
1. ♪ 世上没人比我强壮 ♪♪ Nobody else is stronger than I am ♪





昨天我移了一座山 ♪♪ Yesterday I moved a mountain ♪

我相信我能当你的英雄 ♪♪ I bet I could be your hero ♪

我是个了不起的小家伙 ♪♪ I am a mighty little man ♪

我是个了不起的小家伙 ♪♪ I am a mighty little man ♪

6. 快点快点Let's go. Let's go.

7. 我们要迟到啦We're gonna be late!

8. 有趣知识 我第一次差点死掉 是在岁Fun fact-- the first time I almost died was at the

age of nine.

9. 而凶器呢The murder weapon?

10. 吉米·迪安牌香肠A Jimmy Dean sausage.

11. 妈 谢尔顿对我做鬼脸Mom, Sheldon's making faces at me.

12. 谢尔顿Sheldon!

13. -我得替迪安先生说一句 -宝贝- In fairness to Mr. - Honey!

14. 那天早晨 我决定不执行我的嚼口规矩...this one morning, I decided to forgo my normal

chews per bite,

15. 嚼下是美国医学会的建议as prescribed by the American Medical Association.

16. 乔治 来帮忙George, help!

17. 儿子过来 没事的 我来帮你打出来Come here, boy. We got it. We just got to smack it


18. 在生活中任何危机发生时 我家人们To further complicate matters, in any real-life crisis,





会像无头苍蝇般恐慌 把事情越搞越糟my family's default mode is mindless panic.

谢尔顿要死了 谢尔顿要死了Sheldon's gonna die! Sheldon's gonna die!

或者是漠不关心Or heartless apathy.

神啊Oh, Lord.

23. 来 应该这样Here we go. This is how you do it.

24. -来吧 我们摇起来 -宝贝- Here we go. And we shake. - Honey!

25. 在你的生命渐渐从身体流失时It's interesting the things you think about

26. 你所想的东西其实挺有意思when life is ebbing from your body.

27. 比如说 油地毯 这到底是什么啊For instance, linoleum. What is it, really?

28. 是塑料吗 那跟福米加塑料贴面差别在哪Plastic? And if so, how is it different from


29. 我打紧急求助电话I'm calling .

30. 那巧古拉伯爵呢And what about Count Chocula?

31. 他怎么是伯爵How is he a count?

32. 他的爵位是有土地的吗Did the title come with land?

33. 乔治 海姆立克法George, Heimlich!

34. 别伤到他的小肋骨Don't hurt his little ribs!

35. 人们说 在人生最后关头They say, in the final moments,

36. 你的一生会在你眼前飞过your life passes before your eyes.

37. 但我眼里只看到了我哥舔了果酱刀All I saw was my brother licking jelly off the knife

38. 然后又伸进去果酱里and putting it back in the jar.

39. 现在好了 谢尔顿Okay, it's better now. Sheldon!

40. 亲爱的 你没事吧Honey. Are you okay?


41. 能呼吸了吗 你说话啊Can you breathe? Say something!





你得把... 那瓶果酱... 丢掉...You that jelly.

我从没上学迟到过I've never been late to school before.

我整天迟到 这都不是事儿I'm late all the time. It's no big deal.

我每天都准时送你到学校 你为什么迟到了I get you to school on time every day. Why

are you late?

46. 每天早上都有很多人要跟我请安I have a lot of people to say hi to in the morning.

47. 妈Mom,

48. 你能帮我写个解释信吗would you write a note for me?

49. 没问题Sure.

50. 你有最酷的迟到理由You have the coolest excuse.

51. 你差点就死了 你有看到耶稣吗You almost died. Did you see Jesus?

52. 我看到巧古拉伯爵I saw Count Chocula.

53. 但你要写有关我的濒死经历我也不介意But feel free to mention my brush with death in

the note.

54. 好了 别再说什么死不死的了All right, that's enough talk about death and dying.

55. 我就差这么一点点就能有自己的房间了I came this close to having my own room.

56. 善心捐食物的活动这周五截止Remember, the food drive ends Friday.

57. 欢迎捐赠任何罐装食品All canned goods are welcome.

58. 但拜托大家捐的罐头都有内容物标示 make sure your cans have labels.

59. 有需要的人们 生活已经够烦了Needy people have enough problems





别再给他们添麻烦 得猜自己的晚饭是什么了without having to guess what's for dinner.

