
Week 8-9 自主学习 四级热身练习Part 1 四级词汇与表达复习Directions:Choose the

best answer from the four choices marked A B C and D. 1 They packed the instruments

carefully ____ they would be broken during transportation. A. so that B. on condition that

C. for fear that D. provided that 2 Our talk was completely ________out by the roar of

the machines. As a result we had to communicate with gestures. A. decreased B. reduced

C. smashed D. drowned 3 She was arrested for ______ state secrets to a foreign reporter

in return for her son going abroad. A. getting away B. giving away C. breaking away D.

putting away 4 Can you ______ furnishing your house luxuriously at a time when the

company is losing so much money A. verify B. identify C. justify D. clarify 5 The

professor kept speaking about his new discovery in the field only ____ occasionally to

have a mouthful of tea. A. dropping off B. breaking off C. putting off D. setting off6 His

health ________ as he ate too little and worked too hard for months on end. A. broke up

B. broke through C. broke down D. broke off7 After the meeting the workers went back

to their ________ workshops. A. respectable B. respective C. respectful D. respected8

His answer was so confused that I could hardly make any ________ of it at all. A.

interpretation B. meaning C. reason D. sense9 The dentist could ________ no signs of

decay in my teeth. A. determine B. define C. assign D. detect10 To his great joy he

discovered that his ears became ________. A. sensitive B. aware C. efficient D.

sensible11 He made no ________ to his illness till after the lesson. A. remark B.

comment C. reference D. opinion12 The pilot of the plane is ________ for the passengers

safety. A. conscious B. responsible C. necessary D. regulated13 We need to make sure

that we ________ our resources as fully as possible. A. achieve B. operate C. exploit D.

expel14 The economy looks set to ________ its growth into next year. A. endure B.

persist C. remain D. sustain15 It was the only thing that I could do—I dont have to

________ myself to anyone. A. account B. justify C. discount D. clarify16 The shop

assistant says if I leave 10 as a ________ theyll keep the dress for me. A. deposit B. loan

C. guarantee D. fee17 It was such an ________ to hear that Marta was found safe and

well. A. concern B. anxiety C. expectation D. relief18 The government is trying to _____

public confidence in its management of the economy. A. recover B. relieve C. preserve D.

restore19 She was using all her powers of persuasion to ______ the Griffins to remain in

the town. A. make B. induce C. expel D. tempt20 Unless you have a heated greenhouse

we feel you will have difficulty in keeping the plant for very long indoors because they

like a really warm and _______ atmosphere. A. vivid B. amused C. moist D.

contaminated21 He wont succeed any way ________ hard he tries. A. whatever B. no

matter C. as D. however22 Theres nothing on TV tonight ________ rubbish. A. rather

than B. more than C. better than D. other than23 According to the American federal

government residents of Hawaii have the longest life ________: 77.2 years. A. rank B.

scale C. span D. scope24 Our hopes ________ and fell in the same instant. A. arose B.

raised C. rose D. aroused25 A season ticket _______the holder to make as many journeys

as he wishes within the stated period of time. A. entitles B. grants C. presents D.

promises26 In recent years much more emphasis has been put ________ developing the

students productive skills. A. onto B. in C. over D. on27 Only a selected number of

landladies in the neighborhood have been allowed by the university to take in ________.

A. residents B. lodgers C. settlers D. inhabitants28 Purchasing the new production line

will be a ________ deal for the company. A. forceful B. tremendous C. favorite D.

profitable29 Rod is determined to get a seat for the concert ________ it means standing

in a queue all night. A. as if B. even if C. provided D. whatever30 Though he was born

and brought up in America he can speak ________ Chinese. A. fluid B. smooth C. fluent

D. flowing31 He wrote an article criticizing the Greek poet and won ________ and a

scholarship. A. faith B. status C. fame D. courage32 The older New England villages

have changed relatively little ________ a gas station or two in recent decades. A. except

for B. study C. except D. besides33 The Car Club couldnt ________ to meet the demands

of all its members. A. assume B. ensure C. guarantee D. confirm34 Extensive reporting

on television has helped to ________ interest in a wide variety of sports and activities. A.

