

1. disarm (v.) - 去武装;解除(武器);使失去防卫能力

例句:The rebels agreed to disarm and join the peace process.

2. forearm (n.) - 前臂,小臂

例句:He flexed his forearms, showing off his muscles.

3. farmyard (n.) - 农场的院子或场地

例句:The children loved playing in the farmyard with the animals.

4. charm (n.) - 魅力,魔力;咒语,符咒

例句:Her smile had a certain charm that made everyone feel at ease.

5. armchair (n.) - 扶手椅,沙发椅

例句:After a long day at work, he loves to relax in his armchair.

6. disarmament (n.) - 去武装,裁军

例句:Disarmament negotiations between the two countries have stalled.

7. rearm (v.) - 重新武装;补充装备

例句:After the war, the country began to rearm its military.

8. farmstead (n.) - 农舍及其附属建筑和土地

例句:The old farmstead has been in the family for generations.

9. armed (adj.) - 武装的,携带武器的

例句:Armed police were called in to deal with the hostage situation.

10. disarmingly (adv.) - 使人丧失警惕地;迷人地

例句:She smiled disarmingly at him, putting him immediately at ease.