
Academic English: Mass Media in America (7m17s)

Word Bank


n. when a subject or event is reported on television or

radio, or in newspapers 新闻报道

be confined to


adj. to keep sb in some place 限制

adv. practically, nearly实际上, 几乎


n. the part of a fraction that is below the line and that

functions as the divisor of the numerator分母

portable adj. able to be carried or moved easily便于携带的

v. to completely change the way people do something or

think about something使革命化



adj. be easily harmed or hurt脆弱的,易受伤害的

Before Listening

Write down any famous American newspapers, magazines, radio stations and

television channels that come to your mind and introduce them to your



Magazines: ___________________________________________________________

Radio stations:_________________________________________________________

Television channels: ____________________________________________________

While Listening

A Listen to the lecture about mass media in the U.S.. Take notes using the

following outline. The comments in the left margin serve to remind you of

the organization of the lecture. While taking notes, abbreviate whatever you



Definition of mass media

Purpose of the lecture



Two reasons for its popularity

Two facts of its popularity

Top 3 daily newspapers


Great variety

Wide range of topics

Different target readers

The Top 3

Radio and television

Radio: yesterday, today and tomorrow

The development of television

The influences of television on American culture


B Compare your notes with those of your partners. Use the new abbreviations

as you listen to the lecture and take notes a second time.

C Use your notes and decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F).

____1. Media is the variety of means by which technology transmits information and

entertainment to us, including newspapers, magazines, radio and television.

____2. Newspapers remain as the most important means of communication in the

United States.

____ can read newspaper anywhere he/she likes.

____gton Post is one of the top 3 daily newspapers in the U. S.

____5. In 1990, more than 4000 magazines were published each week in the U. S..

____6. Weekly newsmagazines normally give extensive coverage with detailed

analysis and their readers are usually well-educated people.

____7. Readers’ Digest is one of the top 3 magazines in the U.S..

____8. Radio and television emerged before the Great Depression.

____9. The future of the radio as a form of medium looks grey.

____ invention of portable cameras and video tape recorders made TV more


____11. TV reduces the communication between family members in the U.S..

____t TV program has made cultural impact on the American society.

Post Listening: Speaking (Optional)

1. Pair Work

Nowadays, many young people use a lot of abbreviations and symbols when

communicating online or sending SMS texts. Work with your partner and decide

what these abbreviations stand for.

1) FYI

5) 4ever



6) OMG

10) (:0

3) BBL

7) OIC

11) @_@

4) GF

8) 2nite

12) :)

2. Group Discussion

1) In your opinion, why do young people use these shortcuts or abbreviations when

they communicate online or through mobiles?

2) Do you think that constant use of abbreviations while texting messages or sending

email is having an adverse effect on your spelling, grammar and punctuation?

3. Oral Presentation

Search the Internet and prepare a 5-minute talk on mass media in

Britain/Australia/Canada. Give your talk in the next class. You may introduce the

mass media by dividing them into three groups: newspaper; magazines; radio and


Have your classmates use abbreviations and take notes while listening and make a

comparison between what you have spoken with the notes other students have
