



time----------------Gradually I lost more of my hearing

doing that-----------I because really interested in

was reassurance---------Their attitude encouraged me as it

is not all------------Music benefits from the use of sences

5.I’m big on talking----------I love and really enjoy talking


1.I thought about those----------------I thought about how the young man

whatever are you doing-----------So I don’t understand why you are


3.I learned to find my way through------I went through the challenges

4,Naturally,I made mistakes------------you see, I still make mistakes

5,They never set foot in a--------------My parents never received a coll


Wel known, howver, was the fact-----------------But few people were


was the time of surging----------------------------Anti-Semitism spread


3.I wanted to allow myself the pleasure of this joke.------I hope to have a

lot of fun

stories are always prone to exaggeration.------- Family stories are

very likely

parents were equally shocked---------------------The parents were



1 Li, as Premier and Party Secretary of ------------Li has to handle many


x-ray machines or body scanners such ------There were no x-ray


3 As an example of how China is moving forward--making huge progress

in this area

was admitted to the elite Peking University---which gave him a start

on his way


1 One night,I didn’t turn off the water fast enough-------she wasn’t

pleased with

need conserve our resources to buy---------------so the resources will

3 His list,in descending order of importance, was--------His list contains

ten items

reason energy and water sit at the top------------more important

than food

5. even though fixing water would help our energy------solving the water



1 In fact,Miller realized that without the net he---As a matter of


2 I’ve been plugged in 24-7--------------------online round-the-clock

3 Still,I’d forgotten one key lesson--------------Nevertheless, I’d


4 I found myself reflecting on how living---------I was thinking about how


5 So instead of funny cat pictures--------------spend your time reading

some great



1 What? No electricity? | almost dismissed-------How could there be

2 Forty acres would give us plenty of room------Forty acres would be large

3 to learn the ins and outs of hauling-----------to learn each and every


4 With only a 5,000-gallon water tank----------With only 5000 gallons of


5 Everything from lights and ceiling fans--------Everything from lights and



1 AII day I have been fighting the feling---------I have been trying all day

2 I keep continually thinking of home-----------I have been terribly


3 It is possible | may be a member in------------Just as I can possibly die

4 Not my will God, but Thine-------------------Weather we win or lose

5 I would certainly like to be on hand-----------I would be very glad to


1 The decision to relocate for a new school------When you decide to move

2 What tends to hurt most is when just one-----It tends to hurt most

3 The same applies to friendship---------------It is also true of friendship

4 Eventually even the closest of friendships-----In the end it is possible

5 Even those amazing close friendships---------Even for those amazing





1. Good teachers should encourage students to use their creativity to express

themselves and make them feel proud of what they can achieve.

2. I’ve made new friends and am doing well at college. I think I’m enjoying

being a college student.

3. People with disabilities want to be treated like everyone else and given equal

opportunities. They do not want sympathy.

4. Life is full of challenges. We should be strong enough to face up to them.

5. A great pianist does not succeed overnight. His skills are developed over


6. It is reported that millions of people in the US are not covered by

health insurance.

7. The party really came to life once again when the huge birthday cake was


8. The train must be running late; we should have got to Beijing by now.

9. How determined one is to achieve one’s dream is clearly a sign that can be

used to predict success.

10. Setting a goal and going all the way to achieve it can be a great test of

one’s will and perseverance.

11. The doctor tried to prevent the infection spreading to other parts of the


12.I was told that my computer wasn’t powerful enough to run that software.

13. Corporate executives usually have high salaries.

art exhibition is great; it’s a pity you don’t have time to go there but

you can see it on your computer screen.

15. The researchers are concerned about the increasing frequency of the illness

in the village.


to listen to criticism but don’t get crushed by it.

ts who think they have paid and can pass exams by right have come

to college with a(n) misguided belief. They must earn grades.

mistakes is inevitable as one grows up. What is important is to learn

from them.

er what our professor said. If you fail to complete

your assignments on time, you may lose points for your final grade.

’s done is done. Believe me! You’ll feel less pain in life if you learn

to let go.

the U.S., two thirds of students pay for college through loans and will have

to pay them back with interest after graduation.

er you go in China, it is a common sight that people stand in

line whether it is a restaurant, a bank, a hospital or a subway station.

8.I’m really feeling embarrassed. I wish I had never said such stupid things in

the presence of my friend.

students are not satisfied with their grades, should the college allow them

to negotiate grades with their professors?

