
课时作业11(模块四 Unit 2)



He has ______ great ______ ______ the space development program.


How many of you are going to ______ ______ ______ the coming sports meeting?


The organization ______ a leading ______ in settling the dispute.


The monument was built ______ ______ ______ the general.


How many countries were ______ ______ the war?


1.It began to rain y,they ______ take shelter under the pavilion and nobody got wet.

A.could B.might

C.were able to D.must

2.—Tom,you are late again.


A.not at all B.just my luck

C.never mind D.that's all right

3.Never believe ______ he says.

A.no matter what B.whichever

C.which D.whatever

4.A fence ______ our garden ______ the playing field.

A.divides;into B.separates;into

C.separates;from D.divides;on

5.Would you like to ______ us?We are going to ______ the school's 20th anniversary celebration.

A.join in;take part in B.join in;join

C.take part in;join D.join;take part in

6.Chongqing will tighten its ______ this year and it's expected that some planned projects will either be cut

off or delayed.

A.money B.fund

C.cash D.budget

7.After ______ practice,I have finally taken my Santana ______.

A.many a;under control

B.a lot of;into control

C.plenty of;under control

D.a great many;out of control

8.Naturally,after I tell my brother what to do,he ______ go and do the opposite.

A.may B.will

C.can D.should

9.The conference is a good place to ______ information and exchange ideas.

A.share B.cost

C.spend D.pay for

10.We all know that science plays ______ in modern society.

A.an important role B.important role

C.important roles D.important parts

11.Hundreds and even thousands of Chinese college graduates compete with one another fiercely ______one

civil service position.

A.against B.to

C.for D.in

12.Several houses were destroyed to ______ a building.

A.make away with B.make way for


C.make for D.make out

13.She published her novels ______ a man's name,which she thought was easier to gain popularity.

A.in B.on

C.under D.at

14.______ fresh air,people may start to feel make sure you open the windows while working.

A.For the absence of B.In the absence of

C.In the honour of D.In the short of

15.—Do you mind if I smoke?


A.Why not? B.Yes,help yourself.

C.Go ahead. D.Yes,but you'd better not.


After working long hours on her feet every day in the operation room,Taryn Rose knew a lot about foot

day she had to stand for a long time,operating on the a result,she suffered from a bad foot

__1__most of her colleagues,she turned her pain into __2__.Today she is the boss of Taryn Rose

International,a very famous company that makes nice and __3__shoes,which sell very well all over the world.

At the beginning,Rose realized the only thing__4__could stop her was the fear of __5__.“I could hear my

friends and family saying,‘Why did you __6__a good job? What if you fail?’” said she,“If I failed,would

I be okay facing them? If I failed,would I be brave enough to start my business again?”After a long careful

thought,I started to accept that it would be okay to say,“I failed,but I __7__.”Once I was comfortable with

that thought,the fear came to an r,this time I was bothered by another idea.I realized I feared regret

more than again,I convinced __8__you turn to the path you choose,there is nothing

__9__ but success.”

Now,Rose has no regrets about leaving medicine.“What I am doing is not all so different from being a

__10__.The goal is the same:to relieve pain,”said she.

__11__,Rose admits she caught a couple of lucky breaks. “To me,luck is about being prepared for those

opportunities that come have to have a(n)__12__mind,the right skills and all your senses working

to see the opportunities.

Luck can open the door,but you still have to walk through it.

1.A.with B.like C.to D.unlike

2.A.money B.reality C.comfort D.regret

3.A.educational B.comfortable C.fashionable D.expensive

4.A.which B.what C.that D.who

5.A.failure B.cost C.regret D.future

6.A.leave B.find C.keep D.do

7.A.stopped B.agreed C.managed D.tried

8.A.before B.when C.after D.because

9.A.changeable B.acceptable C.available D.reliable

10.A.teacher B.boss C.doctor D.worker

11.A.Calling up B.Looking out C.Turning around D.Looking back

12.A.open B.quick C.absent D.kind


Many of us are familiar with the World Cup,a football competition which is popular among people in almost

1.______ you know there is another football competition that is well-known worldwide?It's called

the Super Bowl and is held every January in the is very different from the football 2.______

know.3.______,the more you know about it,the better you will like it.

Each year the Super Bowl is played in a 4.______ American is 5.______ significance because it

helps make sure that the game is year,it was held in Houston, was a great game,and the

6.______ teams that made it to the final(the Panthers and the Patriots)were similar in one could tell

who would win the game 7.______ the last few final score was Patriots won by 3 points.

Each year,the Super Bowl is broadcast on TV all over the world,but 8.______ you want to see the Super

Bowl live,you had better have a lot of money.A ticket for this year's game cost US$2000-4250!That's about one

month's salary for many expensive,isn't it?I am going to save money to watch next year's game




Two influential thinkers of the twentieth century have Kenneth Galbraith,the economist,died on

April twenty-ninth at the age of Jacobs,a defender of cities,died on April twenty-fifth at the age of 89.

Jane Jacobs believed in the value of natural city opposed the kind of city planning that involves

big development and renewal projects that tear down old communities.

She is best known for her book The Death and Life of Great American r book was The Nature

of Economies. Yet she never finished college.

Jane Jacobs was an activist in New York work defeated a road plan to build a big highway through

the Greenwich Village area.

