould have met D. would

hav21. Kunar can taar apart and put it back together

again. I certainly wish he ___ me how.

A. teaches B. will teach C. has taught D. would

tea22. I would have called you ulp had it bble ,but

I ___ youumbA. hadn’t had B. didn’t havuldn’t have

D. couldn’t have

23. If it ___ augame would have been calledA. had

rained B. would had rained C. have seen D. did24. He

suggested that they ___ use aad of fighting.

A. should B. would C. do D. had

25. “Why didn’t you buy a new car?” “I would

have bougI ___ enoug”

A. had B. have had C. would have D. had had

26. Ided thaudent ___as soon as possiblAg

writing B. shouldwritingwriting Dd writing

27. The Bakers arrived last nig’d only let us

know earlier, ___ aaA. we’dB. we’llwe’d havD.

we’v28. We might have failed if you ___ us a helping


A. have not given B. would not give C. had not

given D. did not give

29. The Law requires that everyone ___ his cad

at leaa yeaA. has B. had C will have D. hav0 The

librariaat John ___blibrary burns all the bad


A. will take Bake D. taThen came a word from our

boss that we all ___ aaght awaA. be B. to be C. would

be D. shall b2. ---Helen couldn’t got to France

after all.

----That’s too bad, I’m sure she would havd it

if ___.

A. she’s gone B. she’ll g’d gone D. she’d gI

must garlas suggested that I ___ an hour bdiscussion

begA. go B. shall go C. will go D. would gBuguidaur

instructor(导师) , we ___xA. shouldn’t succeed B.

could not have succeedwill not succeed D. should not

have succeededIn the past men generally would rather

thawives______A. worked B. would work C. work D. were

workingdidl well yesterday; otherwise he

_______lassmaA. came B. wouldwould have come D.

should be comingIt’s aboule______what women did

during the waA. take Bave taken D. will tale

aarticular about school recordg that every applicant

______all diplomalemental to univA. has B. will

havuld have D. must havWithout eluters, muday’s

advanced technology_______A. will not have been

achieved B. have not been achievedwould not have been

achieved D. had not been achieved

40. The suast andwaun ________round the eaA.

wling B. circlling D. be circlingTa real possibility

thaanimals could be frightened, _______a sudden

loudA. being there B. should there bwas Daving b2 .

_______more carefulwould not have suA. If the

captain were B. Had the captain buld the captain be

D. If the captain would have bIt is hardagine what

I would be doing today if I ________ in love,at the

age of seven,wlinda Cox ’t have

fallen not falluld fall that she

________ illbehind him,but he didn’t

’n’t speak ’t speak

Dauldn’t have answered the qu________a few

’t read ’t read ’t

read ’t readI wg yesterday because I _______

nothing about the discussion without

’t know know

have knowIsn’t it abouat you ________up the vNew


go gWhen a pencil is

partly in a glass of water,it looks a________.

bwere broken been bHis

silence ag suggested that he ________ to your

’t agree ’t agreed ’t

agree ag0. .The young mad that he ________

nothing wrong and ________; set

done; should bdo; be set done; must bIf you

________ary, what would you tell her?

A are B will be going C had D w2. If the whole

operation ____________ beforehand, a great dealand

money would have been lA was not planned B has not

been planned C had not been planned D wlannedIf I

__________ harder at school, I would bg in aablw.

A had worked B worked C were to work D were

workingI wish I ____________ longg, but I had to get

up andlaA could have slept B slght have slept D have

sl“ You are very selfish. It’s higu _________ you

aaworld,” Edgar saidboss angrilA have realized B

realised C realize D should realIf I hadn’t stood

under the ladder to catch you when you fell, you

___________ now.

A wouldn’t be smiling B couldn’t have smiled

C won’t smile D didn’t smil__________llness, I

would have la helping hand.

A Not being B Hadbeen C without being D Not having

bWleave right now, she ___________undaA had got B

might have got C would got D has gThe childbackseat

might have busly injureddriver ________ thawear

seatbelA hasn’t bg B hadn’d C wouldn’D wasn’g

60. if only I _________ more careful that day!

