



Module 3 Heroes Unit2 There were few doctors, so he

had to work very hard on his own.

课文介绍了白求恩的伟大事迹, 通过学习,学生能对重要事件按



Key vocabulary:Canada,Canadian, sick, soldier, treat, die for, die of, tool,


at that time, operation, useful, manage, manage to do, himself, in the


end, continue

Key structures: adverbial clauses with because, so and so that


Individual or pairs work to enable students to participate in class






learn about heroes

2 To learn from them.

Key words

Key structures: adverbial clauses with because, so and so that

Key structures: adverbial clauses with because, so and so that

Write a passage in a given topic and using so so that and because.

PWP approach

Individual or pairs work

OHP , multimedia, Bb


Step 1


Step 2

Pre- Reading

(Act. 1)

Step 3


(Acts. 2, 3 &




教师活动 学生活动

Revise what they

learned in Unit 1

To get prepared to the


To help understand the

reading material

教学步骤 活动目的

Ask the students to Students work in

go over the two to perform the

conversation in conversation and

Unit1 and summarize the

summarize what vocabulary and

they learn in Unit 1 grammar in Unit 1.

1. Show some 1. Look at the

pictures and guide pictures and talk

the Ss to talk about the pictures.

something about the


2. Ask the Ss to talk 2. Talk about a

about a hero they hero they know in

know. Use the words pairs with the

in the box in Act. 1. words in the box to


1. Ask the Ss to read 1. Read the

the passage in and passage and

write down the facts complete the table.

of Dr Norman Check with the

Bethune Act.1. partner.

2. Play the flash of 2. Watch the flash

the passage in Act. 2 and try to

for the Ss to watch understand the

and understand passage.

3. Ask the Ss to 3. Number the

number the events events about

about Norman Norman Bethune

Bethune in the order in the order they

they happened. happened. ( finish

( finish activity 3. activity 3.

教师活动 学生活动

Step 4


(Acts. 4 & 6)

Step 5


To consolidate the new


To evaluate the class

4. Ask the students

to complete the

passage in Act. 4

1. Ask the students

to read the passage


2. Deal with

language points in

the passage


4. Complete the

passage in Act. 4

1. Read the

passage and try to

find out key


2. Students take

notes and ask

questions that they


Students finish the

exercises in PPT.

die for 意为“为……而死〞。

die of 意为 “因……而死〞(原因多来自内部如情感、冻饿、生病等), 其

后跟hunger, cold, illness, old age, a fever, heat等名词。

die from 意为“由于……而死〞(外因) (原因常来自外部创伤、交通事故),

其后常跟wound, accident, over work, carelessness, drinking 等名词。

die of give up in the end on one’s own take care

of think about

1) He did not ever his dream of winning the game.

2) In 1938, Norman Bethune came to China to ______ the soldiers wounded in

the war.

3) They travelled for several days and ________ they arrived home.

4) Thousands of people _______ illnesses in dirty hospitals in the nineteenth


5) Although she is very young, she can live _______.

1. read the passage.

2. Write a passage about a hero.

Module 1 Unit 1

I. 根据句意和汉语提示写单词。

1. I’m sure you know the Great Wall best among the New Seven(奇迹) of the


2. The(乐队) Dream Theatre is Linda’s favourite and she thinks they have goo d

rhythm to their music.

3. The young writer asked Ba Jin to write a (评论) for his new book.

4. Pingyao is one of the most famous (古老的) cities in Shanxi Province.

5. This morning Mr Wu t aught us how to write the (作文) for Mother’s Day.

6. Do you know which is the most famous (金字塔) in Egypt

7. Our class(会议) usually lasts about half an hour.

8. This year the 29th Olympic Games is the most important(事件) f or every


9. Ma Ji had many(学生) and Feng Gong is one of them.

10. You can find some good ideas on how to get good (成绩) in Learning English.

II. 根据句意用所给单词的适当形式完成句子。

1. Sally has got two good friends(call) Lingling and Daming in Beijing.

2. — How about(watch) the football match with me this afternoon

— Good idea.

3. — Can you tell me how (learn) English well

— First you should believe you can learn it well.

4. “Listen! What(happen) outside〞 Sally asked.

5. “Did (someone) else watch the programme ye sterday evening〞 the teacher asked.

6. Our English teacher suggests us (speak) English loudly every morning.

7. What was your (good) grade in maths last year

8. Please check whether you(write) down your name on the paper.

III. 根据汉语提示完成英语句子,每空一词。

1. 我们为什么不一起唱这首歌呢?

we sing the song together

2. 老师问玛丽:“你有没有更多的想法?〞

The teacher as ked Mary, “Do you have ideas〞

3. 当妈妈进来的时候,汤姆正在阅读有关埃及金 字塔的文章。

Tom the pyramids in Egypt when Mum c ame in.

4. 昨天一家报社采访了那位勇敢的母亲。

A newspaper the brave mother yesterday.

5. 请注意!下周我们要进行一次英语测验。 , please! We’ll have an English test

next week.


Unit 1

I. 1. Wonders 2. band 3. review 4. ancient 5. composition

6. pyramid 7. meeting 8. event 9. pup ils 10. grades / marks

II. 1. called 2. watching 3. to learn 4. is happening

5. anyone 6. speaking 7. best 8. have written

III. 1. Why don’t 2. any more 3. was reading about

4. d id an interview with 5. Listen up