
Unit10 Get Ready for the Future

Lesson57 Best Wishes


一、 I wish you the best in everything you do.我希望你们一切顺利。

【精讲】wish v. & n.希望。

例句: I wish to visit the factory.我希望去参观那个工厂。


(1)hope v.希望,表示对愿望的实现抱有一定的信心,这种希望往往是可以实现的。

例句:I hope she won’t come tonight.我希望她今晚不来。

(2)wish v.希望,一般侧重于表达不大可能实现或根本不考虑是否可能实现的愿望。后常接不定式,宾语从


例句:I wish I were a bird.我希望我是一只鸟。


1. I wish you ___ me how to swim last year.

A. taught



的虚拟,用过去完成时表示对过去情况的虚拟。本题属于对过去情况的虚拟,所以用过去完成时had taught。

二、We've shared so much together over our junior high years.我们一起度过了我们的初中生活。

【精讲】share(v)分享 ;share ……with……和……分享

taught taught taught

is so happy about having a baby wants to share every toy him.

A. to C .with


【解析】本题考查短语搭配share ……with 和……分享。故答案选C。

三、Whatever we do in the future, we will always have great memories of our time together.无论将来我们做


【精讲】whatever无论什么 =no matter what

【拓展】however=no matter how 无论怎样

Wherever=no matter where 无论哪里

Whoever=no matter who无论谁

1. You do in the future,you should try your best to do it well.





四、Be sure to always stay in touch!一定记得保持联系。

【精讲】stay in touch保持联系=keep in touch

【拓展】keep in touch with sb 和某人保持联系

例句: Now people can with their friends far away by e–mail, cellphone or letter

A. keep on


【解析】固定词组。Keep in touch with是“与------保持联系”的意思。

in touch up

er r er




1.The blind man (tap) the sidewalk with his stick when he went back home alone.

2.I (hardly) know anyone in the village except William.

3.I was (embarrassing) at being unable to answer the teacher's question.

4.Tom almost (run) into a pole yesterday while driving on the highway.