

1What should the tour guides do when they discovered that an old man is

missing while the group is sightseeing in a tourist resort?

(1) In this case ,the tour guides should first try to find out when and where he was

missing and then the national guides and the tour escort should look for him

separately ,while the rest of the group should follow the local guide to proceed with the

your .

(2) If they failed to find him, they should apply to the nearby police station and to

his management of the tourist resort for help.

(3) In the meantime, they should call up the hotel to find out if the man has been

back there.

(4) If not, they should phone to report the case to the local travel service and….

(5) (They) should be prepared to deal with possible problems arising from the


(6) Finally, they should write out a report on the event.

2. What should the tour guides do if someone in the group is suspected of

suffering from an infectious disease?

(1) In this case, the tour guide must first try to find out the details of the patient’s


(2) And then, he should report the case to the local travel service and then to the

quarantine and epidemic prevention departments.

(3) If they consider it necessary to do epidemiological examination, the tour guide

should talk over the matter with the tour leader and persuade the patient to have his health

checked and his blood serum tested.

(4) If the patient is proved to be infected with contagious disease, he must be

isolated for treatment or other measures will be taken according to the requirements of the

departments concerned.

(5) If the patient is a foreigner, he would be required to leave the country ahead of

schedule. In this case, the tour guides must help him with the exit formalities.

(6) After the event, the tour guide should submit a written report to departments

concerned, stating clear the details of the case and measures taken.

3. What should the tour guides do in case a tourist in the group suddenly had a

heart attack?

(1) If the tourist is surely suffering from heart attack, the tour guide should

immediately help him lie down on his head cushioned to rise a bit, and ask his family

member to feed him with first-aid medicine he has brought with him so that his condition

may improve.

(2) Then, the tour guide should call an ambulance to help or take the patient to

the nearby hospital for treatment.

(3) In the meantime, he should ask the local travel service to send someone to


(4) When rescue rearmament is in process, the local guide should ask the

patient’s family member to stay in the hospital.

(5) While the patient is staying in the hospital ,the local guide should often come

to visit .It the patient is a member of a foreign group ,he should help him with such things

as separating his visa from the group’s collective visa, going through the formalities for

leaving the hospital after his recovery and booking his home-bound transport ticket etc.

(6) Also, he must make good arrangements for sightseeing for the rest of the


4. What must the tour guide do if, by any chance, the tourists were robbed when

they were on their own?

In this case, the tour guide must do the following things:

(1) To dial 110 immediately to report the case to the police, stating clear the facts

of the case, including when, where and how the robbery was, the features and

appearance of the robbers, the names of the tourists and the tourists group, and the

distinctive marks of the robbed articles.

(2) To report the case to the local travel service for directions.

(3) To pacify the tourists to proceed with the tour

(4) To write out a report ,stating clear the nature of the case ,emergency

measures taken and the opinions and demands of the victims

(5) To assist departments concerned to deal with problems arising from the event

5. What precautions should the tour guide take when the group has just checked

in at the hotel in order that, in case of fire, the tourists may quickly escape with their


In order that, in case of fire, the tourists may quickly escape danger,

(1) The tour guide must try and get to know beforehand the route of fire escape

and locations of the fire exit and emergency staircase

(2) He should bear in mind the fire emergency telephone number (119) and keep

ready at hand the room member of the tour escort and all other tourists of the group.

6. Supposing the hotel suddenly caught fire and the fire scene is 2 stories below

the floor where a tourist group is staying .In these circumstances, how should the

tour guide of the group direct the tourists to save themselves?

At this critical moment, the tour guide must keep calm to make a sober

judgment of the situation .The basic point of first importance is that, in case of fire,

people must not try to escape by taking the elector and in no case should they leap

down from height up the building.

(1) If people caught fire on their clothes, they can roll on the floor or slap their

bodies with heavy clothing to put out the fire.

(2) When people must pass through dense smoke areas, they must wrap their

bodies and cover their mouths and noses with wet clothes and creep forward along the


(3) If the room door is blocked by fire and people can not run away, they must

stop up the chinks of the door with soaked clothes or bedding and splash water to lower

the temperature.

