

Qualities of Top Research of Workers

It is no doubt that learning and creativity should be possessed by

remarkable top research workers. However, qualities mentioned

above are not sufficient to lead to great achievements, some special

ones are also needed by top research workers. Of all qualities, in my

opinion, cooperation, morality and responsibility are three important

qualities top research workers should possess.

A top researcher is quite aware that any scientific achievement

cannot be made by mere one person, therefore good cooperation ad

mutual trust occupy a critical position for scientific achievements.

So a respectable top researcher should be on good terms with other

researchers. Morality is anther excellent quality to research workers

should possess. A true top researcher loves his country and the

people more than his personal interests, which can impel him to

contribute scientific production to human being selflessly. The most

important is that a true top researcher won’t utilize the technology to

engage in evil matters, such as nuclear weapons. The third eminent

quality is responsibility. A top researcher is seriously responsible to

his scientific business. He is rather clear o the importance of a

decision made by him.

In a word, as a top research worker, it is necessary for him to


know how to cooperate with others firstly. Besides, he knows he

shoulders the glorious duties to make the people live in more happier

life, so morality is something he can not forget. At last, the sense f

responsibility makes him conduct his experiments prudently. With

these qualities, he is really a top research worker.


My Aim for Doctoral Study

Now people in growing numbers are beginning to realize the

importance of doctoral degree. As for me, since I acquired my

master’s degree, I have been working for a large-sized state-owned

enterprise. During that period, I have been doing well. But as time

passed by, my knowledge and skills are increasingly becoming

inadequate for the development in my domain. In order to better my

performance in the domain I am exploring, I choose to pursue my

doctoral degree.

If I gain the enrollment luckily, I would try my best to make full

use of those precious resources. Apart from accomplishing the

assignments, I would seek for any chance to promote my capacity.

Besides, the experts’ invaluable experiences and profound

knowledge could enlarge my horizon and sparkle my inspiration.

Aided with my efforts, I have confidence to achieve my goal as a

qualified doctoral researcher and my later job would be done better.