
清除电脑中最近文档记录(Clear recent document records in


1. clean up recently used document records

Taking Windows XP as an example, right click on the "start"

button, select "properties" in the pop-up settings of the

taskbar and Start Menu Properties dialog window Midpoint

"custom" button in the "customize the start menu dialog box in

the" advanced "under the label" clear list ". To make the system

self assertion never remember to use documents, please remove

the "list I recently opened documents" before the hook.

Tip: XP puts shortcuts to recent access documents to the

C:Documents and Settings user name Recent. Deleting them

manually can also make the document menu "out of memory"".

2. delete the contents in the temporary folder

When performing installation software, open the document and

other operations, in a temporary folder will leave the

corresponding file, can be removed by hand in the following

location: C:WindowsTemp C:Documents And, the content of

Settings Local SettingsTemp user name. If you delete the

document prompted in use, you need to turn off the relevant

procedures, it is best to restart once, and then delete.

3. clear the history of running, searching, etc.

Clear the input contents recorded in the run dialog box, and

modify the registry. These records are kept in



"RunMRU" branch, remove it completely and restart it. In

addition, the "DocFindSpecMRU" item under the primary key shows

the "find" history on the right column and can be deleted



Tracks hidden in IE

After the Internet, there will be a lot of information to

reflect what you have done, this is still terrible?

Empty the Internet temporary folder

Other people check the files under Internet temporary folders,

Flash and other documents, you can generally know you have been

to the site. To remove them, can click the IE menu bar "tools",

"Internet options", open the "Internet options" dialog box, in

the "general" tab and click "delete files" button in the pop-up

"delete files" window to check the "delete all offline content,

and finally click" ok".

I don't want Cookie

Cookie may also be a "arch-criminal leak", in the "Internet

options" dialog in the "general" tab click the "delete Cookies"

button to pop up window and click "OK" button to delete them.