She was also against had sons almost old enough to be called for military service in the Vietnam

nineteen sixty-eight the family moved to Canada,where his children didn't have to be involved in the

she remained a community she was fighting a road plan in Toronto.

John Kenneth Galbraith was born in Canada but lived and died in the United States.

Among his best-known books is The Affluent Society,from nineteen wrote that American

society did not have enough social warned about widening divisions between the rich and the poor.

John Kenneth Galbraith believed in the power of government to improve believed in a system of

progressive taxes,and public support for the arts and government involvement in also supported the

idea of public ownership of housing and medical services.

Experts say John Kenneth Galbraith and Jane Jacobs led many to think.“We just wonder not only how and

where we want to live and work but also what kind of society we want to leave for our children”,commented one

reader of their books.

1.What kind of city development did Jane Jacobs prefer?(No more than 3 words.)


2.Why did Jane and her family move to Canada in 1968?(No more than 15 words.)


3.List two things John Kenneth Galbraith didn't like about American society.(No more than 14 words.)


4.What did the two people have in common?(No more than 6 words.)




Ⅰ.1.made;contributions to 2.take part in 3.played;role 4.in honour of 5.involved in

Ⅱ.1.C 根据Luckily和nobody got wet可知他们在亭子下面躲了雨,所以要选择表示“过去做成了

某事”的were able to;could并不能表示“做成了某事”,只能表示他们能够或可以做某事;might只能表示“可


2.B just my luck是习语,意为“真倒霉”。not at all和that's all right多用于对方感谢时的应答语,“不

客气”。never mind用于对方道歉时的应答语“没关系”。

3.D believe是及物动词,故后面应该接宾语从句;宾语从句有主语he和谓语says,says缺宾语,

表示 “他说的东西或任何东西”,故答案应该为what或者whatever;whichever表示一个范围内的任何一个,

不合题意;no matter what只能引导让步状语从句。


5.D join in sth.意为“参加(活动)”。join sb.“和某人一起„„”。take part in意为“参加(活动)”,


6.D 因为有些计划好的项目会被砍掉或推迟,故意思是“要支出的钱会减少”;budget即为“计划支

出的钱或预算”。 tighten its budget为“收紧预算”。

7.C practice是不可数名词,many a修饰可数名词的单数形式,a great many修饰复数名词,故排除

A、D选项。under control是固定搭配,意为“控制住„„”。

8.B will表示习惯性动作,意为“常常”。

9.A share意为“分享”。

10.A play an important part/role意为“起重要作用”。在这个结构中part/role只能用单数,其前的不定


11.C 本题考查介词搭配。compete for意为“为„„而竞争”。

12.B make away with意为“偷窃(某物)”;make way for“给„„让路”;make for意为“朝„„走去,

促成”;make out意为“辨认出,了解”。

13.C under/with/by one's name意为“用„„的名字”。

14.B in the absence of意为“在没有„„的情况下”。

15.C 本题考查交际用语,表示许可时,肯定回答常用“Yes,please./Of course,you may./Go ahead,

please./Just help yourself.”等表示。B和D选项前后矛盾。

Ⅲ.1.D 不像她的大部分同事一样,她把痛苦变成了金钱。unlike为介词,表“不像,和„„不同”。

2.A 由下文可得知本题答案。

3.B 罗斯所开办的公司专门制造漂亮和舒适的鞋子,她的鞋在全世界畅销。

4.C that could stop her为定语从句,修饰先行词thing。当先行词受到only修饰时,其后定语从句常


5.A 起初,罗斯意识到能够阻止她的唯一的因素就是害怕失败。failure为名词,意思是“失败”。

6.A 罗斯的朋友和家人总是质疑她为什么放弃好的工作。leave为及物动词,意思是“离开,留下”。

7.D 我失败了,但是我尽力了。manage表示设法做成了某事,显然不符合题意;try表尽力去做某


8.C 此处指在你选择了你自己要走的路之后,after为连接词,引导时间状语从句。

9.B 除了成功,你没有什么可以选择的。changeable“可变的”;acceptable “可接受的”;available“可


10.C 由上文可知,她原来是一名医生,故C项正确。

11.D call up“召集,动员;打电话;使人想起”;look out“留神,注意,提防,警惕”;turn around“转

过身来;转过去,围绕„„旋转”;look back“回头看;回顾,记忆;回顾;回想”。

12.A have a open mind在此处意为“思路开阔,眼界长远”。

Ⅳ.1.all 此处指在几乎所有国家都很受欢迎。countries为复数,前面又有almost,故只能填all。

2.we 和首句的many of us对应。

3.However 此处表示转折关系,因为前面说这种新的运动和我们所熟悉的不同,即我们可能不太熟


4.different 根据后文make sure that the game is fair和“This year,it was held in Houston,Texas.”可知


5.of “of+抽象名词significance”相当于某对应的形容词significant,意思是“有意义的,重要的”。

6.two 打到决赛的是两支球队。


7.until 句意:不到最后几秒钟谁都无法判断谁能赢得比赛。until为固定搭配,意思是“直到„„


8.if 但是如果你想要现场观看Super Bowl比赛,你要有许多钱。

Ⅴ.1.Natural city development/growth.

2.So that her sons didn't have to(wouldn't)be involved in the Vietnam War./Because her sons didn't have to

(wouldn't)be involved in the Vietnam War in Canada.

3.Not enough social services/Lack of social services and widening divisions between the rich and the poor.

4.Both led people to think./They were both influential thinkers.