抱歉我迟到了 我有解释信I'm sorry I'm late. I have a note.

可怜的小家伙 你出了医疗紧急事故吗You poor thing, you had a medical emergency?

是的老师 我被香肠噎到了Yes, ma'am. I choked on a sausage.

64. 多大根How big was it?

65. 这么大根About yay big.

66. 直到今天To this day,

67. 我还是没懂他们当时在笑什么I still don't understand why they were laughing.

68. 你坐在我的专座上了You're sitting in my spot.

69. 为什么这里是你的专座Why is it your spot?

70. 很复杂 你坐过去就是了It's complicated. Just move.

71. -你在读漫画书 -是啊- You're reading a comic book. - I am.

72. 你知道漫画是给小孩看的玩意吧You do understand those are for children.

73. 你读过吗Have you ever read one?

74. 我三岁时就不屑读图画书了I outgrew picture books when I was three.

75. 吃你的饭就是了Just eat your lunch.

76. 怎么了What's the matter?

77. 我想我没办法吃这个I-I don't think I can eat this.

78. 你想交换吗You want to trade?

79. 我妈又给我做了鱼汤My mom made me fish soup again.

80. 我们家得住在这国家多少年How long do we have to be in this country

81. 我妈才能让我吃美式大香肠啊before I get baloney?

82. 还是算了Mm, no, thank you.


83. 我不饿I'm not hungry.





我不饿I'm not hungry.

这句话你在越南永远不会听到Three words you never hear in Vietnam.

说件好的Well, here's something nice.

你们认识洛圣朋先生吗You know that Mr. Rosenbloom

88. 在牛排馆附近开家具店的那个with the furniture store over by the steakhouse?

89. -不认识 -你肯定认识- I don't think so. - Oh, sure you do.

90. 有遮秃发型的那个希伯来佬That Hebrew fella with the comb-over?

91. 你是说犹太人吗You mean Jewish?

92. 他们好像比较喜欢被叫希伯来佬I think they like to be called Hebrew.

93. 言归正传Anyway,

94. 他约我去共进晚餐he's asked me to dinner.

95. 很好啊 你怎么回答的Well, good for you. What'd you say?

96. 我说让我考虑考虑I said I'd have to think about it.

97. 有什么好考虑的What's to think about?

98. 很多啊Well, a lot.

99. 他要是晚饭吃得开心I mean, assuming he enjoys dinner,

100. 说不定会想来一勺姥姥当饭后甜点吃he might want a scoop of Meemaw for dessert.

101. 妈 孩子在Mom, the kids.

102. 我说了饭后甜点I said dessert.

103. 你们知道我刚才说的是上床吗Did you know I was talking about sex?

104. 不知道No.

105. 你看See?

106. 你为什么不吃Why aren't you eating?

107. 我做不到I don't think I can.

108. 谢尔顿 有时候不同食物会"接触"到一起Sometimes the different foods touch each other,


109. 这没什么大不了Not the end of the world.

110. 不是 我是怕我又噎到No, I'm afraid I'll choke again.

111. 亲爱的 不会的Oh, honey, that's not gonna happen.

112. 乖 快吃饭Go ahead, eat your dinner.

113. 这噎到是怎么回事What's all this about choking?

114. 谢尔顿今早差点噎死Sheldon almost died this morning.

115. -什么 -对啊- What?! - Oh, yeah.

116. 爸把他倒着抱起来 像番茄酱瓶一样抖Dad was shaking him upside down like a ketchup


117. 可精彩了It was great.

118. 你得吃东西才行啊 宝贝Well, you got to eat something, baby.

119. 好歹吃几口Just have a few bites.

120. 不行 太冒险了I can't. It's too risky.

121. 他的炸薯球我要了Dibs on the tater tots.

122. 行吧 我先帮你包起来All right, I'll wrap that up for you,

123. 要是你晚点饿了 你可以到时候吃and if you change your mind, you can have some later.

124. 好歹喝了你的牛奶At least drink your milk.


125. 好Sure.

126. 我父母看到了My mother and father saw

127. 我的幼小心灵收到创伤 对我很有耐心that I'd been traumatized and were patient

128. 也理解我对固体食物感到恐惧and understanding about my fear of eating solid foods.

129. 这状态多维持了一天This lasted one more day.