Minister of Education is visiting our campus, accompanied by our

university president.

professor meets his advanced students once a week to hold

a(n) seminar on adult development. He always invites us to attend it too.

matter how big the campus is, I’m sure I can find my way around in a

few days.

l students have reported the loss of valuables in their dorms. Police

are now investigating these serious incidents.

ting on my past language learning experiences, I’ve come to realize

that practice makes perfect.

university enrolls more students than our city’s other two

colleges combined.


reports of terror attacks in Paris were splashed across newspapers and


’s assignment is to go to the library and find out more about what

happened to Jews during World War II.

bloody images in this war film are not suitable for young viewers.

TV entertainment shows have been cancelled because this is a special day

for the state memorial service in Nanjing.

professor has just come out with a new book on war and world politics.

is a precious photo of my family. Now beautifully framed, it stands on

my desk.

some topics like income, love life and politics for private conversations.

tion should be used when a secret message is delivered online.

the Cold War years of the last century, China

made remarkable achievements in developing nuclear weapons.

who wants to complain about unfair treatment must submit a

written report to the committee.

you visit a new place, try to talk to local people and taste local food

for a better understanding of the culture.

word “Nazi” is claimed to come from the first letters of German

words for Hitler’s National Socialist German Workers’ Party, but it may not be



career as a soldier ended with injury to both eyes.

money flows around the world looking for investments that

will yield high returns.

Prime Minister’s speech sent out a signal that his government is ready

for peace negotiations.

morning Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella published a report on

his vision for the company’s future.

China has been promoting closer cooperation with other countries for

world peace since its founding in 1949.

prices in China now follow global trends.

actress decided to take advantage of her recent fame to launch her own

fashion brand.

didn’t attain its 2012 foreign trade goal due to the debt crisis in


the early days of his career, he headed a team to attract overseas Chinese

scientists to his university.

you think college graduation, wedding and giving birth to babies

are significant events in your life?


will be a close game. The outcome is hard to predict.

ers on a tight budget would choose to go there by train instead of by


was on the point of leaving the garden when he heard someone cry:

“Isn’t it Tom? I can hardly believe my eyes.”

tion is what we need when we design new products.

problem turned out to be far more complicated than he had foreseen.

works in this room are mostly by local artists. They embody the

artists’ vision of a peaceful and environment-friendly civilization.

, though abundant in Brazil, is extremely unevenly distributed among

its regions.

today, my first English teacher’s encouraging words still ring in my


has many friends working in the government. His sources of

information are usually reliable.

figures show that the death rate of road accident gets higher as the

speed of the car increases.

water demand growing, the conflict between the two neighboring

villages over water has intensified over the years.

ago the professor said that there was no doubt that the people in

this city would be confronted with a water shortage, if not a water

crisis. Subsequent events have proved his predictions to be exactly right.

TV program highlights the aftermath of the Paris terrorist attacks.


has been on a diet for a long time, but she looks a bit heavier, if


g your laptop plugged in all the time will kill its battery faster.

g, dancing, playing a game — all of these activities allow you

to interact with other people.

to my annoyance, whenever I criticize her, she always comes up with

an excuse.

Facebook remains the most popular social media site, its growth has

gradually slowed down.

all your camping stuff online today, everything you need to make a

camping trip easier and more enjoyable!

of the first flight training lessons taught to student pilots is how to

perform an emergency landing in a small airplane.

you read the newspaper, you’re probably not reading it word-by-

word, instead you’re scanning the text.

one of my first articles published on LinkedIn, I wrote about the

importance of public speaking to every leader.

a while that story book was indeed very popular, but it was not long

before the demand declined.

ticket prices have reached an all-time high. No wonder some

people choose instead to watch movies at home.

the absence of anyone to spend New Year’s Eve with, I went to watch

a show alone and I truly enjoyed it.

a recent study, more than 20% of drivers said they cannot resist

the urge to send or check messages while driving.

is no doubt that human activity has something to do with climate

change, and climate will continue to change unless we reduce our carbon




1. Jack has no interest whatsoever in pursuing an acting career. He loves writing

and directing.

2. The idea was to have users upload their medical records, so that they could

be available at any time.

3. Traffic jams often build up when drivers slow down to see what happened in

a crash.

4. A native New Yorker, Ben is familiar with the city, its neighborhoods, and all

he has connections with.

5. You may have already seen your dream house. Before you put in an offer,

you can do a few more things to ensure you purchase the right property for the

right price.

6. Buying organic fruit and vegetables costs more, and for many shoppers, the

benefits hardly seem worth the extra expense.

7. Self-sufficient living is the practice of providing for your own needs without

outside aid or resources.

8. In the interview, the writer was asked how he set about writing a novel based

on a dream he once had.

9. Are you thinking of becoming an insurance sales agent? Take this quiz to

find out if this is the right career choice for you.

10. The rent for the apartment is reasonable; besides, the utilities are included,

which means you don’t have to pay anything for gas, electricity and water.

11. A central heating and cooling system produces warm or cool air in one

central area and distributes it throughout the building.

