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Part 1 Fill in the Blanks (with the right preposition or adverb)


Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with an appropriate preposition

or adverb. Fill in each blank with only ONE word.

1. The speed of her rise fame has been astonishingly rapid.

2. But, he believes, if you don't throw up a lot of bad ideas you are unlikely to come

with some better ones either.

3. Here is a doll for your daughter to play .

4. He crossed the street and walked the edge of Central Park.

5. The Women's Movement in that city was influential bringing women's issues into public


6. He sent the paintings to the exhibition but none were sale.

7. It is our task to liberate people poverty.

8. The photographer took half an hour posing the boys and girls the picture.

10. Famed artist James Earle Fraser went tradition by using three actual American

Indians models for his creation.

Part 1 Fill in the Blanks (with the right preposition or adverb) (每小题: 1 分; 满

分:10 分)


1. 1 to to

2. 1 up up

3. 1 with with

4. 1 alongside alongside

5. 0 (未答) in

6. 1 for for

7. 1 from from

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8. 1 for for

9. 1 against against

10. 1 as as

Subtotal: 9


Part 2 Multiple Choice


Directions: Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

1. Policemen wear a uniform that makes them __________ from others.

A. distinctive

B. straight

C. distinguished

D. clear

2. He asked me to get her ________ of blue silk for a new dress.

A. models

B. samples

C. examples

D. types

3. Like all the plans I will suggest, it is not ______; this is part of a long, north-east

facing border in my own garden.

A. imaginary

B. imagine

C. marine

D. imaginable

4. As we can no longer wait for the rain to stop before taking our vacation, we have

to ________ our plans.

A. accept

B. cancel

C. refuse

D. stop

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