



  In an effort to encourage ecologically sustainable forestry practices, an

international organization started issuing certifications to wood companies that

meet high ecological standards by conserving resources and recycling materials.

Companies that receive this certification can attract customers by advertising their

products as eco-certified. Around the world, many wood companies have adopted new,

ecologically friendly practices in order to receive eco-certification. However, it

is unlikely that wood companies in the United States will do the same, for several


  First, American consumers are exposed to so much advertising that they would not

value or even pay attention to the eco-certification label. Because so many mediocre

products are labeled “new” or “improved”, American consumers do not place much

trust in advertising claims in general.

  Second, eco-certified wood will be more expensive than uncertified wood because

in order to earn eco-certification, a wood company must pay to have its business

examined by a certification agency. This additional cost gets passed on to consumers-

American consumers tend to be strongly motivated by price, and therefore they are

likely to choose cheaper uncertified wood products. Accordingly, American wood

companies will prefer to keep their prices low rather than obtain eco-certification

  Third, although some people claim that it always makes good business sense for

American companies to keep up with the developments in the rest of the world, this

argument is not convincing. Pursuing certification would make sense for American wood

companies only if they marketed most of their products abroad. But that is not the

case—American wood businesses sell most of their products in the United States,

catering to a very large customer base that is satisfied with the merchandise.


  Well, despite what many people say, there is a good reason to think that many

American wood companies will eventually seek eco-certification for the wood products.

  First off, companies in the United States don't treat all advertising the same.

They distinguish between advertising claims that companies make about their own

products and claims made by independent certification agencies. Americans have a lot

of confidence in independent agencies. Thus ecological-minded Americans are likely

to react very favorably to wood products ecologically certified by independent

organization with an international reputation for trustworthiness.

  Second point ,of course it is true that American consumers care a lot about price

,who doesn't? But studies of how consumers make decisions show that price alone

determines consumers' decisions only when the price of one competing products is much

higher or lower than the other. When the difference between two products is small,

say, less than 5 percent, as is the case with certified wood, American often do choose

on factories other than price. And Americans are becoming increasingly convinced of

the value of preserving and protecting the environment.

  And third, US Wood companies should definitely pay attention what is going on

in the wood business internationally. Not because of foreign consumers but because

of foreign competitors. As I just told you, there is a good chance that many American

consumers will be interested in eco-certified products, and guess why? If American

companies are slow capturing those consumers, you can be sure that foreign companies

will soon start crowding into the American markets ,offering eco-certified wood that

domestic companies don't.


  The lecture and the reading passage give contradictory opinions on the topic of

ecocertification, a form of accreditation conferred by on international agency in

recognition of a company’s eco-friendly practices. The passage explains that it is

not necessary for American wood companies to pursue ecocertification while the

lecture provides several counterarguments to this view.

  First, the lecturer argues that the reading passage is too general in its

statement that American consumers reject advertising completely. He asserts that

Americans do not trust advertising claims for a product when these claims are made

by the company that sells the product. When a claim is made by an independent third

party such as a wood certification company, he posits, consumers are likely to respond

very positively to the certified product.

  The lecturer also refutes the second point in the reading that price-sensitive

American consumers are likely to choose cheap wood products without certification.

The professor contends that certified wood is only slightly more expensive than

uncertified wood, and therefore, he argues, consumers will tend to ignore the price

difference and be convinced by other factors like the value of preserving and

protecting environment.

  Finally, the author states that it makes no sense for American companies to pursue

ecocertification when they market most of their products in their own country. In

contrast, the speaker refutes this idea by stating that if the American companies

do not do this, the foreign companies which produce the ecocertified wood will enter

into the US market.