12. We were deeply shocked and saddened when we learned of the sudden

death of our newly retired professor.

13. If you know the ins and outs of something, you know all the details about

it and understand how it works.

14. It’s long been proven that we can accomplish any project if we break it up

into small pieces and do the project one piece at a time.


1. While I was working in a fast-food restaurant, I constantly dreamt of being

able to own one someday.

2. It was common for people to keep up correspondence with friends through

letters before the age of the Internet.

3. In modern Chinese society, women, to a large extent, are no longer

dominated by men either in family life or in the workplace.

4. There is now a growing realization of the importance of recycling among the

residents in our neighborhood.

5. The Japanese invasion during World War II met with fierce resistance from

the Chinese people.

6. It is wonderful to see flowers bloom in different colours after a long bleak


7. The elderly landlady couldn’t endure the behavior of the young man any

more: he tossed trash all over the building.

8. It is true that human beings have had war constantly throughout history;

nevertheless human civilization has managed to survive.

9. An increasingly large number of Chinese plan to spend their time travelling

to different countries and seeing more of the world when they retire.

10. Last week I submitted my first project proposal and I was very anxious to

know how the department manager would react to it.

11. We all sympathize with those who lost loved ones in the disaster.

12. The general decided to launch an assault on the enemy at midnight.

13. At that time, most stores in that region allowed shoppers to exchange

goods and services at a mutually agreed price.

14. The kids never received any professional training previously, but their

performance was impressive.

15. It’s amazing that the toddler can count up to one hundred and backward.


1. We set out to find the truth behind the mystery of the scientist’s


2. A good relationship is built on honesty, trust, and mutual respect.

3. Kids may grow faster or slower but most of them still end up with an average


4. In the joint venture, the Chinese party will hold a 51 percent controlling


5. Although John has dated the girl for a year, he is still in two minds as to

whether to marry her or not.

6. Many people are unaware of just how much food and drink they consume

each day.

7. In order not to hurt Mary’s feelings, please don’t refer to the incident


8. He and Jeannie used to live together, but recently they have been apart for

the first time.

9. Adam has announced that he is to take an extended touring break in order

to spend more time with his family.