130. 谢尔顿·李·库珀 你再不吃你的猪排Sheldon Lee Cooper, if you don't finish that pork


131. 我发誓我就会嚼烂你的猪排I swear I will chew it up

132. 然后像只母鸟一样吐到你嘴里喂你and spit it in your mouth like a mama bird.

133. 去啊 妈 快去Do it, Mom. Do it.

134. 玛丽 我能跟你聊两句吗Mary, can I speak to you for a second?

135. 不 够了就是够了 这孩子得吃东西No. Enough is enough. The boy has got to eat.

136. 很快就好Just give me a minute.

137. 赶紧开吃 先生Start eating, mister.

138. 你不介意给我的吧You don't mind, right?

139. 我把猪排去骨How about I cut that pork chop off the bone

140. 和肉汁一起丢进搅拌机搅碎怎么样and throw it in the blender with some gravy?

141. 如果能用吸管吸起来 我就喝掉If it fits through a bendy straw, I'll drink it.

142. 马上就弄好Coming up.

143. 他凭什么能喝猪排奶昔Why does he get a pork shake?

144. 这都怨我This is all my fault.

145. 那天是我催他赶紧把早餐吃完I rushed him through breakfast the other day,

146. 现在你看 他日渐消瘦and now look-- he is wasting away.

147. 别这样 你不能怪自己Oh, come on. You can't blame yourself.

148. 这持续不了多久 还记得有一次蜜蜂飞进屋里This isn't gonna last. Remember the time a

bee got in the house

149. 他有几个月睡觉都盖着张网吗and he slept under a net for a couple months?

150. 这次不一样This is different.

151. -怎么个不一样 -- How? - First of all,

152. 那蜜蜂是你放进来的you let that bee in.

153. 是你的错The bee was your fault.

154. -好吧 -其次- Okay. - Secondly,

155. 这次关系到他的健康this is about his health.

156. 他是个脆弱的小男孩He is a fragile little boy.

157. 他不能这样下去He can't go on like this.

158. 我不是在跟你吵I'm not arguing with you.

159. 只是... 我们就再给他点时间吧Let's just, you know, give him a little more time.

160. 又在搞什么Now what?

161. 听上去你妈在弄玛格丽特酒Sounds like your mom's making margaritas.

162. 他在喝什么What's he drinking?

163. 猪排和肉汁Pork chop and gravy.

164. 我还偷偷加了点西兰花I snuck some broccoli in there, too.

165. 别声张

166. 你最近又开始约会了 我很开心I'm real glad you've been getting out again.


167. 我也是Me, too.

168. 我们吃了美味的晚餐 散了步We had a nice dinner, took a walk.

169. 他离过婚的 你知道吗He's a divorcee, you know.

170. 我不知道I didn't.

171. 对那种人来说不是大问题It's not a big deal for those people.

172. 他们就算不是律师 也有当律师的亲戚If they're not a lawyer, they're related to one.

173. 你搅拌前还把面包皮去掉啊You're actually cutting the crust off before you blend it?

174. 我昨天做金枪鱼三明治时没切 他说喝得出来I left it on his tuna sandwich yesterday, he

said he could tell.

175. 只喝了一半Only drank half of it.

176. 玛丽 你觉得这次闹得够久了吗Mary, you think this has gone on long enough?

177. 又不麻烦No trouble.

178. 不过要是有多一台搅拌机就更好了But it'd be better if I had two blenders.

179. 你别再惯着他就更好了Be better if you stopped coddling him.

180. 我不知道还能怎么办Well, I don't know what else to do.

181. 我提议过带他去看专家I suggested that we take him to some kind of professional,

182. 但你说他长大就不会这样了but you said he'd outgrow it.

183. 如果你想找心理医生Well, if you're looking for a psychiatrist,

184. 我敢说我的新男友有亲戚做这行I bet my new fella's related to one.

185. 你觉得呢What do you think?

186. 说不好Not sure.

187. 如果我们带他去看心理医生If we take him to a shrink,

188. 感觉我们就承认了他有问题it feels like we're admitting something's wrong with him.

189. 他有五个礼拜没吃过固体食物了He hasn't had solid food in five weeks.

190. 如果他真有毛病Well, if there is something wrong with him,

191. 也肯定不会是便秘it ain't constipation.

192. 好吧Okay.

193. 看能不能找个医生Let's see if we can find somebody.