(4) At the same time ,they must wave colorful clothes out of the window to call for


7 .What should the tours guide do if, by any chance, the tourists are poisoned by


In case the tourists suffer food-poisoning…

(1) Tour guide should tell the tourists to drink plenty of water and try to make them

vomit so as to eliminate the toxins from their intestines.

(2) Must take them immediately to the hospital for emergency treatment and ask the

doctor for a medical certificate.

(3) He meantime, he should report the case to the local travel service to fix

responsibility on the restaurant.

8 .The tourists of a group requested some time before meal that the Western-food

meal reserved for them should be changed to a Chinese-food meal .What should

the local guide do in answer to their request?

(1)If their request (for substitution of Chinese food for Western food) was made 3

hours before the meal, the local guide should approach the restaurant and try to

meet their requirement as far as possible.

(2)If they asked for the change just before the meal, the local guide usually could

refuse but must tell them why it could not be changed.

(3)If they still insisted in making the change, the local guide could suggest that they

order the meal themselves at their own expense.

4) Their request for additional dishes and beverage (in excess of the set price) could

be granted provided they agreed to cover the extra charge.

local guide of a group just go to know ,when he was going through the

check-in formalities in the hotel ,that some of the double rooms they reserved for

the group had been replaced by triple rooms .How would you solve this problem

if you were the local guide of the group ?

(1)Lodging the tourists in triple room’s falls short of the requirements provided inn the

tour contract, so, if I were the local guide of the group, I must undertake the

responsibility of changing those back to double rooms.

(2)First, I would take up the matter with the hotel management and request that they

should try their best to space enough double rooms for the group .If they were not

able to help, I would try other hotels nearby.

(3)If all my efforts resulted in failure, I must make an apology too the tourists to seek

their understanding, and promise them a suitable payment to make up the difference

between the double and triple rooms so as to persuade them to make do with the

triple rooms

(4)For further compensation and apology, I could order a better meal for them or give

them some souvenirs, and I should take care of them more attentively so that they

would find satisfaction in being cordially treated

10.A foreign tourist requested that the tour guide should buy something for him

and have it shipped to his country .What is the proper way for the tour guide to

deal with his request?

In dealing with this kind of request form the tourists…

(1) The tour guide should first try to find an excuse to refuse tactfully.

(2) If it is hard to refuse at the insistent requests of the tourist, he should report the

matter to his superior and ask for instructions.

(3) Then, he must get enough money from the tourist for purchase and

shipping .When shipping is made, he should mail the original copies of the consignment

bill and the receipt of purchase to the tourist while keeping the duplicates for future.

11. What can the tour guide do to prevent the tourists getting sick?

To ensure that the tourists will not get sick, the following precautions are necessary:

(1) When planning the sightseeing program for the group, the age and physical

constitutions of the majority of the group members must be taken into account and

margins of time must be left for relaxation as well as for sightseeing.

(2) Sometimes, the tour guide’s advice against drinking the unboiled tab water in the

hotel rooms and buying food from street peddlers is necessary.

(3) In changeable weather, the tour guide should often announce weather forecasts

for the next day so that the tourists may choose to dress themselves accordingly or bring

an umbrella with them in a rainy day .AT dry season; drinking more water and eating more

fruit are also advisable.

12. A tourists group scheduled to arrive this morning is reposted to be delayed till

tomorrow before dinner and so the time of its stay in the local city will be short

ended by one and a half days .What should the local guide do to cope with the


(1)In this case, the local guide must, first of all, notify people concerned to cancel earlier

arrangements off meals and hotel accommodations for today and …

(2)Reconfirm the reservations of meals and hotel accommodations for tomorrow and the

transport tickets for the next destination.

(3)The sightseeing program for the group must also be altered accord kingly .While the

tourist resort of less importance can be skipped over ,those of major importance must

be retained.

(4)If time is too short, priority must be given to the tourist resorts that are typical of the

local features.

13、Sometimes a travel service would have no alternative but put a tourist group on

an extra flight to leave ahead of schedule because there is a shortage of space

on the regular flight .Under these circumstances, how can the local guide

manage to get understandings from the tourists?

