
妈妈 小猪猪咬我的内♥裤♥

Mom! Jethro's eating my underwear!

出来啊 小猪猪 猪猪

Here, piggy, piggy, piggy. Jethro.

妈妈 别听法♥伦♥的谬论

Mom, before she starts,


there isn't a shred of evidence to support her allegations.

吉莉安 你儿子发什么神经

- Gillian, your son is a psycho.


- He booby-trapped my hair dryer.

假设成立 但也证明不了什么

- Nice hypothesis, but you can't prove it.

好哇 但我可以扁你

- Yeah, but I can hurt you.

妈妈 妈妈 她赶紧该吃点药了

- Mom! Mom! She needs to be medicated.

好了 小猪猪 过来

- Come on, Jethro. - Come here.

哼 我讨厌这个家 过来

I hate this family. Come here.

猪猪 不许你以后再这样了

Jethro, you're getting a time out.

快点啦 孩子们

Come on, guys.



嗯 怎么了 这是时尚(装扮)

- What? It's in style.

这打扮不适合你 去换条牛仔裤

- It's inappropriate. Go put on some jeans.


And spit out the gum.

乖乖 你想穿什么颜色的

So, what color do you want to wear today?

红的 蓝的 紫的

Red? Blue? Purple?

粉的 妈妈 粉的

Pink, Momma, pink.

法♥伦♥ 又要干嘛 你让我穿的这个

- Farren. - What? You said jeans.


I meant in your size.

快点 孩子们 我们要迟到了 拿着

Come on, guys. Come on. We don't want to be late. There you go.

快点 乖乖

Come on, sweetie.

不 走开

- No! - Get out!


No fighting.

我来(帮你) 早上好

Allow me.- Hi. - Hi.

晚上约会没问题吧 我会准时的

- Are we still on for dinner? - I'll be there.


We have an audience.

哎 我想吐 他本来就垃圾

- Yuck. I'm going to vomit. - He is such a loser.

我喜欢鲍勃 他很好啊

I like Bob. He's nice.

他不就是个卖♥♥钢笔的么 啥呆瓜一个

He's a boring pen importer. He does the same routine every day.

像机器人 他本来就是机器人

- He's like a robot. - That's 'cause he is a robot.

是终结者 他们终结者想毁灭我们人类

A cyborg, sent from the future, to destroy humanity.


Starting with us.

都三个月了 纪念日快乐

Well, it's been three months. Happy anniversary.


What is it?


I have to tell you about my job.


This might shock you,

可在我们进一步发展之前 你有必要知道(这些)

but you should know everything before this relationship goes further.

不用 鲍勃 为何

- Don't, Bob. - What?