10. Jim survived the heart attack thanks to the prompt first aid treatment.

11. His interview did not go well and his chance of getting the job slipped away.

12. Kids exposed to an unhealthy environment tend to grow up with more


13. An occasional all-nighter is rough, but he is young enough to bounce back.

14. Olivier turned it down flat and tried to persuade Vivien to do likewise.

15. Nowadays when you buy a house in a big city, you have to invest lots of





1.I’m a tech fan---------------------big on

d of going------------------all the way

you ask me what----------------motivation

4.I personally don’t believe----------predicting

5.I made up my mind to-------------hooked

will not easily------------------pursuit of

questions were so-------------elementary

father taught me---------------folk

the debate,it ----------------taken over


1.I’ll never go to the------------------------set foot in

g goals can help to------------------take charge

3.I wasn’t really interested in math-----------muddle through

stay where you are-------------------stay put

5.I threw a birthday------------------------in tow


1 Baby boomers refer to those born-------------------surged

2 Over time Steven Spielberg gained---------------------made it big

3 Without doubt, civilians are going to suffer--------------Definitely

4 Hundreds and thousands of people---------------------fled

5 Hitler was the leader of the Nazi party-------------------throughout


1 Bar hopping is an absolute--------------------------off limits

2 In the beginning the tomatoes were green, but--------At first

3 Have you contacted the former owner of this---------previous

4 I caught the flight all because of the ride you---------thanks

5 Mary, I think you'd better change into something-----appropriate


see the lights in the students' reading--------around the corner

2 At that time the working class was still too--------enable a successful


3 The high-rise building in the back makes---------dwarfs our old house

4 The figures show that our economy is healthy----on track

5 The two girls spent the whole night panning-----and so forth


1 Different from her father, who is a remarkable writer------------Unlike

2 This washing machine factory has introduced a-----------------unique

3 Amy Chua's book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother created------made


4 Of all the things my grandma used to say----------------------turn out

5 Every year a report comes out describing fully which cities-------detailing



1 All electronic computers are made up of----------------------consist of

2 The moment I saw it clearly for what it was--------------------tossed

3 True, the furnishings are dated but in-------------------------overall

4 They had little difficulty in hooking the fish--------------------hauling

5 They built a fireplace to heat the small flat---------------------went out

6 The pot you saw had been in service for four-------------------in use


1 The research team has made all necessary---------------------postponed

2 What disturbs investors is the fact that the--------------------of late

3 It's natural for young people to have a very strong-------------long for

4 The client was very hard to please and had been---------------continually

5 The travel agency apologized to the clients who---------------

compensated for

6 As the outdoor concert attracted crowds----------------------on land

7 The proud woman intensely loved her son---------------------Adored

8 Those days the number of the unemployed--------------------by the day


1 While in New York, Sara developed a-------------------------passion

2 Our friendship finally broke up mainly------------------------due to

3 She had no liking for aimlessness----------------------------moreover

4 We have to notice the presence of other cultures--------------cannot help


5 The king tried to overcome the difficulty---------------------receive

6 Even though | wanted to keep our friendship-----------------As much as

7 Mary paid no attention to my repeated----------------------neglected

8 Because she spoke Spanish, she got around the--------------on her own

9 Press reports say that firearms (枪械) kill---------------------injure




* Filipaj is an

he came to the U.S.

* 1993,he started

ten years,he

the day,he studied

* his work as a janitor

* a janitor,he did

May 13,2012

* values education and believes in an

* has a plan to go


*1 The author and his wife drove their youngest

2 They felt relaxed when they said

3 Freshman year is the most special

*4 The author appreciates the education

*5 On the way home the author kept on thinking

6 Young people like the author's son are concerned

*7 Both Albert Einstein and the author

*8 When we judge the value of a man

* learning and lab time will be most

can be inferred from the text that the author


*1 Alex Kurzem's family was killed

2Alex survived the Nazi killing because

* wandering alone in the forest

*4 The Nazi soldies made Aelx the

*5 The soldiers left Alex with a Nazi family when

*6 The only thing Alex remembered about his childhood

7 People failed to discover Alex's identity

*8 Alex's lifelong wish was to put flowers on his mother's grave.

9 It turned out that, instead of being a Jew

*10 Alex finally returned to his hometown and found out his real name


1 This text records the first meeting between Oprah and Neson Mandela.

*2 Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years for fighting

3 Nelson Mandela spent 27 years on Robben lsland.

*4 Before imprisonment, Nelson Mandela was too busy to think.

*5 Thanks to his prison years, Nelson Mandela was determined to

*6 Nelson Mandela valued education greatly, for children, adults and


7 Nelson Mandela received two degrees while in prison.

*8 Nelson Mandela thought himself a wiser person when coming out of


9 Oprah recommended The Grapes of Wrath to Nelson Mandela.

*10 Nelson Mandela knew he was not going to spend his whole life in



*1 Water is a precious natural resource. But many people don't seem to see


2 Fresh water is surface water in the form of rivers, lakes and swamps.

*3 A global water crisis will come sooner or later if we do

4 Water scarcity causes climate change directly.

*5 Low quality drinking water creates a health problem in many developing


*6 Agriculture needs far more water than any other economic sector.

*7 Urbanization is a factor that causes water shortage.

8 Raising public awareness of the water problem is the first thing

9 Desalination is not necessary because the 3% fresh water is enough for

*10 There is a high chance that people who have easy access to water do

not think


1 The writer's smartphone has dominated her thoughts and actions and


2 The writer finds it easy to sit through a show uninterrupted by her


3 While attending a weekly conference call with her boss, the writer wrote

this letter of

*4 The writer feels a sense of guilt for trying to be a professional and a

parent at the

*5 The writer's smartphone practically lets her lead her professional life

and personal life

*6 With her smartphone, the writer can capture the sweet

7 The writer believes that it is almost impossible for her smartphone to let

her go.

*8 Instead of being dominated by the smartphone

9 The writer hopes that her smartphone will get away from her life

10 The writer holds that her relationship with her smartphone should be



1 Last year, the writer's family conducted a 5-week experiment

*2 After they sold the only car

3 As their suburban household was close to

*4 For trips outside their local suburb

5 Usually, the traffic was light and smooth on their way to

6 They used a trail-a-bike for shopping trips.

*7 A most arduous part of

*8 Living without a car, they achieved better physical

*9 There were risks involved in riding a bike

10 Since their return to the USA, they have


1 The reason Jim sfered a series of accidents during

2 Jim los this job because he suffered

3 The first accident took place when Jim

*4 Fortunately, in the two car accidents

5 Instead of Kennedy Airport

*6 On his way back home after returning

*7 Anne was always sure Jim would return

8 Anne had to work on weekends and holidays to make

9 Jim went to Philadelphia

*10 Jim recalled vaguely who he was while watching television one day.


1 The author begins his essay by

*2 In the imagined trial, the reader

3 Trompenaars' studies suggest that the

*4 In the eyes of the typical American

*5 The typical American will apply the

*6 South Koreans have a different concept

*7 Megan and Cheryl take quite different

8 Students in France tended to see the

*9 In the eyes of students from China, Spain and Cuba

*10 The concept of friendship differs from culture to culture.