A could be B would have buld be D had been

Period 6 Integrating skills

Teaching aims and demands:

(1) To improvudents’ abilading and(2) To

lealanguagLead-Whabest way to learn a language ? Why ?


2. Iblu to study abroad ?


should you do bu go abroad?

Step2 Reading:The bxchange with local


dg exchange programmes at various

academic levels at a friends

ng students dllowing things

gamily’s amily’s

houbecoming a membamily

g in touch wamily afterwardWhat maaudy

abroad nowadays?

are prograall leveludents

can find “home-stay” service and live

the abovThe greatest value of an exchange student

studying learn the language

widen one’s views and understand the

cultuuget better idea of yourself and your own

learn to be independlummaain idea of each

paragraPara. 1 Ible for a student of any level to

study ______ _____________ _______________ in a

country wlanguagPara. 2 ______________ of studying


Para. 3 ___________________of studying abroad.

Para.4 ___________ should you do in ordudy

abroad ?Ladvantages and disadvantagudying abroad

Advantagudying abroad

1). become ____________w language

2). make __________wle from dbackground).

Understand another ____________)___________ youand

improve your understandingworld

5). learn about yourself and what

your___________ is really l). learn to ___________on


Disadvantagudying abroad

1)ay fall _____________udies when studying


2).They may not be able to take classes at the

same ____________as a). Parents worry about the

saldren and may also be ____________abouLanguaga理解,弄懂…的意思_________________________________aa


①aumour /bility/ shame/safety/ hunger


②ght/ hearing/ smell/ taste/ touch


③Can you___________ ___________ _________

whaaying ?(理解)

you know if I hadn’d the little girlgall

of a sudden, I wouldn’t havd her dow__________ 撞倒; pull down/tear down


______________.撞到…身上; run into/come


…out of… ______________;

against 撞到…上;

at/on 敲…


_____________漫游,漂泊,闲逛all _____________落后

__________ 跌倒;失败





about/for sth/ sb = be worried about sth/sb

with sth/sb. 关心;和..有关参与

The bd with Africa. __________________

Hd abou’s future.______________________



2 弄懂…的意思



4冒险 ________________________________








10 与…不同

_____________________________________与…联系;与…交流 _____________________________________

12 把与区别开来


_________________________________在进行;经过;在…过程中 ___________________________________(团体)共同的;公有的



_______________________________________(积极)参加 _______________________________________有耐心去做…. ________________________________________

Ex(A) Fillblanks with wordI was terribly

a____________ abouldren wdidn’l.担忧

2. I a___________d of making the machine.采纳The card is rather appropriaa’t it?恰当的We

finally managed to a_____________’s approval of our

plans. 获得There agrammingat need

c________________.改正Teaching children wal needs

requires p_____________ and understanding.耐心The

studubaw a____________ year.学术的uters play aant

part in our e___________ life.日常的

(B) Fillblanks with phraTime is up. Let’s_____

______ ______ ________the class. 结束

2. Take it easy. You will soon____________

yourself________ student life.调节The club

welcomes all new members ______________

__________age.不管He walked out leaving

___________ _________ debts behind.一大堆I can’t

__________ __________ __________the painting.理解Too tired__________ ___________am.落后u have no

right to ___________ ____________wle’s lives.冒险depend______ ____________ _________, she doesn’t

do things by herself.换句话说They________ _______

__________the new medanimals.用…实验

(C) MultiplThese books a____________.

B. acquacquD. obtaining

2. Hwe shouldn’t go ahead wlan becau_____ of

failuA. future B. pressure C. worry DWlglish teacher,

Tom _____in Englast few great advances B. has

been greatly progas made a rapid progress D. has made

much progThe champion boxer ____________ his less

d on Bdd down Dd agaWhat he told us about

the affair simply doesn’t make any _________.

B. meaningD. significaTger the

_________quickly awill learn a foreign

ssociation D. motivation