
2017 南外面测真题

01 根据提示写单词。

1. In the alphabet, which letter is part of a person's body?

2. Among the 12 months, which month begins with "F"?

3. Among the four seasons, which one begins with the first letter in the alphabet?

4. Among the initial words of seven days, which one appears the latest in the alphabet?

02 类比题

1. Working is to office as cooking is to .

is to word as word is to .

3. Panda is to China as kangaroos is to .

4 June is to Children s Day as December is to .

5. Never mind is to Sorry as You re welcome is to .

03 根据提示写单词,注意单词的形式

are animals with long tails which run around the house.


is where you watch films.


is filled with plants, trees, and land.


is your dad's or mum's sister.


are used when birds are flying.


is a person who plays the piano. (job)


04 从乱序字母中找出人体部位的单词,并把红的单词组成一个新词。

第 1 页,共 9 页

05 根据视频,从所给三个短语中选出两个填空对话。

A: I forgot to bring a gift for you

B: It's okay, don't worry about it. It is really hard to remember the date. It's .

A: By the way, what's your plan for the summer?

B: It's .

A. up in the air B. water under the bridge .C fair weather friend

06 选词填空

ate ly e

(ppt 右侧有英文解释,同时英文解释也在答题纸上出现)

Many people think water is important and the water is scarce. The United Nation

wants to people of the importance of water, so they set a day as World Water Day.

The for this year is waste water. The factory should take actions first to deal

with waste water. We need to and reuse the waste water.

07 首字母填空。

W to school, a boy saw an old lady on his way to school. The bag was too heavy for

the lady to .

The boy wanted to help the lady so he went up to help.

The bag was so heavy that they walked s .

They walked a long way b they arrived the old lady's home. The boy didn't want to be

l , so he hurried to school at once When the boy finally r school, he was

tired but he felt very happy.

08 看视频回答问题。

1. were waiting for milk.

A 3 girls B 2 girls and a boy C 3 girls and a boy D 4 girls and a boy

2. From did the father get the milk?

A. A truck driver B A clown C A thief D. A little girl

3. Which animal didn't appear in the video?

A giraffe B cat C pig D Jion

4. After drinking milk, what did the dad do?

A Save the world B. Cook for the child C Help the girl to get the cat D Go to catch the thief

5. Before the girl got the milk, how did she feel?

A Surprised B Happy C Excited D Cheerful

09 看视频回答问题




1 (Multiple choice) According to the girl, what should we do to cope with future ?那个女孩说


- minded way of thinking (开放性思维) B. Cooperation (合作精神

C. Culture diversity (文化多样性) D. a diverse set of skill and knowledge (知识技能多样性)

2 根据刚才的视频和自己的想法,你将如何面对未来?

After watching the video, I can (NO MORE THAN 10 WORDS )

(open question 开放性答案,意思对就得分)

10 创意阅读,吃早餐很重要,文章共 8 句

1. Do you eat breakfast?

2. Scientists say it is important to eat breakfast.

3. People who eat whole wheat bread is healthier than those who don’t.

4. My mother is good at making breakfast.

5. People who fail to eat breakfast tend to have more weight problems than those who eat it. so we

should pay more attention.

6. People who have breakfast later than usual eat more food.

7. Research shows good breakfast is closely related to good health.

8. So it is definitely important to eat breakfast.


1. Among the 8 sentences, which one is the topic sentence?

2. Which sentence has nothing to do with the topic?

3. What does it in the 5


sentence stand for?

4. What should be filled in the blank in the 6



5. Which word in the passage has the similar meaning as the phrase of course?

11 听歌填词

There’s an open sky

And a reason

You shine, shine your way

There’s so much to

And now it’s your

To shine, shine your way

There’s a feeling inside

You can it be your guide

To find, find your way

And there’s no time for us to

Got to take a leap of faith

And fly, fly


1. If you want to know more about Cao Xueqin and the Dream of Red Chambers, you can go to

A 六朝博物馆 B.江宁织造府 C. 中山陵 D.科举博物馆

2. Which of the following literature work is from the same country as Les Miserable (《悲惨世

界》)?( )

A. The Old Man and the Sea

B. Jane Eyre

C. The count of Monte Cristo

D. Robinson Crusoe


3. Which of the following pairs of people are not from the same era? ( )

A Socrates-Plato

B Shen Kuo-Bai Juyi

C. Maupassant-Flaubert

D. Zilu-Yanhu

4. Which of the following pairs is incorrect? ( )

A Journey to the West-Wu Cheng en-Chinese

B. Harry Potter-JK Rowling-American

C Ugly Duckling+Andersen-Denmark

D. War and Peace-Tolstoy-Russian


5. In “影入平羌江水流”, “影” refers to the shadow of the

A man B boat C moon D mountain

6. Among the following choices, which has a different pronunciation from others? ( )

A. 山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。





7. Which of the following is in the same season as the “应怜屐齿印苍苔,小扣柴扉久不开。 ”?





8 .In the sentence “落霞与孤鹜齐飞”,"鹜" refer to ( )

A.天鹅 B.老鹰 C. 白鹭 D 野鸭


Which of the following is not a carnivore (食肉动物)?( )


10. Which is different from the other three choices? ( )

A.潮汐能 B.太阳能 C.天然气 D.风能

11. Which of the following is not a physician (doctor)?( )

A.扁鹊 B.华佗 C.李时珍 D.徐霞客

18 时政背景题目 :

1 This year is the anniversary of the return of Hong Kong (Fill in the blank )

2. In the contest, Ke Jie used his l brain to compete with AlphaGo

3. The One Belt. One Road Summit was held in Beijing. Representatives from 29 c

attended the meeting.