194. 谢谢你Thank you.

195. 还得再加点奇多Needs a few more Cheetos.

196. 我妈成功找到了一位我们负担得起的My mother managed to locate a family psychiatrist

197. 家庭心理医生within our price range.

198. 似乎没人介意他在《省钱周刊》上No one seemed to be bothered that he had

199. 印有优惠券a coupon in The Pennysaver.

200. 这个人是不是会逼我吃固体食物Is this man gonna make me eat solid foods?

201. 不会 他只是想和你谈谈No, he just wants to talk to you about it.

202. 你有没告诉他 我的人生有很多大事要完成Did you tell him I have a lot to accomplish in

my life

203. 决不能被没嚼烂的香肠噎死and cannot afford to be killed by an unchewed sausage?

204. 说了 但用了别种说法Not in those exact words.

205. 优惠券你带了吗Did you bring the coupon?

206. 你好 欢迎Hi. Welcome.

207. 你们一定是库珀一家You must be the Cooper family.

208. 是的We are.


209. 好极了 好极了Right on, right on.

210. 你一定是谢尔顿了This must be Sheldon.

211. 握个爪吧Put 'er there.

212. 不用了 谢谢No, thank you.

213. 好极了 好极了Right on, right on.

214. 我们先这样 爸爸妈妈Okay, well, here's how I'd like to start. Mom and Dad,

215. 你们先进来和我谈谈 然后 谢尔顿why don't you come talk to me first, and then,


216. 你和我再单独唠唠you and I have a little rap session.

217. 两位Folks?

218. 好极了 好极了Right on, right on.

219. 我的漫画你可以随便看Feel free to read any of my comics.

220. 你们可以随便坐在我的豆袋椅上And you guys feel free to sit on my beanbag!

221. 毛钱吗 太离谱了 cents? Outrageous.

222. 这是命运的安排As fate would have it,

223. 我选的那本漫画叫《X战警》the comic I picked up was called X-Men.

224. 拥有超能力的年少变种人Young mutants with incredible powers

225. 被世人恐惧和误解who were feared and misunderstood by the entire world.

226. 这故事是在讲我Hey, it's about me.

227. 有件事你得知道Now, the thing you have to understand is

228. 谢利是个非常聪明的孩子Shelly is incredibly bright.

229. 他的智商堪比爱因斯坦I mean, his IQ is right up there with Albert Einstein

230. 和英国那个坐轮椅的人[霍金]and that English wheelchair fella.

231. -好的 -他是一个岁的高中生- Cool. - He's nine years old and he's in high school,

232. 所以你不能把他当寻常孩子看待so you can't judge him like other kids.

233. -明白了 -乔治- I hear ya. - George,

234. 告诉他 谢利总是滔滔不绝tell him about how he's always going on and on

235. 说什么亚原子粒子的about subatomic particles and such.

236. 他能说个没完没了Oh, he'll get to gabbin' about it.

237. 我们已经习惯了他有各种怪癖和奇思妙想We're accustomed to his quirks and oddities.

238. 但"害怕固体食物"这件事But this whole "being afraid of solid foods" thing,

239. 真的让我们懵了it's got us thrown.

240. 容我先说一句Okay. Let me just start by saying

241. 你们来对了地方you came to the right place.

242. 谢尔顿和我碰巧有很多共同之处Sheldon and I happen to have a lot in common.

243. 我小时候也是个特别的男孩I, too, was a special little boy.

244. 四年级时 我就能读懂七年级的书In the fourth grade, I was reading at a seventh grade


245. 我都不用告诉你们 七年级时我到什么程度了And I don't have to tell you where I was by

the seventh grade.

246. 十年级Tenth.

247. 我去坐一下豆袋椅I'm gonna give the beanbag a whirl.

248. 你们在看什么呢What are y'all watching?

249. 《小淘气》Little Rascals.


250. 你们知道里面大部分的孩子都死了吧You know most of those kids are dead, right?

251. 什么What?

252. 阿尔法法 斯代米 巴克威特Alfalfa, Stymie, Buckwheat.

253. 狗狗皮蒂也死了吗Even Petey the dog?

254. 特别是狗狗皮蒂Oh, especially Petey the dog.

255. 谢谢你把这变成致郁片啊Thanks for making it depressing.

256. 不客气You're very welcome.

