
Visual C++ 中fatal error C1083的解决办法00文/蹇安安

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fatal error C1083: Cannot open compiler intermediate file:“C:WINDOWSTempxxxx” No such file or directory

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致命错误 C1083: 无法打开编译器中间文件:

< tmp 目录 >; < tmpfile >: 没有的文件或目录

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原因之一:有可能是环境变量设置不对。user用户变量和system变量TEMP和TMP的变量值都为%SystemRoot%TEMP ,在正常机器上,这是没有问题的,但是有的用户机器的系统盘是手动更改成C盘的,本来应该为E盘。

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原因之二:和预编译头的设置有关。0 0 0

解决办法:打开Settings对话框,左边的Settings For中选中Release,底下的TreeView中选中,右边选中C/C++标签页,Category选Precompiled Headers,底下选Create precompiled header,Through header填StdAfx.h。左边的TreeView中依次选中工程中其他所有的cpp,Precompiled

Headers都选中Use precompiled header file,Through header填StdAfx.h。最后,“OK”、“Rebuild All”。

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原因三:该错误是由 TMP 环境变量的末尾分号引起的。例如:TMP=C:TMP;

解决办法:从命令行设置 TMP 环境变量正确方法是,如下所示:C:>SET


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非常重要的环境字符串不能结束用分号 (;),因为编译器将中间文件名追加到 TMP 路径。 通过从路径中删除分号,编译器可以正确地创建该文件。


0 0in addition,TMP variable should be fully qualified path and not

relative path。C:TMP for example may cause compiler to issue similar

errors,but C:TMP will always work correctly。 TMP environment variable

also should be set to that has sufficient space for compiler 's temporary

files drive。

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To work around this error, specify the /Yc compiler option switch to

create a pre-compiled header file.

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Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the Microsoft products

listed above. We are researching this problem and will post new

information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.

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This problem does not occur in Microsoft C/C++ 32-bit compiler version

8.0, included with Visual C++ 32-bit Edition version 1.0.

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The following code example demonstrates this problem.

Sample Code - TEST.C


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* Compiler options needed: / to demonstrate error


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void main()

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{0 0 0

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printf("Hello, worldn");

}0 0 0