(1) In these circumstances, the local guide should first talk over the matter with the

national guide and tour escort and try to get cooperation and support from them.

(2) In the meantime, he should find out the persons of great influence in the group

and try to talk them into consent.

(3) Then, he should honestly announce the real situation to the tourists and sincerely

apologize for the change so as ask for their forgiveness and understandings.

(4) For further apologies, a substantial compensation could be made if necessary.

(5) Besides, the local guide must make full use of fulfilling the scheduled sightseeing


14、As the road to the tourist resort is impassable, a tourist group has to cancel its

one-day tour to the place and this has made the tourists feel quite unhappy. How

can the local guide solve this problem?

(1)The local guide must arrange anther activity as a substitute.

(2)He should try his best to arouse people’s interest in the new arrangement with his

eloquent and interesting speech.

(3)He should ask the national guide to report the matter to the tour organizer travel service

for a final decision.

15、Supporting that ,when you get to the train station ,the tourists group you are

meet has been waiting there for a long time ;the tourists are very unhappy about

waiting and the tour escort also blame you for being late .What would you do in this

case if you were the local guide of the group?

(1)In this case, I must make an apology to the tour escort, the national guide and all the

tourists for my coming late.

(2)I must tell them the true reason why I was delayed and assure them of my sincerity to

do a good job for the group.

(3)To make amends for my error, I should make full use off the time to fulfill the

sightseeing program so as to get understandings from the tourists.

(4)And, if necessary, I should give them a substantial compensation.

16 A tourist in the group told you that he didn’t want to share a room with others

and asked for a separate room for his own. How would you solve the problem?

 In this case I must first try to find out why the tourist made the request. If the reason is

that the two-room mate were not getting a good well with each other, I would ask the

tour escort to mediate between them or try to help them ask the escort to opinions or

in habits and customs, I would ask the tour escort to mediate between them or try to

help them exchange rooms with somebody else in the group.

 If the tour escort failed to settle the problem, I can ask for an extra single room from

the hotel provides it’s available. But, I must make it clean to that tourist beforehand

that he should pay for it because the general rule is that person who asks for should


17What must the tour guide do in case the group has failed to catch the flight?

In case the group has flight, the tour guide must do the following:

 He must report the matter immediately to the leaders of his travel service to ask for help.

 He must consult the airline and try to arrange another flight for the group to leave tat an

earliest possible time.

 He must have the meals, hotel accommodations and sightseeing well arranged for the

tourist while they are detained so as relieve them from anxiety.

 Then, he must inform the travel service in the next destination city so that they may alter

tour program for the group accordingly.

 And, of cause, he must write out a report to find out the cause of the event and to

ascertain where responsibility lies so that the wrong –doer should answer for the losses


18What should the local guide do if a Chinese American (an American citizen of

Chinese origin) lost his passport while the group is sightseeing in Guangzhou?

In this case, the local guide must help him apply him for a new American passport and

a new visa to China. The expense incurred from this must be borne by the person


 To help him apply for a new American the local guide must first get a certification of loss

from the local travel service and ask the tourist to get his photo ready for use.

 With the certificate of loss from the Guangzhou Public Security Bureau and ask the case

to the for an official of loss

 With the certificate of loss from the Guangzhou Public Security Bureau, the tourist

should go to America Consulate in Guangzhou to apply for a new American passport.

19. What should the tour guide do if an American Chinese lost his passport while

the group is sightseeing in Guangzhou?

In this case, the local guide must help him apply for a new Chinese passport and a new

visa to the United States.

 To apply for a new Chinese passport, the tourist must first get his photos ready for


 And the local guide must get a certificate of loss from his travel service.

 With the certificate of loss form the travel service, the tourist must go personally to the

Publish Security Bureau of Guangzhou Province to report the loss and apply for a new

Chinese passport.

 Then, with the new passport, the tourist should apply to the American Consulate in

Guangzhou for an entry visa to the US.

20. A native Chinese in a tourist group lost his identity card and the group is going

to travel by plane. What should the tour guide do to deal with the case?

 The tour guide should first ask the local service to write out a letter of certification to

prove the loss.

