


1. 凯撒密码(Caesar Cipher):

- "If you can't decrypt this, you're not a real cryptographer."


2. 替换密码(Substitution Cipher):

- "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

(快 brown 狐狸跳过懒狗。)

3. 转轮密码(Rotary Cipher):

- "The secret message is hidden in the plain text."


4. 奇偶校验(Parity Check):

- "This message has even parity. Can you crack it?"


5. 线性反馈移位寄存器(LFSR):

- "The sequence generated by the LFSR is 1010101110. What is

the original message?"


6. 摩尔斯电码(Morse Code):

- " dot dot dash dash dot dot dot equals V."

(点 点 拉斯 拉斯 点 点 点 等于 V。)

7. 一次性密码本(One-Time Pad):

- "The key to this one-time pad is 'lemon'. What does the

message say?"


8. 代码替换(Code Replacement):

- "The word 'elephant' is replaced with 'gray'. What is the

hidden message?"


9. 逆序字母(Reverse Alphabet):

- "This message is written in reverse alphabet. Can you read it?"


10. 数字密码(Number Cipher):

- "The numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 are used to represent letters.

What is the message?"

(数字1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0用来代表字母。信息是什么?)


些原理来解密或加密信息。在实际的CTF(Capture The Flag)比赛中,