257. 你们想去吃冰淇淋吗Y'all want to go get some ice cream?

258. 那晚饭怎么办What about dinner?

259. 管它呢 走吧What about it? Come on.

260. 阿尔夫也死了吗Is ALF dead?

261. 还没 不过也快了No, but it's just a matter of time.

262. 你不会相信有多少孩子有食物恐惧症You'd be surprised how many children have food


263. -是吗 -是的 我像谢尔顿那么大时- Is that so? - Oh, yeah. When I was Sheldon's age,

264. -很怕布丁上那层奇怪的皮 -真的吗- I was afraid of that weird skin on top of puddin'. -


265. 我也是 你知道吗 要是覆上一层莎伦牌保鲜膜Me, too. You know, you put a little


266. 乔治George.

267. 谢尔顿Sheldon?

268. 他跑哪儿去了Where the hell did he go?

269. 谢尔顿Sheldon?

270. 应该走不远Couldn't have gone far.

271. 为什么Why not?

272. 好极了 好极了Right on, right on.

273. 洗手间和楼梯间我都找遍了I checked the bathroom, the stairs.

274. 他不在这栋大楼里He's not in the building.

275. 我很担心 家里没人接电话I'm worried. No one's answering at home.

276. 保持冷静 我们会找到他的Stay calm. We'll find him.

277. 我小的时候...You know, when I was

278. 闭嘴Shut up.

279. 好吧

280. 我不常独自在都市丛林转悠It wasn't typical for me to wander out into

281. 但我有任务在身the urban jungle on my own, but I was on a mission.

282. 我第一次尝到了超级英雄连载漫画的滋味I had gotten my first taste of serialized


283. 我需要更多and I needed more.

284. 打扰了 你有《X战警》第期吗Excuse me, do you have X-Men #?

285. 我想知道接下来的故事 谢了I'd like to know what happens next, please.

286. 角落后面那个箱子Back bin in the corner.

287. 你怎么来这儿了What are you doing here?

288. 你好 丹Oh, hello, Tam.

289. 你不是说漫画是给小孩子看的吗I thought you said comic books are for children.


290. 我是一个复杂的年轻人I'm a complicated young man.

291. 我觉得我们应该报警I think we should call the police.

292. 不需要出动警察 我们能找到他We don't need the police. We'll find him.

293. 这都是我的错This is all my fault.

294. 他跑走都是因为我们带他去看心理医生He ran away because we took him to a therapist.

295. 那块美金的诊费我们是要不回来了That's dollars we ain't getting back.

296. 你担心的居然是这个吗That's what you're worried about?

297. 不 当然不是No. Course not.

298. 谢尔顿不会有事的And Sheldon's fine.

299. 你也知道他的个性You know what he's like.

300. 要是真有人把他带走了If someone took him,

301. 肯定也很快受不了 把他送回来I'm sure they'll bring him right back.

302. 我看得很开心 但我对里面的拟声词有意见I'm enjoying this, but I'm having trouble with

the onomatopoeia.

303. 拟什么The what?

304. 拟声词The onomatopoeia.

305. 模拟声音的词Words that imitate sounds.

306. "卡咚" "口胡"KaThoom. SNikt.

307. "砰当"BAmf.

308. 作家不应该自己乱造词Writers shouldn't make up words.

309. "拟声词"就是某人乱造出来的词Somebody made up "onomatopoeia".

310. 你挑战我 我喜欢You challenge me. I like that.

311. 姥姥 你还会再生小孩吗Meemaw, are you gonna have more babies?

312. 苍天啊 我才不要Good Lord, no!

313. 她太老了 生不出来了She's too old to have any more babies.

314. 不用生啊 等你活得够老Don't have to have 'em. You live long enough,

315. 头发和牙齿就开始脱落your hair and your teeth start falling out,

316. 你开始尿床 自己就变成宝宝了you start wetting the bed, you get to be one.

317. 真逗That's funny.

318. 我们以后要给你穿尿布了We're gonna have to put a diaper on you.

319. 等你帮我穿的时候就笑不出来了You won't be laughing when you're doing it.

320. 但我可能会笑I might be.

321. 姥姥 除了谢尔顿 我和小乔治谁更聪明Hey, Meemaw, next to Sheldon, who's smarter,

me or Georgie?

322. -当然是我啦 -为什么- Me, of course. - Why you?

323. 我的脑袋比较大My head's bigger.