assemble B. generate C. yield D. gather35 Eating too much fat can ________ heart

disease and cause high blood pressure. A. attribute to B. attend to C. contribute to D.

devote to36 Petrol is refined from the ________ oil we take out of the ground. A. crude B.

fresh C. rude D. original37 After several months study I was able to easily read Japanese

novels in the ________. A. origin B. reference C. source D. original38 He had a

________ escape from the gas explosion. A. slim B. thin C. small D. narrow39 In the old

days people only had a ________ idea of what other countries were like. A. cough B.

tough C. rough D. crude40 This diploma 毕业文凭 ________ that you have completed

high school. A. entitles B. certifies C. secures D. approves41 The giant corporation was

making a take-over ________ for a fertilizer plant. A. control B. bid C. effort D.

proposal42 Yet in a ________ democracy such a declaration cannot easily be made

indeed the opposite must be proclaimed. A. liberal B. liable C. liberated D. reliable43

The article ________ Chinas educational achievements during the past 20 years and

outlined its development plans for the new century. A. predicted B. witnessed C.

highlighted D. intensified44 The manager promised to have my complaint ________. A.

looked through B. looked into C. looked over D. looked after45 He is watching TV Hes

_______ to be cleaning his room. A. known B. supposed C. regarded D. considered46 I

recognized him at once but his name ________ me for the moment. A. escaped B. missed

C. failed D. ignored47 I have already commented that colours will not show up unless the

________ of the light is sufficiently great. A. intensity B. density C. intention D.

temperature48 It is well-known that the retired workers in our country are __________

free medical care. A. involved B. associated with C. entitled to D. assigned to49 He is not

________ to recover from the shock in one day or two. A. possible B. probable C.

capable D. likely50 No educational system is perfect. Each one has its _________. A.

borders B. frontiers C. limits D. limitations51 The girl will get _________ her

nervousness once she is on stage. A. over B. through C. off D. away52 The editor

_______ the article to make it fit the space available in a magazine. A. cut down B. cut

off C. cut away D. cut out53 The number plate on Seans car came ________ and had to

be tightened. A. lose B. loose C. lost D. loosen54 Since the publication of the novel his

reputation as a detective writer has been well ________. A. based B. established C. set D.

built55 To say that someones work is not good is to find fault ________ it. A. of B. on C.

at D. with56 The businessmen are _________ over the sale of the diamonds. A. arguing

B. discussing C. bargaining D. negotiating57 Id like to take __________ of this

opportunity to thank you all for your co-operation. A. asked B. benefit C. occasion D.

advantage58 Dinner will be ready _________ but we will have time for a drink. A.

currently B. lately C. presently D. suddenly59 He didnt take the flat because he couldnt

afford the _________. A. fare B. hire C. rent D. salary 60 To be _________ with you I

dont agree with what you told me. A. sincere B. concerned C. truthful D. frankPart 2

Cloze with four choices providedEach item: 1Directions:Read the following passage

carefully and choose the best answer from thefour choices given for each ons

61 to 80 are based on the following ons 101 to 120 are based on the

following 3 Skimming and Scanning Multiple Choice Blank FillingEach

item: 1Directions:Read the following passage and then answer the questions. For

questions1-7 choose the best answer from the four choices marked A B C and D. For

questions8-10 complete the sentences with the information given in the

ons 121 to 130 are based on the same passage or dialog.

SwimmingSwimming is a technique to move unaided through water. This article

concentrates on humanswimming a popular recreational activity and a competitive sport.

There are many health benefitsof swimming but it also has queAre you a

good swimmer Can you swim at all With practice technique can convert a slow oraverage

swimmer to at least a moderately fast swimmer. Since speed converts directly

intodistance the same techniques that improve speed also aid one to move farther with the

sameeffort. The upper body and the legs should be kept as much as possible parallel to

the surface ofthe water. Dropped legs or a lowered upper body dramatically increase drag.