 With the letter of written by the local travel service, the tourist must personal report to

will be settled after the tour according to the stipulations of the tour contract. the local


 The local public security bureau will verify the case and issue a certificate to prove his


 If he failed to get the certificate from the public security bureau , the tour guide should

arrange for him to travel fares should be paid by the said tourist and final accounts

21 When a foreign tourist group arrived in the airport in China, a tourist in the group

discovered that his luggage was missing. What should the local guide do to help


 In case, the local guide should take the tourist to the Lost Luggage Registration Office

of the airport to report and register the loss.

 While the grope is vesting the local city, the local guide should often call the airport to

inquire about the result of their search for the luggage.

 When the luggage is not found for the moment, the local guide should help the tourist

to buy the daily necessities.

 If eventually they give it up for lost, the local guide should help the tourist to claim

compensation from the airline.

22. What should the tour guide do if the tourists are greatly discontented with the

meals they have been served during their stay in a city?

 The tour guide should earnestly listen to and write down the opinion and complaints of

the tourists.

 And report the matter to the local travel service and the hotel or restaurants so that

they would make important or take possible remedial to apologize to the tourist.

 Also, he should make a study of people’s like and dislike.

23. What should the national guide do to take care of the tourists who are liable to

carsickness, airsickness or seasickness?

 To take good care of the tourists who are liable to carsickness, airsickness or

seasickness, the national guide should warm them not to eat too much before traveling.

He should remind them to take a right dose before carsickness preventive, but must warm

them of the contradictions of the drug because much carsickness is harmful to health.

 When assigning seats on the bus or plane, that less shaky position should be

reserved for them.

 When the group is traveling long distance by plane or train, the national guide should

ask the attendant to help look after them.

24. What should the tour guide do if a tourist in the group fainted away for


 If a tourist in the group fainted away for heatstroke, the tour guide should help him lie

down on his back at a cool and shady place and unbutton his collar and loosen his


 Then he should feed him some salted drinks and heatstroke preventive if they are


 When the painter condition is still serious, he can just let him sit or lie down to rest for

a while.

 But if his condition is very serious, he must be taken to the hospital.

25. What should the tour guide advise the tourists to do in order that they would be

safe from harm or attack while they are staying in the hotel?

To ensure that the tourists are safe from harm or attack wile they are in the hotel, the tour

guide should advise the tourists.

 That they must lodge their valuables in the safes of hotel instead of carrying them in

their person or just leaving them about in the hotel room.

 And that they should always leaves their doors fastened when doing in and out of

their rooms and must not allow strangers or people who claim to be hotel workers to come

into their rooms, especially at night.

 In addition, the tour guide should advise the tourists against changing their money

with private money-changers so that they should not be fooled and cheated by evil


26. A local guide follows the original schedule and got to the airport in time to meet

the group. However, when the plane came in, the grope didn’t turn up. What should

he do now?

 He should immediately try to get in touch with people in his office to find out the


 If the grope is delayed for only a short time, he should keep on waiting in the airport.

 If it is delayed for a long time, he must work out a new sightseeing program for the

group according to the arrangement of the departments concerned.

27 A local guide had taken over a group at the air port but , when they arrived at

the hotel , he discovered that he had taken a wrong group。 What should he do to

solve the problem?

 He should first seek the cause of the mistakes and 。。。

 Try to find out where his group is and if it was taken away by mistakes so that he may

get in touch with it without delay。

 If his grope was taken by one of his colleagues and they all act as a local guide ,they

don’t need to change。

 Then he should honey explain whole things to the tourist and sincerely apologize for

the mistakes。

28. When a group had finished its scheduled itinerary and was going to leave China,

several tourists in the group requested that they would stay behind to proceed with

the tour. What should the national guide do to help them?

 The national guide should ask the tour organizer travel service for instruction and give

them necessary assistance. He should get a letter of certification from the local travel

service, have their passport and the collective visa of the grope ready and then to the local

public security.

 If the tourist need continue guide service and other service , the National guide

should help them concluded a new contract with the travel service。

29. Supposing the tour bus of a group was turned over and three people were