324. 跟头大头小没关系It doesn't matter.

325. 今晚的重点不是谢尔顿Tonight is not about Sheldon.

326. 是啊 平常什么事重点都在谢尔顿身上Yeah, right. Everything's always about Sheldon.

327. 对啊 大多数时候Yeah. Most of the time,

328. 我们就好像不存在一样it's like we don't even exist.

329. 谢尔顿的确是得到了大部分的关注I guess Sheldon does get most of the attention.

330. 但或许这是好事啊Maybe that's a good thing.

331. 哪里好了How?


332. 如果不是有他Well, if it weren't for him,

333. 你们爸妈就肯定会严格管着你们俩your parents would be on your ass all the time.

334. 也是 我好像从来没从这角度想过Yeah. I guess I never thought about it that way before.

335. 拜托 要不是有他You kidding me? Right now,

336. 你们爸妈现在一定在唠叨让你们打扫房间they would be nagging you about cleaning your


337. 催你们去做作业and doing your homework.

338. 可现在你们能坐在停车场里Instead, you're sitting in a parking lot,

339. 吃着冰激凌当晚餐eating a Blizzard for dinner.

340. -还加了曲奇面团 -对啊- With cookie dough in it. - Exactly.

341. 而谢尔顿却被困在无聊的心理医生办公室While Sheldon is stuck sitting in some boring

shrink's office.

342. 妈说他们是带他去剪头发Mom told me they were taking him for a haircut.

343. 对哦Oh. Yeah.

344. 是啦Right.

345. 那等他回家了 记得夸他头发剪得不错Well, when he gets home, say his hair looks good.

346. 怎么了What?

347. 没事Nothing.

348. 想来一根吗You want one?

349. 不用了No.

350. 那个...

351. 如果你想吃了 你就自己拿if you change your mind, help yourself.

352. 我不用读太多漫画书I didn't have to read many comic books

353. 就知道每个英雄都有弱点to understand that every superhero had a weakness,

354. 那些弱点需要他们靠着something they had to overcome

355. 无与伦比的勇气来克服through an extraordinary act of courage.

356. 对镭射眼来说是失去琴·葛雷For Cyclops, it was the loss of Jean Grey.

357. 对小淘气来说 则是与人类触碰For Rogue, it was human touch.

358. 对我来说 是需要咀嚼的食物For me, it was food that required chewing.

359. 所以如果我真的也是变种人 就得克服难关So if I truly was a mutant, I would have to do

the same.

360. 在这一天 我不能被打败On this day, I would not be defeated.

361. 因为这一天是我变成Because this was the day

362. 咀嚼侠的日子...The Chewer.

363. 就这样 我克服了我对被噎到的恐惧Just like that, I overcame my fear of choking.

364. 唯一剩下的就只有怕狗All that was left was my fear of dogs,

365. 鸟 昆虫 细菌birds, insects, germs,

366. 拥抱 纽扣裤裆裤hugging, button fly pants,

367. 河 池塘 湖 海洋rivers, ponds, lakes, oceans,

368. 河口 灯芯绒 根茎类蔬菜estuaries, corduroy, root vegetables,

369. 气球的吱吱声 贴隔热纸的窗squeaky balloons, tinted windows,

370. 零钱小费盒 烟火take a penny, leave a penny, fireworks,

371. 大肚炉 积灰potbelly stoves, dust bunnies,

372. 水蜜桃上的绒毛that fuzz on peaches. Ugh.


373. 漫画中很多坏人都是科学家 这事很有意思What I find interesting is how many

supervillains are scientists:

374. 章鱼博士Doctor Octopus,

375. 毁灭博士 雷克斯·路瑟Doctor Doom, Lex Luthor,

376. 绿魔 这名单还很长Green Goblin, the list goes on and on.

377. 所以呢So?

378. 所以如果世人们不尊重我So if the world doesn't respect me,

379. 我说不定也会黑化I might change sides.

380. 惨了Uh-oh.

381. 祝你好运Good luck.

382. 我试着跟我父母解释I tried to explain to my parents

383. 一个名叫镭射眼的变种人that a mutant named Cyclops,

384. 他能从双眼射出镭射光束who shoots laser beams out of his eyes,

385. 是他帮助我吃了根甘草糖helped me eat a licorice stick.

386. 但他们完全无法理解Went right over their heads.