The hand should beextended forward of the head as much as possible. This increases the

average length at thewater-line substantially increasing speed. This is an effect long used

by boat designers andunconsciously used by quotnaturally good

itive swimmingCompetitive swimming is swimming with the goal

to maximize performance usually the speed ofswimming. Competitive swimming became

popular in the 19th century and currently comprises 32events 16 male events and 16

female events at the Summer Olympic Games. The Competitiveinternational governing

body of swimming events is the International Swimming Association. It iscurrently being

debated whether or not to include the 1500m freestyle as part of the female

tly the longest female event is the 800m tional

swimmingThe most common reason for swimming is probably recreation where the

swimmer enters thewater merely for enjoyment. Swimming is a good way to relax. Many

swimming styles are suitablefor recreational swimming. Most recreational swimmers

prefer a style that keeps their head out ofthe water and uses an underwater arm recovery.

Most recreational swimming takes place in poolswhere the water is calm. Therefore

Freestyle which does not work as well in rough water issuitable. However playing around

in rough water is a common source of recreation but issometimes dangerous due to the

risk of injury from rocks on the bottom of a lake or ng pools are popular

places for recreational swimming as are beaches lakes swimmingholes rivers and

sometimes tional swimmingA number of people enter the water and swim

as part of their work fishermen for example whomight dive into the water and swim for

economic ng is used to rescue other swimmers who are in distress. There

are a number ofspecialized swimming styles specifically for rescue purposes. Such

techniques are studied bylifeguards or members of the Coast Guard. The training of these

techniques also evolved intocompetitions such as surf ng is also done

for scientific research. Swimming is studied to improve the performancesof competitive

swimmers. Swimming is also used in marine biology to observe plants and animalsin

their natural environment. Other sciences may also use swimming. Konrad Lorenz for

exampleswam with geese as part of his studies of animal ng also has

military purposes besides the mere need to cross waters. A swimmer in thewater or under

the water can be difficult to detect especially at night. Military swimming is usuallydone

by Special Forces especially ones in the Navy. Swimming is used to approach a

locationgather intelligence or combat and to depart a location. This may also include

dropping into waterfrom an airplane or jumping in from a boat. Special equipment and

techniques are also used tofight with others in and under ng for

exerciseSwimming is a good form of exercise. Because the density of the human body is

approximatelysimilar to that of water the body is supported by the water and less stress is

therefore placed onjoints and bones. Furthermore the resistance against movement

depends heavily on the speed ofthe movement allowing the fine tuning of the exercise

according to ones ability. Thereforeswimming is frequently used as an exercise after

injuries or for the ance swimming is one form of swimming exercises. It is

done either for training purposes tohold the swimmer in place for stroke analysis or to

enable one to swim in a confined space forathletic reasons. Resistance swimming can be

done either against a stream of water set in motionby a usually self-contained mechanical

device often termed a swimming machine or by holdingthe swimmer in one place by

means of elastic ng is primarily an aerobic 有氧的 exercise due to

the relatively long exercise timerequiring a constant oxygen supply to the muscles except

for short sprints. As with most aerobicexercise it is believed to reduce the harmful effects

of stress. While aerobic exercises usually burnfat and help with losing weight this effect

is limited in swimming even though being in cold waterburns more food energy to

maintain body reason that swimming does not significantly reduce

weight is still poorly understood butseems to be related to the better heat conduction of

water. A number of reasons are y water cools the body much faster than

air and most researchers believe that subsequentlythe body aims to maintain a layer of fat

under the skin to keep the bodys temperature at a stablelevel. Secondly it is believed that

appetite decreases as your body temperature increases as forexample during exercise.

However during swimming the body is cooled down almost instantly asthe surrounding

water is usually cooler than the body temperature and some researchers believethat this

may actually increase the appetite. This assumption is not yet proven by y

fast swimming requires a high level of effort meaning sugars rather than fats are

-lasting exercise at lower intensity is better for fat-burning. Four.