
ADR: Australian Design Rules

ADV: Analysis Development validation

AIAG: Automotive Industry Action guide

ASTM :American Society of Testing an Materials

BIW:Body in White

BOM: Bill of Material

BOP: Bill of Process

BS&R: Buzz Squeak and Rattle

CMVSS: Canadian Motor Vehicle Safe Standard

CTS: Component Technical Specification

DFM/DFA: Design for Manufacturing/Design for Assembly

DFMEA: Design Failure Mode Analysis

DRBFM: Design Review Based on Failure Modes

DRE: Design Release Engineer

DV: Design Validation

ECE: Economic Commission for Europe

EEC: European Economic Community

EEIC: Electric Energy Industrial Consortium

EWO: Engineering Work Order

FMEA: Failure Modes and Effects Analysis

FMH: Free-Motion Headform

FMVSS: Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard

FNA: Functional Name Address

GMUTS: General Motors Uniform Test Specifications

GTE: Global Technology Engineering

HFDO: Human Factors Design Objectives